Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Oh you poor triggered, butt-hurt are so desperate to find anything over which to criticize Trump for enforcing Barry's 'Red Line' that are you trying to claim that the WH calling the Russians 30 minutes before they acted is somehow an issue.

I said the US gave the Russians 60 minutes warning. You admit they gave them 30 minutes before we even LAUNCHED, an attack that didn't rein down in a coordinated 2 minute long strike until an hour after luanch. Which means the russians were given ONE HOUR before hell fell.

You need to apologize for being stupid.
So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.
You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.

We are already bombing and fighting in Syria you moron.


and if that is true, we have been engaged in an invasion of Syria, do you also support an occupation of Syria and efforts to assassinate ("bring to justice") Assad?

Consider: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
George Santayana

What are you talking about? We have been in Syria for a few years now and more with the advisors

Yesterday the republcias were arguing the chemical attack was from ISIS, today they admit it was Assad.

Waiting for your reliable source and link. Or are you intentionally lying?

I already posted it twice.
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul
Trumps red line, assad used chemical weapons yet again

It was only the runway so planes could not be used in chemical attack again.

Rice lied yet again..........that assad had no more chemical weapons, but then she was good at that
Putin had better get back in line, or we'll tomahawk an abandoned Russian weather station above the arctic circle, next!
Trumps red line, assad used chemical weapons yet again

It was only the runway so planes could not be used in chemical attack again.

Rice lied yet again..........that assad had no more chemical weapons, but then she was good at that

When Japan surrendered in WWII, the USA had no nuclear weapons. That Syria had no chemical weapons in 2013, doesn't mean they didn't make more by 2017.
In less than a week Rex Tillerston took regime change off the table, and put it back on again. The bottom line is that Exxon won't be getting their oil deal with Russia in the near future.
Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.

Nice try, though, FAKE NES BOY!

It seems you have to have it explained like to a small child. A school kid gets a call from his teacher at 7:40 pm , that she's meeting with his parents and leaving in half an hour. She will arrive at the meeting at 8:40 pm in one hour.

How much warning time was the kid given of the parents meeting?
30 minutes? or 60 minutes?
Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.

Now the Pentagon is saying Russia may be behind the nerve gas attack.

Actually they are saying Russia was complicit in the nerve gas attack, not that they carried it out. They knew the Syrians were launching an attack.

Keep the "fake news" to a minimum.
Where do you get your numbers?

Who cares? I think it is a stunning change for any Progressive expresses even the slightest interest in spending. Their usual mantra is SPEND MORE MONEY AND EVERYTHING WILL BE GRAND!

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