Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Yes, the US knew exactly where the chemicals originated from.

Burn Assad to the ground.
Jewish blood lust is really stunning.
Da Joos are responsible for all the bad things in the world, doncha know?

Nelsen is a butt head, nothing more.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?
So much for Make America Great Again. Same old Zionists in charge, riding us into the ground ready for the slaughter.
Assad is a loathsome monster.

Thank you Pres. Trump....... :thup:
Assad isn't responsible for the chemical attack. Far more likely it came from Israel.

Please take your paranoid anti-Semitism someone else, asshole.
Great argument, there, donkey. Just keep braying what you've been taught to say.

Now THAT is funny, coming from you.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

You should listen to SYRIAN GIRL she said this was going to happen awhile ago.

56 minutes? No thanks.

All you gotta do is scroll to her part you can see it where she starts at LOL she doesn't talk that damn long.
The second best thing about this attack is watching the Liberal heads explode.
Yes, the US knew exactly where the chemicals originated from.

Burn Assad to the ground.
Jewish blood lust is really stunning.
Da Joos are responsible for all the bad things in the world, doncha know?

Nelsen is a butt head, nothing more.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?
So much for Make America Great Again. Same old Zionists in charge, riding us into the ground ready for the slaughter.
Assad is a loathsome monster.

Thank you Pres. Trump....... :thup:
Assad isn't responsible for the chemical attack. Far more likely it came from Israel.

Please take your paranoid anti-Semitism someone else, asshole.
Great argument, there, donkey. Just keep braying what you've been taught to say.

An argument based on facts, given your bloviating about how there's some grand Jewish Zionist conspiracy to drive us into war.
If we are not prepared to level their fucking country and end the conflict once and for all then we should stay the hell out of it. These half assed measures always lead to fucked up political wars with dumb ass rules of engagement.
Only the hate filled Moon Bats would be bitching about the President destroying the Syrian's ability to deliver Sarin gas to civilians.
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?

Because as of late, social conservative bloodlust can only be satiated with the lives of Muslims.
Wait what? What would you have done?
Same thing I've said here since the day I joined this site. Drop all meddling in the Middle East.
Yeah, and let's stand by and watch as brutal, ruthless dictators gleefully murder their own people en masse. Where's the liberal compassion here?
Add the word Extremist and you are ABSOLUTELY correct.... or is that an anathema to you upsetting your "progressive sensitivities"????

That's wrong because you don't give 2 fucks about any other extremists.
Sure I do.... how about Progressive Extremists.... don't like them. I rather like Constitutional Extremists... as in they don't think it's a "living breathing document" plenty of "extremists" that I have a strong opinion on in the affirmative and the negative...
The second best thing about this attack is watching the Liberal heads explode.
Some, perhaps, but Democrats in Congress are terrified of seeming to be weak on national security, so the President will some support from some Democrats. Rand Paul, on the other hand, may turn into a mushroom cloud.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

You should listen to SYRIAN GIRL she said this was going to happen awhile ago.

56 minutes? No thanks.

All you gotta do is scroll to her part you can see it where she starts at LOL she doesn't talk that damn long.

A lot of stuff i can't verify. I'll wait to see how this all plays out. Syrian Girl's kinda hot though.
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?

Because as of late, social conservative bloodlust can only be satiated with the lives of Muslims.
Wait what? What would you have done?
Same thing I've said here since the day I joined this site. Drop all meddling in the Middle East.
Yeah, and let's stand by and watch as brutal, ruthless dictators gleefully murder their own people en masse. Where's the liberal compassion here?
But the GOP was fine with that last week as long as they could still hold hands with daddy Vlad...
RetiredGySgt, post: 16972351
Now all you retard lefties that were screaming for war with Russia are upset? Ir better yet explain how if Trump is Putin's bitch why he would attack a Russian Ally?

Trump is easily still Putin's bitch. Putin got Trump to punish Putin's other bitch who may have done something extremely barbaric to embarrass Putin. Putin want chemical weapons out of the war zone too.

We taxpayers just spent about a $100 million - Assad is not hurt.

We will see what happens next.

But make no mistake.

Deconfliction protocol was in effect to be sure Russian military forces and assets were not hit.

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