Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero. I hope he doesn't run with it and start bombing the hell out of all and sundry to get more accolades. His little speech last night was very emotional, for him. Never heard him more prayerful--he even blessed the whole world! He was very worked up by the role and truly into it.

What happened to Trump the isolationist 'put america first'? Did somebody kidnap Trump and put Alec Baldwin in his place. The Trump that was elected, was against airstrikes in Syria.
This has nothing to do with policy. I was commenting on his narcissism.
BTW, even your fellow Fascist Tyronslurpscum is acknowledging that Obama's ISIS forces used chemical WMD's. (part of the Saddam stock that was moved to Syria?)

The Iraq war was in 2003. Any Sarin weapons stored in middle east heat for 14 years would have broken down. It's potency would be low enough that the hospital would have been able to treat all the victims with epinephrine.
My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero.

See, I consider comments like this to be 'partisan projection'.

The fact is Trump did the right thing, a good thing. That is being recognized by both Democrats and Republicans at home and nations abroad. So why can't 'WE' say that? Partisan slant / beliefs / etc. No matter what your political leanings it's hard not to state the fact - Trump did what was right, and the exact response he chose was spot on. He did just enough to sent the message that needed to be sent, and he did it in a timely manner.

I hope you are wrong about going overboard with ego, but he should feel proud about the job he just did as President....IMHO.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, last night felt GOOD. I am not being partisan, just commenting on his narcissism. He did right. I hope he holds to a steady, reasonable course that does not lead us into all out war with someone or other.
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.
Dead children don't bother obama!
What happened to Trump the isolationist 'put america first'? Did somebody kidnap Trump and put Alec Baldwin in his place. The Trump that was elected, was against airstrikes in Syria.
This has nothing to do with policy. I was commenting on his narcissism.

Trumps positions can be so easily changed. Trump just went from Trumps position, to Obamas position on Syria. Trump is now sounding like Hillary.
<----US Official at the UN describes Syria's Sarin attack against the Rebels ...Oh wait...
Trumps positions can be so easily changed.
Easy-peezy...all it took was 80 dead people and Assad perpetrating a 3rd chemical weapons attack AFTER Obama had already issued a Red Line.

Good grief - no matter what, snowflakes such as yourself will NEVER support Trump's actions, even though leaders of your own party have done so.
<----US Official at the UN describes Syria's Sarin attack against the Rebels ...Oh wait...
I must have missed that link you posted discussing this specific latest chemical weapons attack.... Oh wait, I didn't miss it. You didn't give one.
CNN just played a clip of Hllary Clinton calling for bombing Syrian airfields to stop Assad from being able to use Sarin on his own people.

Hillary Clinton Called for Strikes Hours Before Syria Attack

Just a few hours before President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. had launched 59 cruise missiles on an airfield in Syria, his former campaign rival Hillary Clinton suggested doing just that.

In an interview with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof at the Women in the World conference in Manhattan, Clinton responded to a deadly chemical attack in Syria earlier this week that intelligence agencies have blamed on the country’s President Bashar Assad.

“Assad has an air force, and that air force is the cause of most of these civilian deaths,” Clinton said. “And I really believe that we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”
Way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' crowd. It makes no sense for Assad to have carried out such an attack. I mean i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. Looks like a Wag the Dog False Flag to me.
Absolutely. It just seems strange there would be a chemical attack while they're having peace talks.

It's more likely these regime change criminals went, "Oh oh, peace talks! We better hurry up our plans!"

Way too convenient. Assad's too smart to have done something so stupid. He's well aware of what the consequences would be for such an attack. It makes no sense strategically. A Chemical Weapon attack only benefits the 'Regime Change' folks. Like i said, i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do doubt their Chemical Weapon claim.

Way too convenient. Assad's too smart to have done something so stupid. He's well aware of what the consequences would be for such an attack. It makes no sense strategically. A Chemical Weapon attack only benefits the 'Regime Change' folks. Like i said, i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do doubt their Chemical Weapon claim.

And yet common sense doesn't come into play with you.

I am sorry the FACTS in this case bother you so much.

The aircraft that deployed the Sarin Gas took off from a Syrian Assad-controlled base. It returned to that same Syrian Assad-Controlled base after it deployed the Sarin Gas. It was all WATCHED through surveillance. Eye-witnesses / reports state the plane deployed the chemical weapons.

Forgive me is I stick to the facts as reported by numerous sources rather than your opinion about this specific incident. feel free to convince me by providing links / evidence to counter the specific reports out there about this specific event. I welcome it.
BTW, even your fellow Fascist Tyronslurpscum is acknowledging that Obama's ISIS forces used chemical WMD's. (part of the Saddam stock that was moved to Syria?)

The Iraq war was in 2003. Any Sarin weapons stored in middle east heat for 14 years would have broken down. It's potency would be low enough that the hospital would have been able to treat all the victims with epinephrine.

That's why they bury them, dumbass.

Why do these dumbasses think they can just read 'talking points' on whatever stupid site they favor and repeat them without thinking or even doing basic searches? Tards.

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