Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.

Agree on the distraction but not sure about the rest. Maybe he think that the Russian connection problem might go away-------- just sayin.
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.
Are you calling the chemical weapons use on men, women, and children a 'Wag The Dog' Scenario?

It likely is. Wag the Dog False Flags happen. They're convenient distractions for embattled Presidents. Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. It doesn't add up. Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad was served up on a silver platter. I'm very skeptical.
One more correction - Hollywood did not make the film about Clinton -- Clinton STOLE THE IDEA from Hollywood. :p

Hollywood Flashback: 'Wag the Dog' Foretold Bill Clinton's White House Scandal in 1997
- Hollywood Flashback: 'Wag the Dog' Foretold Bill Clinton's White House Scandal in 1997

'The dark comedy about a president accused of groping a Girl Scout in the Oval Office was released just weeks before Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky was revealed'

Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.
Are you calling the chemical weapons use on men, women, and children a 'Wag The Dog' Scenario?

It likely is. Wag the Dog False Flags happen. They're convenient distractions for embattled Presidents. Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. It doesn't add up. Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad was served up on a silver platter. I'm very skeptical.
Dude, the murder of innocent men, women, and children by chemical weapons attack is NOT a 'Wag the Dog' Scenario. If you think it is, GET HELP!
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?

Rule number one about the internet, don't tell anyone ANYTHING about yourself. Not your gender, not your age, not where you come from, none of it, otherwise pricks will be trying to get into all your holes.

I was just being honest.

Yes, well.... being honest is one thing, avoiding the people who just come on here and attack because you're their source of entertainment is another.

Thanks------- I will keep that in mind.
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away
This was a false flag attack that will bring nuclear war to our shores.

Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' crowd. It makes no sense for Assad to have carried out such an attack. I mean i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. Looks like a Wag the Dog False Flag to me.
Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?
What is pathetic is that so many Americans, like yourself, has taken sides with Donald Trump in his personal crusade against Barrack Obama because he was humiliated at a dinner one time. The narcissistic Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama who was his better and Trump cannot accept being criticized or made fun of.
The more I hear Americans continuing to criticize the last United States president, the more I am persuaded that we are witnessing a shallow personality cult of the unbalanced Donald Trump.

A cult

A cult?

The cult would be the ones who followed the mesiah

Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.

Agree on the distraction but not sure about the rest. Maybe he think that the Russian connection problem might go away-------- just sayin.

I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. It's way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad had nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. And Trump's slipped in the polls bigtime. It was a perfect Wag the Dog opportunity.
Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' crowd. It makes no sense for Assad to have carried out such an attack. I mean i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. Looks like a Wag the Dog False Flag to me.
Absolutely. It just seems strange there would be a chemical attack while they're having peace talks.

It's more likely these regime change criminals went, "Oh oh, peace talks! We better hurry up our plans!"
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away

Sides can not be taken now, after all we know about McCain fiasco with inadvertently arming the JV crew ISIS in the past


Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.

That whole area is screwed up for the US. It has been that way ever since Jimmy Carter. There is no winning strategy.

We need to stop giving a shit about the Muslims killing one another. However, in the meantime my list is still valid.
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away

Sides can not be taken now, after all we know about McCain fiasco with inadvertently arming the JV crew ISIS in the past


If that's the case, the attack was useless
It can't be just a slap on the wrist to Assad and then business as usual
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away

What side did that asshole Obama chose when he bombed Libya? How did that work out?
The cruise missile attack was warranted and sends a message

But it needs to be followed up with a decisive policy on how we react to Syria
Have we now chosen sides? Will we now be backing the rebels? Will we take sides against Putin who is bombing the rebels?

This can't just be a one shot retaliation and then turn away

What side did that asshole Obama chose when he bombed Libya? How did that work out?

You mean he didn't support your buddy Kaddafi?
This was a false flag attack that will bring nuclear war to our shores.

1. Last night TRUMP did what Obama WOULDN'T do - enforce OBAMA'S 'Red Line'.

2. Statement to the world made: THIS President will act decisively.

3. Democrats support the strike, as they should. Nice.

4. Fake Woowoo Warren declares military action in Syria requires Congressional Approval
- Does 'Pochahontas' know we have combat troops on the ground in Syria and we've been fighting Obama's Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized Syrian war for a while now, and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so?

5. So much for the BS snowflake argument that Trump supports Assad and won't take action because he's buddies with Putin. Trump just gave Assad, Putin, and Iran the finger as Tomahawks rained down on the Syrian base from where the chemical attack originated.

So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.

That is Goddam funny.

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