Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.
You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.

We are already bombing and fighting in Syria you moron.


and if that is true, we have been engaged in an invasion of Syria, do you also support an occupation of Syria and efforts to assassinate ("bring to justice") Assad?

Consider: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
George Santayana
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You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.

Like when the Kenyan bombed Libya? Was the affirmative action asshole at war with Libya?
Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama

Need I remind you that was all petulant former President Barack Hussein did for EIGHT SOLID YEARS? To this day, nothing has been his fault, responsibility or anything else although he did manage to insert "I and me" in large numbers into each of his speeches.
Are Americans not fed-up with all the badmouthing of his predecessor by Donald Trump. I have never heard an American president do that before no matter what political party any of them belonged to.

Take solace, Trump is a narcissist and anyone who does not kiss his ass, or competes with him, will be badmouthed and have his or her character assassinated. That pattern cannot be denied, except by liars and fools.
Che Guevara, 1965: “Make sure that we never trust imperialism, not even a little bit––[not an iota]!”
You lose any and all credibility when you quote Che Guevara. A fuck'n communist and chief executioner for Fidel Castro.
The U.S. bombing of Syria last night was rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing.

If only Senile McCain, or Gruesome Graham or Crooked Hillary would run for president themselves, we could see how popular bombing the Mideast is!!! ... Wait

Hopefully it won"t screw up the Middle East as much as the Kenyan bombing of Libya did. We are still suffering the consequences of that dumbass action.

You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.

Like when the Kenyan bombed Libya? Was the affirmative action asshole at war with Libya?

I'm sorry to inform you that the party you have tried to reach is not here, try to redial Stormfront, as it appears you have dialed incorrectly.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Congress didn't want Obama attacking Syria.

Oh, so it was CONGRESS that kept drawing red lines?

What is another term for "democrat?"

Oh, that's right "fucking liar!: :thup:
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria?

See, that's the problem. _All_ of the rebels are hardline islamicists. There are no good guys in Syria.
Was 'he' at war with Libya?
Snowflakes have already declared 'conducting any strike is an act of war', which to them is the same thing as 'going to war' with someone..unless they are doing it. :p

Wait, you fascists have been claiming that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this is not possible...

Unless you fascists have been LYING this whole time?

So, are you admitting that you and the rest of the democrats are filthy liar, Shitting Bull?

Wag the Dog! Trump fears impeachment, and rightly so.
Doing nothing was an Obama thing.
Actually....starting the entire uprising was the Obama thing. He created a complete mess out of the Middle East and set the damn thing on fire.

Our best strategy would have been to assist both Russia and Syria in putting down the uprising and keeping the secular Assad in control. Now...? The mess just got a lot worse. If we don't finish the job - we've made MAJOR enemies out of Syrian and Russia. If we do finish the job - we're left with islamic radicals controlling Syria.
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Balls. That sort of talk got us the Iraq disaster 14 years ago.

Funny the whole free world is praising Trumps action something that pansy ads Obama should of done in the first place.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin praised the U.S. for its airstrike aimed at an airbase called Shayrat. He called on the world to bring an end to the atrocities committed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


"In the face of the terrible use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, the clear and determined steps of the US Administration and Military under the leadership of President Trump, constitute a fitting and appropriate response to such unthinkable brutality,” Rivlin said.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed support for the U.S. missile attack on Friday saying that the country understood and supported the strategy. Abe added that the strikes were "a means to prevent further deterioration of the situation" referring to the suspected chemical attack.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters that the Australian government supported the “swift and just response” of the U.S. airstrikes.

"This was a calibrated, proportionate and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the Assad regime, and ... has been struck at the very airfield from which the chemical attack was delivered,” Turnbull said.

Turkey welcomed the airstrike, calling it an “important and meaningful” development, but urged the world to take an even tougher stance on Assad.

Wait, you fascists have been claiming that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this is not possible...

Unless you fascists have been LYING this whole time?

So, are you admitting that you and the rest of the democrats are filthy liar, Shitting Bull?

Wag the Dog! Trump fears impeachment, and rightly so.

Impeached by whom? Your Barbie and Ken pretend house of representatives?


Wait, you fascists have been claiming that Trump is in the pocket of Putin, so this is not possible...

Unless you fascists have been LYING this whole time?

So, are you admitting that you and the rest of the democrats are filthy liar, Shitting Bull?

Wag the Dog! Trump fears impeachment, and rightly so.

Wow, I'll give you points for brass...

The witch hunt is over. You fascists came up empty, well sort of


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