Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I'm glad Trump isn't doing the same shit Obama did. That dumbass had the world thinking we were a bunch of faggots.
Consider tha
So, about 35 million dollars worth of missiles fired to make some holes in some Syrian runways.

And Trump is claiming this was in our vital interest.
Consider that 35 mill coming from the 'NATO slush fund' Obummer established for Angela Merkel out of OUR tax dollars....

Consider me not having any idea what that word salad is supposed to mean.
Yes, the US knew exactly where the chemicals originated from.

Burn Assad to the ground.
Jewish blood lust is really stunning.
Da Joos are responsible for all the bad things in the world, doncha know?

Nelsen is a butt head, nothing more.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?
So much for Make America Great Again. Same old Zionists in charge, riding us into the ground ready for the slaughter.
Assad is a loathsome monster.

Thank you Pres. Trump....... :thup:
Assad isn't responsible for the chemical attack. Far more likely it came from Israel.

Please take your paranoid anti-Semitism someone else, asshole.
Great argument, there, donkey. Just keep braying what you've been taught to say.
That's what you are, and that is all that needs to be noted about you.
Old fashioned war is and should be a thing of the past. This kills more innocents, basically doing Assads dirty work for him. I just can't see how that's a good thing.

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I suspect that after 60 Cruise Missile this is what the Syrian air based looks like now.

I've been to that crater many times.

Figuratively speaking that's probably the truest thing you've ever said.
They hit air fields controlled by Assad, carrying out the attack McCain called for in 2012 and that Mathis wanted to carry out.
McCain's opinion is worthless. I have more faith in Mathis. If this was the right call then fine. If it was a knee jerk reaction...
McCain is usually wrong, but he was right on this. I don't know if he thought of taking out the air fields or he heard it from the military, but this is a good idea. It will tip the balance in favor of the rebels without risking a direct confrontation with Russia and without risking any American lives.
The thing about that war monger (McCain) is he wants it to go on indefinitely....
I'm not crazy about McCain either, but I thought this was a good idea back in 2012 and the more I think about it the better I like it now. The US has to engage diplomatically with Russia on this, and with this show of strength President Trump will have earned some political capital to engage in negotiations with Russia on Syria and eastern Europe. President Trump has now stated emphatically that Assad must go and has shown he is willing to use the military to make this happen. Russia's S-400 radars must have seen the missiles coming, but did nothing to try to intercept them. With both sides not wanting to engage militarily there's nothing left to do but negotiate.
I have a feeling that we will be fighting Syria and North Korea at the same time because Trump is that much of a moron.
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?
Cheerleading an airstrike from the safety of one's keyboard doesn't make anyone more masculine. Besides, Assad did not launch this chemical attack.

Who else did? ISIS doesn't have an air force, and the rebels would be sabotaging their own cause if they were behind it.

Deductive reasoning must not be one of your strongsuits...

Trump is an unpredictable and self-contradictory loose cannon.

Trump has courage to protect children from being gassed by a tyrant. Obama was a chickenshit.
Will Trump protect Palestinian children when Israel next rages war in Gaza, I wonder.
How many gas attacks on Jewish children will the Palestinians be launching?


Over the years there have been a shitload of Palestinian attacks on the Israelis.

I am no supporter of Israel. I am still pissed about USS Liberty incident. However, both the Palestinians and the Israelis are assholes.

If it was up to me I would just let all those assholes over there kill one another and not lose a minute of sleep over it.

However, Trump decided to do something about the gas attack on the civilians. He has more compassion and convictions against tyrants than I do.

The only good I see coming out of this is that it serves notice to the Russians that the US is not led by a pussy any more. That is a good thing.
They probably missed…

It wouldn't matter if they did. All the aircraft would of been gone before the attack. Donald informed the Russians, and Russia probably informed the Syrians.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

We're screwed. Russia had already helped Syria back when Obama was in remember.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

You should listen to SYRIAN GIRL she said this was going to happen awhile ago.


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