Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

It seems you have to have it explained like to a small child. A school kid gets a call from his teacher at 7:40 pm , that she's meeting with his parents and leaving in half an hour. She will arrive at the meeting at 8:40 pm in one hour.

How much warning time was the kid given of the parents meeting?
30 minutes? or 60 minutes?

Grow up, both of you. what a stupid tête-à-tête. Both of you get a one-hour timeout. Go to your rooms and think about what you did!
Trumps red line, assad used chemical weapons yet again

It was only the runway so planes could not be used in chemical attack again.

Rice lied yet again..........that assad had no more chemical weapons, but then she was good at that

When Japan surrendered in WWII, the USA had no nuclear weapons. That Syria had no chemical weapons in 2013, doesn't mean they didn't make more by 2017.

they didn't make it. Iran supplied it
Grow up, both of you. what a stupid tête-à-tête. Both of you get a one-hour timeout. Go to your rooms and think about what you did!

Is that a 60 minute or a 30 minute time-out?

If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.
When Japan surrendered in WWII, the USA had no nuclear weapons.

What? Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Trinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, we had three bombs, we used three bombs. By the time Japan surrendered the cupboards were bare. In september 1945 the US had no nuclear weapons.
False! A third nuke was enroute.
When Japan surrendered in WWII, the USA had no nuclear weapons.

What? Hiroshima, Nagasaki

Trinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, we had three bombs, we used three bombs. By the time Japan surrendered the cupboards were bare. In september 1945 the US had no nuclear weapons.
False! A third nuke was enroute.

true. and Tokyo was the target
Trinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, we had three bombs, we used three bombs. By the time Japan surrendered the cupboards were bare.

False! A third nuke was enroute.

One U.S. general explained: “If we had another one ready, today would be a good day to drop it. We don’t, but anyhow within the next ten days, the Japanese will make up their minds.”

On August 15, however, just as the plutonium was about to be sent to Tinian, news of the Japanese surrender came through and its loading was stopped.

From your on citation, when japan surrendered we didn't have any more nuclear weapons. We had them planned, we had them under construction, but we had no nukes.
can you hear us now??

Russian MoFA statement:

The United States conducted strikes against Syrian government troops in the early hours of April 7, using chemical weapons attacks in Idlib Province as a pretext.

The US opted for a show of force, for military action against a country fighting international terrorism without taking the trouble to get the facts straight.

It is not the first time that the US chooses an irresponsible approach that aggravates problems the world is facing, and threatens international security. The very presence of military personnel from the US and other countries in Syria without consent from the Syrian government or a UN Security Council mandate is an egregious and obvious violation of international law that cannot be justified. While previous initiatives of this kind were presented as efforts to combat terrorism, now they are clearly an act of aggression against a sovereign Syria. Actions undertaken by the US today inflict further damage to the Russia-US relations.

Russia has expressed on numerous occasions that it was ready to cooperate on resolving the most urgent issues the world is facing today, and that fighting international terrorism was a top priority. However, we will never agree to unsanctioned action against the legitimate Syrian government that has been waging an uncompromising war on international terrorism for a long time.

Seeking to justify military action Washington has totally distorted what had happened in Idlib. The US could not have failed to grasp the fact that the Syrian government troops did not use chemical weapons there. Damascus simply does not have them, as confirmed a number of times by qualified experts. This was the conclusion reached by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Over the recent years this organization inspected almost all the facilities linked or possibly linked to Syria’s chemical weapons programme. As for Idlib, the terrorists operating there used to produce toxic land mines intended for use in Syria and Iraq. These manufacturing facilities were put out of operation in a military operation carried out by the Syrian air force.

The US pretends that it does not understand obvious things, turning a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons in Iraq, officially confirmed by Baghdad. The US refuses to believe the evidence provided by certified documents confirming the use of chemical weapons by terrorists in Aleppo. In doing so, the US is abetting international terrorism and making it stronger. New WMD attacks can be expected.

There is no doubt that the military action by the US is an attempt to divert attention from the situation in Mosul, where the campaign carried out among others by US-led coalition has resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties and an escalating humanitarian disaster.

It is obvious that the cruise missile attack was prepared in advance. Any expert understands that Washington’s decision on air strikes predates the Idlib events, which simply served as a pretext for a show of force.

Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US.

We call on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the latest developments.
Russian MoFA statement:

The United States conducted strikes against Syrian government troops in the early hours of April 7, using chemical weapons attacks in Idlib Province as a pretext.

The US opted for a show of force, for military action against a country fighting international terrorism without taking the trouble to get the facts straight.

It is not the first time that the US chooses an irresponsible approach that aggravates problems the world is facing, and threatens international security. The very presence of military personnel from the US and other countries in Syria without consent from the Syrian government or a UN Security Council mandate is an egregious and obvious violation of international law that cannot be justified. While previous initiatives of this kind were presented as efforts to combat terrorism, now they are clearly an act of aggression against a sovereign Syria. Actions undertaken by the US today inflict further damage to the Russia-US relations.

Russia has expressed on numerous occasions that it was ready to cooperate on resolving the most urgent issues the world is facing today, and that fighting international terrorism was a top priority. However, we will never agree to unsanctioned action against the legitimate Syrian government that has been waging an uncompromising war on international terrorism for a long time.

Seeking to justify military action Washington has totally distorted what had happened in Idlib. The US could not have failed to grasp the fact that the Syrian government troops did not use chemical weapons there. Damascus simply does not have them, as confirmed a number of times by qualified experts. This was the conclusion reached by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Over the recent years this organization inspected almost all the facilities linked or possibly linked to Syria’s chemical weapons programme. As for Idlib, the terrorists operating there used to produce toxic land mines intended for use in Syria and Iraq. These manufacturing facilities were put out of operation in a military operation carried out by the Syrian air force.

The US pretends that it does not understand obvious things, turning a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons in Iraq, officially confirmed by Baghdad. The US refuses to believe the evidence provided by certified documents confirming the use of chemical weapons by terrorists in Aleppo. In doing so, the US is abetting international terrorism and making it stronger. New WMD attacks can be expected.

There is no doubt that the military action by the US is an attempt to divert attention from the situation in Mosul, where the campaign carried out among others by US-led coalition has resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties and an escalating humanitarian disaster.

It is obvious that the cruise missile attack was prepared in advance. Any expert understands that Washington’s decision on air strikes predates the Idlib events, which simply served as a pretext for a show of force.

Russia suspends the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US.

We call on the UN Security Council to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the latest developments.
Fake news!
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria? No, no, don't deny it, as it is what you're trying to do, make Syria "The nation of ISIS".

See, that's the problem. _All_ of the rebels are hardline islamicists. There are no good guys in Syria.

Obama, being the grownup, understood that. Grownups know that sometimes, you don't have any good options, you only have options that stink the least. The one that stank the least was keeping Assad from using chemical weapons, which he did successfully. Trump ... didn't.

So again, which group of your ISIS-type BFF's do you want running Syria?
You can't hide your chapped ass that easy. No sale! ISIS grew because of obama making the political decision of getting out of Iraq too soon. Obviously you side with ISIS.
SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria important update: based on Russian sources, including video footage and the reports of one Russian journalist on the ground, Evgenii Poddubnyi, it has become clear that the US strike was largely symbolic. Here is the evidence: The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians. The Americans must have assumed that this would happen. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged:
  1. The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians. The Americans must have assumed that this would happen.
  2. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.
  3. There were 6 or 7 casualties, which is very little.
  4. Crucially, the runways did not suffer.
Let Russia or North Korea send a few ballistic missiles to Langley and see if we make a big distinction there.

Why? Did Langley gas Americans with chemical weapons like Assad did with his people? Ummm, NO!
That wasn't the point, Easy. I just don't think they would make a big distinction between the terms used for the strike.

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