Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?
What is pathetic is that so many Americans, like yourself, has taken sides with Donald Trump in his personal crusade against Barrack Obama because he was humiliated at a dinner one time. The narcissistic Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama who was his better and Trump cannot accept being criticized or made fun of.
The more I hear Americans continuing to criticize the last United States president, the more I am persuaded that we are witnessing a shallow personality cult of the unbalanced Donald Trump.

What is really pathetic are the 60+ million dumbass confused Americans that elected that affirmative action dimwit chickenshit asshole Obama and then voted for that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent Crooked Hillary.
You are living in the past. Time to move-on.
Doing nothing was an Obama thing.
Actually....starting the entire uprising was the Obama thing. He created a complete mess out of the Middle East and set the damn thing on fire.

Our best strategy would have been to assist both Russia and Syria in putting down the uprising and keeping the secular Assad in control. Now...? The mess just got a lot worse. If we don't finish the job - we've made MAJOR enemies out of Syrian and Russia. If we do finish the job - we're left with islamic radicals controlling Syria.

George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
  1. The Middle East and the West: WWI and Beyond
  2. Arab–Israeli conflict - Wikipedia
  3. Middle east mandates post wwi - Google Search
  4. Munich massacre - Wikipedia
  5. 1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia
  6. 1998 United States embassy bombings - Wikipedia
  7. 9/11 Attacks - Facts & Summary -
A little background for the ignorant and mendacious:
World War I transformed the Middle East in ways it had not seen for centuries. The Europeans, who had colonized much of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, completed the takeover with the territories of Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria?

Only Liberals / Snowflakes / Obama believed it was their responsibility to alter the governance and rule of other nations in the last 8 years,

I say 'last 8 years' because Bush made the same mistake of assuming responsibility of attempting to overthrow a dictator who posed no threat to the US.

After all the condemnation of Bush for dragging the US to war (WITH Congressional approval to do so) to overthrow a dictator, Obama - with his snowflakes rallied around him defending him - has taken the US to war TWICE (without Congressional approval to do so) in order to overthrow TWO different dictators, neither of who posed direct threats to the United States: Qadaffi in Libya and al-Assad in Syria.

Consider also, despite the snowflakes' rabid condemnation of Russia for trying to influence our 2016 election - something Obama declared happens all the time, Obama's 4 (FOUR) attempts to change leadership in other nations - 2 of them allies: Israel, Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

The pure hypocritical nature of your attempt now to accuse others of wanting to put anyone in power in Syria is unparalleled / un-precedented. Just yesterday you snowflakes were bashing Trump for initially (and appropriately IMO) declaring the US was not committed to regime change in Syria.

Don't get me wrong, if it happens I would be happy to see it, but it should NOT be OUR primary goal to affect that regime change. As long as Putin remains determined to keep Assad in power - and as long as Americans believe getting Assad out of power does NOT merit going to war with Russia, it will not happen. The US would be continually wasting our time, resources, and lives.

OBAMA was the one who wanted Qadaffi out of power enough to drag the US into war in Libya and who wanted Assad out of power enough to drag the US to war in Syria.
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
You have stock in the military-industrial complex? Or are you willing to join the military now...or have your loved ones join now?
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
You have stock in the military-industrial complex? Or are you willing to join the military now...or have your loved ones join now?
What part of "dumb move" did you not understand? The "dumb" or the "move"? :eusa_doh:
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria?

Only Liberals / Snowflakes / Obama believed it was their responsibility to alter the governance and rule of other nations in the last 8 years,

I say 'last 8 years' because Bush made the same mistake of assuming responsibility of attempting to overthrow a dictator who posed no threat to the US.

After all the condemnation of Bush for dragging the US to war (WITH Congressional approval to do so) to overthrow a dictator, Obama - with his snowflakes rallied around him defending him - has taken the US to war TWICE (without Congressional approval to do so) in order to overthrow TWO different dictators, neither of who posed direct threats to the United States: Qadaffi in Libya and al-Assad in Syria.

Consider also, despite the snowflakes' rabid condemnation of Russia for trying to influence our 2016 election - something Obama declared happens all the time, Obama's 4 (FOUR) attempts to change leadership in other nations - 2 of them allies: Israel, Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

The pure hypocritical nature of your attempt now to accuse others of wanting to put anyone in power in Syria is unparalleled / un-precedented. Just yesterday you snowflakes were bashing Trump for initially (and appropriately IMO) declaring the US was not committed to regime change in Syria.

Don't get me wrong, if it happens I would be happy to see it, but it should NOT be OUR primary goal to affect that regime change. As long as Putin remains determined to keep Assad in power - and as long as Americans believe getting Assad out of power does NOT merit going to war with Russia, it will not happen. The US would be continually wasting our time, resources, and lives.

OBAMA was the one who wanted Qadaffi out of power enough to drag the US into war in Libya and who wanted Assad out of power enough to drag the US to war in Syria.

As a hack and a troll you have a way to go to become credible. I'll give you an opportunity to prove you are much more than a failed hack and an absurd troll:

What would you have done with the hand dealt to Obama? Be specific in terms of a Great Recession, Foreign Entanglements and a recalcitrant Congress during his last six years?
We can take several things away from this this turn of events.

1. Trump is having a harder and harder time trolling the media, by creating fake news through twitter rants, and is now being forced to actually do real things, instead. This means that there will be less crap coming from him about phone taps, fraudulent votes, etc., and more consequences for his actions. Telling America that all of their troubles are due to terrorists and Mexicans and Hillary is one thing. Flirting with armed conflict with Russia is another.

2. The honeymoon with Putin is over, and even if he brings flowers home, he will have to sleep on the couch.

3. Congress, which he has, so far, treated with disdain and contempt, is about to go wolverine on his ass.

4.Wall Street is about to wake up to the consequences of a Trump presidency, and it won't be pretty.

5.Trump's staff and appointees, none of whom has the slightest idea of how to do the job for which they were appointed, are going to make Trump look like a total fool.

6. blaming everything on Obama is over, and those days are going to look like heaven on earth to Trump, in retrospect.

7. We are all about to have demonstrated for us the consequences of electing a businessman, who is totally clueless about government, especially foreign policy.
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
You have stock in the military-industrial complex? Or are you willing to join the military now...or have your loved ones join now?

I thought you fascists claimed that Trump was in Putin's pocket? :eek:

I guess you were just lying on behalf of your Fuhrer, huh?
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria?

Only Liberals / Snowflakes / Obama believed it was their responsibility to alter the governance and rule of other nations in the last 8 years,

I say 'last 8 years' because Bush made the same mistake of assuming responsibility of attempting to overthrow a dictator who posed no threat to the US.

After all the condemnation of Bush for dragging the US to war (WITH Congressional approval to do so) to overthrow a dictator, Obama - with his snowflakes rallied around him defending him - has taken the US to war TWICE (without Congressional approval to do so) in order to overthrow TWO different dictators, neither of who posed direct threats to the United States: Qadaffi in Libya and al-Assad in Syria.

Consider also, despite the snowflakes' rabid condemnation of Russia for trying to influence our 2016 election - something Obama declared happens all the time, Obama's 4 (FOUR) attempts to change leadership in other nations - 2 of them allies: Israel, Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

The pure hypocritical nature of your attempt now to accuse others of wanting to put anyone in power in Syria is unparalleled / un-precedented. Just yesterday you snowflakes were bashing Trump for initially (and appropriately IMO) declaring the US was not committed to regime change in Syria.

Don't get me wrong, if it happens I would be happy to see it, but it should NOT be OUR primary goal to affect that regime change. As long as Putin remains determined to keep Assad in power - and as long as Americans believe getting Assad out of power does NOT merit going to war with Russia, it will not happen. The US would be continually wasting our time, resources, and lives.

OBAMA was the one who wanted Qadaffi out of power enough to drag the US into war in Libya and who wanted Assad out of power enough to drag the US to war in Syria.
Trump isn't trying to take down power in Syria. He was showing them we won't stand for chemical attacks.

The target was the one airfield where the attacks generated from.

Hillary has already said she would have taken out all their airfields. That would have forced their hand.

As it is, Trump just showed them what can happen when they insist on using chemicals.

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We are all about to have demonstrated for us the consequences of electing a businessman, who is totally clueless about government, especially foreign policy.

This 'businessman' just schooled Barry on the fact that you don't have to un-Constitutionally drag the country off to war, in the middle of a civil war between a Russian-backed dictator and terrorists, sending in an invasion force with boots on the ground, to send the message to that dictator that his use of chemical weapons against innocent women and children is NOT acceptable.

Effectively warned everyone (via Russia) beforehand, to get out before a few firecrackers got lobbed in their direction

"In the face of the terrible use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, the clear and determined steps of the US Administration and Military under the leadership of President Trump, constitute a fitting and appropriate response to such unthinkable brutality,” Rivlin said.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed support for the U.S. missile attack on Friday saying that the country understood and supported the strategy. Abe added that the strikes were "a means to prevent further deterioration of the situation" referring to the suspected chemical attack.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters that the Australian government supported the “swift and just response” of the U.S. airstrikes..

Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.

"In the face of the terrible use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, the clear and determined steps of the US Administration and Military under the leadership of President Trump, constitute a fitting and appropriate response to such unthinkable brutality,” Rivlin said.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed support for the U.S. missile attack on Friday saying that the country understood and supported the strategy. Abe added that the strikes were "a means to prevent further deterioration of the situation" referring to the suspected chemical attack.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters that the Australian government supported the “swift and just response” of the U.S. airstrikes..

Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.

No, it sure wasn't. But your Fuhrer thanks you for lying. You're a good Nazicrat.
This 'businessman' just schooled Barry on the fact that you don't have to un-Constitutionally drag the country off to war, in the middle of a civil war between a Russian-backed dictator and terrorists, sending in an invasion force with boots on the ground, to send the message to that dictator that his use of chemical weapons against innocent women and children is NOT acceptable.

Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
When JFK became president, he was told by military and CIA "experts" that they had a working plan to take out Castro. JFK, being naive enough to think that these people knew what they were doing, agreed to the plan. After all, he knew nothing about foreign policy, military operations, and covert operations. So, the Bay of Pigs was the result.

We are going to soon find out just how naive Trump is, too.
Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.
Who SPECIFICALLY, snowflake? Don't hide behind vague rants and generalizations....

(Yes, I am throwing the BS flag on your comment, especially since yesterday several snowflakes were making the false claims that 'Trump was supporting Assad', that 'Trump killed the kids in Syria', that Trump was in Putin's pocket', etc...)

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