Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.

Waiting for your reliable source and link. Or are you intentionally lying?

I already posted it twice.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul

So to recap. both Obama's ISIS and Assad are scumbags who use chemical weapons.
And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul

The big difference here is that ISIS doesn't take off from Syrian Assad-Controlled airbases, deploy chemical weapons, and lands back at Syrian Assad-Controlled airbases, which is where this latest chemical weapons attack originated.
Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.

So to recap. both Obama's ISIS and Assad are scumbags who use chemical weapons.

No, the recap is yesterday republicans were blaming ISIS for the chemical attack.saying it made no sense for Assad to use chemical weapons. Today after Trump launched a strike against Syria saying Assad was behind the chemical attack, they dropped their "false flag" claim.
Let Russia or North Korea send a few ballistic missiles to Langley and see if we make a big distinction there.

Why? Did Langley gas Americans with chemical weapons like Assad did with his people? Ummm, NO!
who what when and where was it established that Assad used Chemical weapons ...
UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use
Syrian rebels have made use of the deadly nerve agent sarin in their war-torn country's conflict, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte has said.
UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Please see Carla del Ponte, for the UN, has in the past accused the *rebels* of gas use
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Balls. That sort of talk got us the Iraq disaster 14 years ago.

Funny the whole free world is praising Trumps action something that pansy ads Obama should of done in the first place.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin praised the U.S. for its airstrike aimed at an airbase called Shayrat. He called on the world to bring an end to the atrocities committed by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


"In the face of the terrible use of chemical weapons against innocent civilians, the clear and determined steps of the US Administration and Military under the leadership of President Trump, constitute a fitting and appropriate response to such unthinkable brutality,” Rivlin said.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed support for the U.S. missile attack on Friday saying that the country understood and supported the strategy. Abe added that the strikes were "a means to prevent further deterioration of the situation" referring to the suspected chemical attack.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told reporters that the Australian government supported the “swift and just response” of the U.S. airstrikes.

"This was a calibrated, proportionate and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the Assad regime, and ... has been struck at the very airfield from which the chemical attack was delivered,” Turnbull said.

Turkey welcomed the airstrike, calling it an “important and meaningful” development, but urged the world to take an even tougher stance on Assad.
My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero. I hope he doesn't run with it and start bombing the hell out of all and sundry to get more accolades. His little speech last night was very emotional, for him. Never heard him more prayerful--he even blessed the whole world! He was very worked up by the role and truly into it.
Let Russia or North Korea send a few ballistic missiles to Langley and see if we make a big distinction there.

Why? Did Langley gas Americans with chemical weapons like Assad did with his people? Ummm, NO!
who what when and where was it established that Assad used Chemical weapons ...
UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use
Syrian rebels have made use of the deadly nerve agent sarin in their war-torn country's conflict, UN human rights investigator Carla del Ponte has said.
UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

Please see Carla del Ponte, for the UN, has in the past accused the *rebels* of gas use
Again, with this latest chemical weapons attack, the plane deploying the chemical weapons took off from this specific Syrian, Assad-controlled air base, was witnessed flying over / deploying the chemical weapons, and returned to the same Syrian Assad-Controlled Airbase.

The matter of who perpetrated the attack is not even in question. Not in this case.

UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use

By Damien McElroy and agencies

9:04AM BST 06 May 2013

"According to the testimonies we have gathered, the rebels have used chemical weapons, making use of sarin gas," del Ponte, a former war crimes prosecutor, said in an interview with Swiss radio late on Sunday.

"We still have to deepen our investigation, verify and confirm (the findings) through new witness testimony, but according to what we have established so far, it is at the moment opponents of the regime who are using sarin gas," she added.
My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero. I hope he doesn't run with it and start bombing the hell out of all and sundry to get more accolades. His little speech last night was very emotional, for him. Never heard him more prayerful--he even blessed the whole world! He was very worked up by the role and truly into it.

What happened to Trump the isolationist 'put america first'? Did somebody kidnap Trump and put Alec Baldwin in his place. The Trump that was elected, was against airstrikes in Syria.
My prediction is that Trump is going to LOVE these positive strokes, this attention for being the hero.

See, I consider comments like this to be 'partisan projection'.

The fact is Trump did the right thing, a good thing. That is being recognized by both Democrats and Republicans at home and nations abroad. So why can't 'WE' say that? Partisan slant / beliefs / etc. No matter what your political leanings it's hard not to state the fact - Trump did what was right, and the exact response he chose was spot on. He did just enough to sent the message that needed to be sent, and he did it in a timely manner.

I hope you are wrong about going overboard with ego, but he should feel proud about the job he just did as President....IMHO.
Syria Sarin attack = Saddam WMD attacks

what you want Trump to get Colin Powell out to the UN to proclaim Bashar Assad guilty...Grow the Fuck are being "Schlonged" with this BS Sarin horse shit propaganda...
[He did just enough to sent the message that needed to be sent, and he did it in a timely manner..

Yup Trump gave the Russians 60 minutes warning before the missiles hit the airbase. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't go around calling people a liar, if they claimed a different amount.
You may not question it because you worship Orange Anus ...I sure don't ...the ones with Sarin were the Rebels
I am sorry the FACTS in this case bother you so much.

The aircraft that deployed the Sarin Gas took off from a Syrian Assad-controlled base. It returned to that same Syrian Assad-Controlled base after it deployed the Sarin Gas. It was all WATCHED through surveillance. Eye-witnesses / reports state the plane deployed the chemical weapons. Forgive me is I stick to the facts as reported by numerous sources rather than your opinion about this specific incident. feel free to convince me by providing links / evidence to counter the specific reports out there about this specific event. I welcome it.
In less than a week Rex Tillerston took regime change off the table, and put it back on again. The bottom line is that Exxon won't be getting their oil deal with Russia in the near future.

How much will Hillary and her cronies lose as a result?
Yup Trump gave the Russians 60 minutes warning before the missiles hit the airbase.

The guy who just flattened Assad's airbase from which he launched the latest chemical weapons attack is the same guy just yesterday you snowflakes were claiming would not act against Syria because he SUPPORTS Assad, because he is in Putin's Pocket...

Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.

So to recap. both Obama's ISIS and Assad are scumbags who use chemical weapons.

No, the recap is yesterday republicans were blaming ISIS for the chemical attack.saying it made no sense for Assad to use chemical weapons. Today after Trump launched a strike against Syria saying Assad was behind the chemical attack, they dropped their "false flag" claim.

So you have a quote from Trump. McCain, or McConnel saying this?

Nah, you're just making shit up, FASCIST!
In less than a week Rex Tillerston took regime change off the table, and put it back on again. The bottom line is that Exxon won't be getting their oil deal with Russia in the near future.

How much will Hillary and her cronies lose as a result?

I have no idea. But you gotta admit that Trumps actions are completely against what he said in his inauguration speech, and on the campaign trail. It's like it's a completely different Trump. No tweets.
Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.

So to recap. both Obama's ISIS and Assad are scumbags who use chemical weapons.

No, the recap is yesterday republicans were blaming ISIS for the chemical attack.saying it made no sense for Assad to use chemical weapons. Today after Trump launched a strike against Syria saying Assad was behind the chemical attack, they dropped their "false flag" claim.

BTW, even your fellow Fascist Tyronslurpscum is acknowledging that Obama's ISIS forces used chemical WMD's. (part of the Saddam stock that was moved to Syria?)

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