Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria


Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.

That whole area is screwed up for the US. It has been that way ever since Jimmy Carter. There is no winning strategy.

We need to stop giving a shit about the Muslims killing one another. However, in the meantime my list is still valid.

So what has this bombing accomplished?
Except ego boost for Trump, hep ISIS, guarantee Russian will bring more weapons to Syria, Assad supporters in Syria will not be weakened but stronger, makes Assad and Putin relationships stronger---------- Did it help us?

I pray we do not go to war ------- because of Trump.
Hillary would have nuked them by now. I hope we don't go to war either but you aren't fooling anyone. Trump would be wrong no matter what he did or didn't do.
How did you know that? I just saw on CNN-------- air strip still intact ------- 59 cruise missile do not completely eliminate Syrian capabilities.
Calm down, snowflake - just about every building on that base was flattened. There are some heavily fortified hangers and bunkers, and a few buildings still standing. There are several holes in the runway, but the runway itself is primarily still there. The message was sent, and it was received loud and clear.

(So you watch Fake News, All-In CNN, huh?! :p )
The U.S. bombing of Syria last night was rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing.

If only Senile McCain, or Gruesome Graham or Crooked Hillary would run for president themselves, we could see how popular bombing the Mideast is!!! ... Wait
How did you know that? I just saw on CNN-------- air strip still intact ------- 59 cruise missile do not completely eliminate Syrian capabilities.
Calm down, snowflake - just about every building on that base was flattened. There are some heavily fortified hangers and bunkers, and a few buildings still standing. There are several holes in the runway, but the runway itself is primarily still there. The message was sent, and it was received loud and clear.

(So you watch Fake News, All-In CNN, huh?! :p )

We bomb Iraq for several days with thousands of sorties-------- 59 bombs is very limited.
The U.S. bombing of Syria last night was rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing.

Syria strikes: International community reacts to US bombing of airfield

"I support the administration's strike on the air base that launched the chemical attack. I hope this teaches President Assad not to use chemical weapons again," Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement that, "making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do."

'Assad bears full responsibility': how the world reacted to Donald Trump's missile strike on Syria

...Syria, Russia, Iran, and USMB snowflakes are about the only ones who disapprove...and that's AFTER they condemned Trump for doing nothing after Syria used Chemical weapons. :p

Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.

That whole area is screwed up for the US. It has been that way ever since Jimmy Carter. There is no winning strategy.

We need to stop giving a shit about the Muslims killing one another. However, in the meantime my list is still valid.

So what has this bombing accomplished?
Except ego boost for Trump, hep ISIS, guarantee Russian will bring more weapons to Syria, Assad supporters in Syria will not be weakened but stronger, makes Assad and Putin relationships stronger---------- Did it help us?

I pray we do not go to war ------- because of Trump.
Hillary would have nuked them by now. I hope we don't go to war either but you aren't fooling anyone. Trump would be wrong no matter what he did or didn't do.

Nuke? Really?
Are you willing to go to war because of this?
How did you know that? I just saw on CNN-------- air strip still intact ------- 59 cruise missile do not completely eliminate Syrian capabilities.
Calm down, snowflake - just about every building on that base was flattened. There are some heavily fortified hangers and bunkers, and a few buildings still standing. There are several holes in the runway, but the runway itself is primarily still there. The message was sent, and it was received loud and clear.

(So you watch Fake News, All-In CNN, huh?! :p )

Of course I do. I know you watch Infowars, Breitbart, national enquirer------ and other fake news media.
Since when do missile strikes not constitute acts of war?
1. Since every time Democrats do it they say it is not.

2. Do you have any idea that an 'Act of War' is not the same as 'Going to War'? Do you know that a one-time missile strike is differ3ent than putting boots on the ground inside of another nation and waging a full-blown war? Do you realize that a President has the right to conduct such a strike as Trump did last night but can NOT drag the US into a prolonged WAR without Congressional approval?

With every post you further reveal your ignorance. It's breath-taking.
Let Russia or North Korea send a few ballistic missiles to Langley and see if we make a big distinction there.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?
Is that all this means to you? Are you going to follow this conflict with price stickers?

Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.

That whole area is screwed up for the US. It has been that way ever since Jimmy Carter. There is no winning strategy.

We need to stop giving a shit about the Muslims killing one another. However, in the meantime my list is still valid.

So what has this bombing accomplished?
Except ego boost for Trump, hep ISIS, guarantee Russian will bring more weapons to Syria, Assad supporters in Syria will not be weakened but stronger, makes Assad and Putin relationships stronger---------- Did it help us?

I pray we do not go to war ------- because of Trump.
Hillary would have nuked them by now. I hope we don't go to war either but you aren't fooling anyone. Trump would be wrong no matter what he did or didn't do.

Nuke? Really?
Are you willing to go to war because of this?
Nope. I don't even know who did the gassing. But Hillary was more of a war hawk than Trump.
Che Guevara, 1965: “Make sure that we never trust imperialism, not even a little bit––[not an iota]!”
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.

Agree on the distraction but not sure about the rest. Maybe he think that the Russian connection problem might go away-------- just sayin.

I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. It's way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad had nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. And Trump's slipped in the polls bigtime. It was a perfect Wag the Dog opportunity.

Maybe the Syrian army/airforce did these on their own? We don't know a lot of shit what is going on but definitely this is a big distraction or deflection from his current Russian connection problem.

News flash idiot, they were supposed to get rid of them all years ago. Or let me guess you have amnesia again.

I just you on ignore and this I what I see. Wish I did it sooner?

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The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


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