Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Way too convenient. Assad's too smart to have done something so stupid.

He has used chemical weapons twice before with no consequences...believing there would be none as long as Putin is protecting him...and as long as Obama...or Hillary...was in office.

Don't look now, but President Trump just blew up his sh!t! :p
She is treating Trump like a King "here King Here King ...good boy"...

I'm wondering if Trump heard Hillary, and obeyed. It's actually quite a twist of fates if Hillary is effectively calling the shots in a game of follow the leader.
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.
Dead children don't bother obama!
Congrats - nice link of civilian Trump stating one thing and President Trump - the guy with access to all the classified, etc making a command decision....

...and still no link to support your argument.
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.

Agree on the distraction but not sure about the rest. Maybe he think that the Russian connection problem might go away-------- just sayin.

I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i do seriously question the 'Chemical Weapons' claim. It's way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' folks. Assad had nothing to gain by ordering such an attack. And Trump's slipped in the polls bigtime. It was a perfect Wag the Dog opportunity.

Maybe the Syrian army/airforce did these on their own? We don't know a lot of shit what is going on but definitely this is a big distraction or deflection from his current Russian connection problem.

Wag the Dog False Flags distract from domestic problems. Past Presidents learned that there's nothing like a good ole bombing to excite and distract the American Sheeple. President poll numbers usually rise pretty quickly after the attacks. Many, both Democrat and Republican, have been chomping at the bit to get us into a war with Syria. It's been years of Bipartisan Warmongering. So Trump should get a bump in his poll numbers.
Wag the Dog False Flags distract from domestic problems.
Are you suggesting Trump coordinated with Assad and Putin to have Assad gas 80 people in order to distract people from the snowflake false accusations against Trump that have resulted in NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support their lies but HAS proven the Democrats perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking protected classified personal Trump team data?


That's why they bury them, dumbass. .

Underground can be 20 degrees cooler, but the middle east faces temperatures of up to 120 to 129 degrees. That puts underground temperatures above 100 degrees, which would break down chemicals at 1,000 times the rate it would have if stored at 70 degrees.
Congrats - nice link of civilian Trump stating one thing and President Trump - the guy with access to all the classified, etc making a command decision....

...and still no link to support your argument.

And when Trump was showed all the classified information on the Russian interference in the election, did it change his mind?
BTW, even your fellow Fascist Tyronslurpscum is acknowledging that Obama's ISIS forces used chemical WMD's. (part of the Saddam stock that was moved to Syria?)

The Iraq war was in 2003. Any Sarin weapons stored in middle east heat for 14 years would have broken down. It's potency would be low enough that the hospital would have been able to treat all the victims with epinephrine.
Yep, they would have stored them out by the goats. Good thinking.
Has anyone noticed that since we have a new prick in office, America grew a bigger set of balls? The old prick was to small and afraid to stand up, and was too weak an anchor for big balls. (No disrespect intended toward Trump, I just needed a way to make my analogy work.)
'Regime Change' plans were falling apart for the US/West. But how convenient, a 'dreaded 'Chemical Weapons Attack' falls right into their lap. Now they can declare all-out war, and claim they're 'justified.' Seriously, when are folks gonna wake up? This is another False Flag event.
Way too convenient. Assad's too smart to have done something so stupid. He's well aware of what the consequences would be for such an attack. It makes no sense strategically. A Chemical Weapon attack only benefits the 'Regime Change' folks. Like i said, i don't doubt there was a bombing, but i do doubt their Chemical Weapon claim.

And yet common sense doesn't come into play with you.

I am sorry the FACTS in this case bother you so much.

The aircraft that deployed the Sarin Gas took off from a Syrian Assad-controlled base. It returned to that same Syrian Assad-Controlled base after it deployed the Sarin Gas. It was all WATCHED through surveillance. Eye-witnesses / reports state the plane deployed the chemical weapons.

Forgive me is I stick to the facts as reported by numerous sources rather than your opinion about this specific incident. feel free to convince me by providing links / evidence to counter the specific reports out there about this specific event. I welcome it.

I'm sure a bombing took place. But i seriously doubt it involved 'Chemical Weapons.' It's a Wag the Dog False Flag event. That's my opinion anyway.
Wag the Dog False Flags distract from domestic problems.
Are you suggesting Trump coordinated with Assad and Putin to have Assad gas 80 people in order to distract people from the snowflake false accusations against Trump that have resulted in NO EVIDENCE of any kind to support their lies but HAS proven the Democrats perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally leaking protected classified personal Trump team data?

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I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt their claims of it being a 'Chemical Weapons Attack.' That's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. There's no upside for Assad in ordering a such an attack. I believe it is False Flag fiction.
The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.

You need to catch up!

WORLD NEWS | Fri Apr 7, 2017 | 2:40am EDT
Syrian air base suffers major damage due to U.S. strikes: Russia's RIA
U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria's Shayrat air base caused "significant" damage to the site, Russia's RIA Novosti agency quoted a base employee as saying on Friday.

"All the aircraft on the base have been taken out of action, it's safe to say they are completely destroyed," the employee, who was not named, told RIA.

The agency quoted Syrian television as reporting that a fire at the air base was continuing.

The United States fired dozens of cruise missiles at the Syrian base earlier on Friday from which it said a deadly chemical weapons attack was launched this week. The move drew sharp criticism from Russia.

(Reporting by Jack Stubbs; Writing by Sujata Rao; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

Syrian air base suffers major damage due to U.S. strikes: Russia's RIA
You may not question it because you worship Orange Anus ...I sure don't ...the ones with Sarin were the Rebels
I am sorry the FACTS in this case bother you so much.

The aircraft that deployed the Sarin Gas took off from a Syrian Assad-controlled base. It returned to that same Syrian Assad-Controlled base after it deployed the Sarin Gas. It was all WATCHED through surveillance. Eye-witnesses / reports state the plane deployed the chemical weapons. Forgive me is I stick to the facts as reported by numerous sources rather than your opinion about this specific incident. feel free to convince me by providing links / evidence to counter the specific reports out there about this specific event. I welcome it.
The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed.

You need to catch up!

Syrian air base suffers major damage due to U.S. strikes: Russia's RIA

Warplanes from Syrian base hit by US just carried out airstrikes in Homs
The airbase was the target of a tomahawk missile strike carried out by the United States late Thursday night, a direct response to reports the Syrian regime launched a chemical attack on its own citizens Tuesday morning.

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