Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.
So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.

Since when do missile strikes not constitute acts of war?
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away

Sides can not be taken now, after all we know about McCain fiasco with inadvertently arming the JV crew ISIS in the past


If that's the case, the attack was useless
It can't be just a slap on the wrist to Assad and then business as usual

No remember Obama took weeks, was wishy washy then Kerry opened up his big mouth and you all bought the B. S. That Assad got rid of his chemical weapons

Trump was fast and sent a message, for Assad not to use them

Now we know trump is potentially more dangerous than Stalin, Mao, and Hitler combined.

He does this in the first 100 days as if no response is forthcoming.

Very stupid move.
I think it was stupid of you to post today.
But Stupid is, as Stupid does.
Did you serve in The Military?
Since when do missile strikes not constitute acts of war?
1. Since every time Democrats do it they say it is not.

2. Do you have any idea that an 'Act of War' is not the same as 'Going to War'? Do you know that a one-time missile strike is differ3ent than putting boots on the ground inside of another nation and waging a full-blown war? Do you realize that a President has the right to conduct such a strike as Trump did last night but can NOT drag the US into a prolonged WAR without Congressional approval?

With every post you further reveal your ignorance. It's breath-taking.
So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.

Since when do missile strikes not constitute acts of war?
You are trying to think again. Declaring war and an act of war is two different things. An act of war is subjective. If they targeted the palace you might have a point.

To the subject, I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I don't like it and it sounds a little set up to me. But what happened to the Putin/Trump love affair narrative?
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.

Agree on the distraction but not sure about the rest. Maybe he think that the Russian connection problem might go away-------- just sayin.

I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. It's way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad had nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. And Trump's slipped in the polls bigtime. It was a perfect Wag the Dog opportunity.

Maybe the Syrian army/airforce did these on their own? We don't know a lot of shit what is going on but definitely this is a big distraction or deflection from his current Russian connection problem.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.

That whole area is screwed up for the US. It has been that way ever since Jimmy Carter. There is no winning strategy.

We need to stop giving a shit about the Muslims killing one another. However, in the meantime my list is still valid.

So what has this bombing accomplished?
Except ego boost for Trump, hep ISIS, guarantee Russian will bring more weapons to Syria, Assad supporters in Syria will not be weakened but stronger, makes Assad and Putin relationships stronger---------- Did it help us?

I pray we do not go to war ------- because of Trump.
Are you calling the chemical weapons use on men, women, and children a 'Wag The Dog' Scenario?
Ignoring the idiot tinfoil hat boy for a moment - had Barack Obama not armed Al Qaeda and ISIS to overthrow Assad, none of this would have happened. Assad wasn't using WMD's on his own people until they tried to overthrow him. It will all stop when they stop.

We should be helping Assad and Russia to put down the resistance. Once Assad is gone, Syria becomes a terrorist state hell bent on destroying the U.S. just like Egypt and Libya.
Ignoring the idiot tinfoil hat boy for a moment - had Barack Obama not armed Al Qaeda and ISIS to overthrow Assad, none of this would have happened. Assad wasn't using WMD's on his own people until they tried to overthrow him. It will all stop when they stop.
Actually, Clinton launched an attack against an unknown terrorist named bin Laden
You think Osama Bin Laden was "unknown" in 1998?!? :lmao:

He was heavily covered since the 1993 WTC bombing (which Clinton did nothing about). And in '98 he bombed an empty camp when he knew where Bin Laden was. He didn't want to kill anyone. He wanted to distract.

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