Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.
Well you can sleep tight knowing they didn't miss. Whatever was targeted was destroyed. Was it the right target? That's another question.
Whatever the case, big fucking waste of money…
It's only money... at least it's not USAF lives...
They hit air fields controlled by Assad, carrying out the attack McCain called for in 2012 and that Mathis wanted to carry out.
McCain's opinion is worthless. I have more faith in Mathis. If this was the right call then fine. If it was a knee jerk reaction...
McCain is usually wrong, but he was right on this. I don't know if he thought of taking out the air fields or he heard it from the military, but this is a good idea. It will tip the balance in favor of the rebels without risking a direct confrontation with Russia and without risking any American lives.
Here's my problem. Who are the rebel's we are tipping this war to? Does anyone know?
It's a mixed bag. Some are like ISIS, some are former Syrian army officers and soldiers who turned against Assad after he ordered the slaughter of protesters. It is a certainty that with Assad gone, there will be bloody fighting among the rebels, but without Assad's air force, there will be much less dying and many fewer refugees. If it is agreed that Russia can keep its bases in Syria, then both the US and Russia will have a mutual interest in trying to stabilize Syria after Assad is gone, and a good working relationship in Syria could lead to a good working relationship to iron out problems in eastern Europe.
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?

Because as of late, social conservative bloodlust can only be satiated with the lives of Muslims.
Add the word Extremist and you are ABSOLUTELY correct.... or is that an anathema to you upsetting your "progressive sensitivities"????
It's not a bad idea to take out an airfield that launches chemical weapons. The problem is "what's next?".

That's what held Obama back. Dropping bombs is always an easy way for a president to increase poll numbers. It's the aftermath that's tricky. If you don't have a plan for the aftermath that makes sense, you shouldn't do it.

I mean, this is Syria. There are no moderate rebel groups. They're all hardcore islamicists. So who do we want in power?
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

You should listen to SYRIAN GIRL she said this was going to happen awhile ago.

56 minutes? No thanks.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.
Well you can sleep tight knowing they didn't miss. Whatever was targeted was destroyed. Was it the right target? That's another question.
Whatever the case, big fucking waste of money…
It's only money... at least it's not USAF lives...

Yet. Do you think this will be the end of it?
They said they fired 60, and have confirmed 59 hit. They destroyed aircraft, runway, and fuel and armor depot.

US intel reports are always way off after an attack. Especially in a country they have no presence in.

Remember the Yemen raid at the start of Trumps term. The pentagon said 14 terrorists were killed and no citizens. Next day we find out it was 23 civilians and 8 terrorists.
You do realize we have Special Forces, Navy Seals, and CIA roaming around in almost every country in the world? They blend in with the population and speak the language.
It's not a bad idea to take out an airfield that launches chemical weapons. The problem is "what's next?".

That's what held Obama back. Dropping bombs is always an easy way for a president to increase poll numbers. It's the aftermath that's tricky. If you don't have a plan for the aftermath that makes sense, you shouldn't do it.
Like I said, emotion is always a bad Strategy…
The stupid Moon Bats are bitching about Trump bombing Syria.

Where were they when the Kenyan Catastrophe was bombing Libya?


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