Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Trump took decisive action against Assad's murderous regime for they barbaric chemical attack that killed over 80 innocent Syrians. It's good to know that Trump talks and talk and walks the walk.

Good move. The regime's air force needs to be crippled to slow and prevent and future barbaric attacks of this week's magnitude.
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.
Well you can sleep tight knowing they didn't miss. Whatever was targeted was destroyed. Was it the right target? That's another question.
Whatever the case, big fucking waste of money…
Also, what's going through Kim Jong un's head right now?

This sends a message more than anything, and it just wasn't to Syria.
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.
Well you can sleep tight knowing they didn't miss. Whatever was targeted was destroyed. Was it the right target? That's another question.

The gas attack was launched from that airfield. This all falls back on Obama & Kerry.....the damage they have done will take years to correct
They left us in a shit spot that's for sure.
I suspect that after 60 Cruise Missile this is what the Syrian air based looks like now.

I've been to that crater many times.
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.
Well you can sleep tight knowing they didn't miss. Whatever was targeted was destroyed. Was it the right target? That's another question.
Whatever the case, big fucking waste of money…
Not if it hit what we needed destroyed. It's pretty much why you build them in the first place.
Yes, the US knew exactly where the chemicals originated from.

Burn Assad to the ground.
Jewish blood lust is really stunning.
Da Joos are responsible for all the bad things in the world, doncha know?

Nelsen is a butt head, nothing more.
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?
So much for Make America Great Again. Same old Zionists in charge, riding us into the ground ready for the slaughter.
Assad is a loathsome monster.

Thank you Pres. Trump....... :thup:
Assad isn't responsible for the chemical attack. Far more likely it came from Israel.

Please take your paranoid anti-Semitism someone else, asshole.
Great argument, there, donkey. Just keep braying what you've been taught to say.
Let's see, Putin can A) ally with a little piss ant who happens to have land he wants a pipe on, or B) 'Merica - I don't think Putin's stupid...

Or maybe even C) Assad didn't do it, it was a false flag and he said "ah shit" and let 'Merica have the sacrifices necessary to shut up the stupid liberals (and RINOs) screaming for blood...
Consider tha
So, about 35 million dollars worth of missiles fired to make some holes in some Syrian runways.

And Trump is claiming this was in our vital interest.
Consider that 35 mill coming from the 'NATO slush fund' Obummer established for Angela Merkel out of OUR tax dollars....
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.
I have the Russian news on screen 2 live right now. The launch was done with Russian approval AND they cleared air space for it. Its looking like a Russia/America VS islam fight.

It will take a few days to get valid details; the MSM here sure isn't going to provide any even by then, so we wait for the few reputable indies to report in.

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