Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I'd like to hear the 'snowflake' reaction to Tricom leader & Trump smiling in photos together after the Tomahawks were sent...
Breaking Update!

Per Neil Cavuto on Fox Business News

Russian warship enters Mediterranean on intercept course towards our two warships that fired the Tomahawks last night.
Che Guevara, 1965: “Make sure that we never trust imperialism, not even a little bit––[not an iota]!”

Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.

No, it sure wasn't. But your Fuhrer thanks you for lying. You're a good Nazicrat.

For days republicans have been pushing the "false flag" meme

Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul

Again, you're just lying, as you Nazicrats tend to do.

Whether Obama's ISIS buddies did or did not use chemical weapons is irrelevant to the fact that Assad did.

Oh, and if you want to accuse "the Republicans," then you need to point to an actual Republican source, a congressman, Senator, et al.
Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.

Nice try, though, FAKE NES BOY!

Will you issue a formal apology?

Syria airstrike: US alerted Russia minutes before attack | Daily Mail Online

Russia was informed the United States was launching an airstrike on a Syrian air base about 30 minutes in advance, according to Moscow's ambassador to the UN.

The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at the al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs at 8.45pm on Thursday

The missiles didn't strike until over ONE HOUR later.

From Fox News: Russians given 60 minutes warning

Missiles launched at 7:40 pm EST taking 30 minutes to launch

Missiles struck syrian airbase at 8:40 pm EST
Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.

Nice try, though, FAKE NES BOY!

Will you issue a formal apology?

Syria airstrike: US alerted Russia minutes before attack | Daily Mail Online

Russia was informed the United States was launching an airstrike on a Syrian air base about 30 minutes in advance, according to Moscow's ambassador to the UN.

The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at the al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs at 8.45pm on Thursday

The missiles didn't strike until over ONE HOUR later.

Read more: Syria airstrike: US alerted Russia minutes before attack | Daily Mail Online
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Your own link states: US alerted Russian military 30 minutes before airstrike in Syria

What would you like me to apologize for, FAKE NEWS BOY? Your link proves what I said.

Each missile costs $1.41 million, so, times 59= $83 million.
So now snowflakes care about spending tax dollars?

View attachment 120768

It just seems a little high to put a hole in a runway. Hell, Trump could have bought his wife another diamond ring for that much....

As a non interventionist Conservative I think that money could have been much better spent keeping future filthy ass Democrat voters out of the country by paying for the wall between us and Mexico.

However, Trump has more compassion than me towards the Muslim children that suffered a horrendous death because of Sarin gas.

The Kenyan claimed he had compassion towards Muslim children but he didn't do a damn thing about Assad gassing the children, did he? He was too much of a chickenshit, wasn't he? He was afraid of the Russians, wasn't he?
The one that stank the least was keeping Assad from using chemical weapons, which he did successfully. Trump ... didn't.


We were told by petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama that he and Russia had reached an agreement whereby all of al-Assad's chemical weapons would be destroyed. Russia assured us that they had been removed and destroyed.

President Obama was desperate, beyond words, to reach a "deal" with Iran to halt their nuclear and missile development. BOTH were total failures as proven by the recent Sarin gas attack on their own innocent civilians.
Each missile costs $1.41 million, so, times 59= $83 million.
So now snowflakes care about spending tax dollars?

View attachment 120768

It just seems a little high to put a hole in a runway. Hell, Trump could have bought his wife another diamond ring for that much....

As a non interventionist Conservative I think that money could have been much better spent keeping future filthy ass Democrat voters out of the country by paying for the wall between us and Mexico.

However, Trump has more compassion than me towards the Muslim children that suffered a horrendous death because of Sarin gas.

The Kenyan claimed he had compassion towards Muslim children but he didn't do a damn thing about Assad gassing the children. did he? He was too much of a chickenshit, wasn't he? He was afraid of the Russians, wasn't he?

So glad you shared that, Flash. I will give it the same weighty thought that i always give your insightful posts....
Your own link states: US alerted Russian military 30 minutes before airstrike in Syria

What would you like me to apologize for, FAKE NEWS BOY? Your link proves what I said.

That's what seperates me from people who only read headlines. The Russians were warned 30 minutes before the launch. Which means ONE HOUR before the strike hit.

7:40 pm - Warn russians we're about to launch strike
8:40 pm - Missiles strike syrian airbase.

How much warning did the Russians get? Hint it's an HOUR. FOOL !!!!!
Your post was alright until you turned it into an insufferable partisan comment about President Obama.

I am heartbroken that the FACTS AND TRUTH offend you. Best you find a safe space.
Are Americans not fed-up with all the badmouthing of his predecessor by Donald Trump. I have never heard an American president do that before no matter what political party any of them belonged to.

Hopefully, you're being facetious because, if you are not, you have had your head the sand the past eight years.
That's what seperates me from people who only read headlines.

Oh you poor triggered, butt-hurt are so desperate to find anything over which to criticize Trump for enforcing Barry's 'Red Line' that are you trying to claim that the WH calling the Russians 30 minutes before they acted is somehow an issue.

That is just one of the most desperate, pathetic things I have ever heard. Perhaps we can start a 'Go-Fund-Me page for you so you can get help with your triggered desperation...

Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.
And USMB Snowflakes were declaring Trump was in Putin's Pocket, Trump supported Assad, and Trump personally killed Syrian children.


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