Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

This 'businessman' just schooled Barry on the fact that you don't have to un-Constitutionally drag the country off to war, in the middle of a civil war between a Russian-backed dictator and terrorists, sending in an invasion force with boots on the ground, to send the message to that dictator that his use of chemical weapons against innocent women and children is NOT acceptable.

Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
Hillary called off the firework show in DC, so let Assad enjoy the Mideast version of a good 'air show'....
This 'businessman' just schooled Barry on the fact that you don't have to un-Constitutionally drag the country off to war, in the middle of a civil war between a Russian-backed dictator and terrorists, sending in an invasion force with boots on the ground, to send the message to that dictator that his use of chemical weapons against innocent women and children is NOT acceptable.

Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.

Nice try, though, FAKE NES BOY!
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
You have stock in the military-industrial complex? Or are you willing to join the military now...or have your loved ones join now?
What part of "dumb move" did you not understand? The "dumb" or the "move"? :eusa_doh:
So....stock in the M-I complex it is.
Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.

No, it sure wasn't. But your Fuhrer thanks you for lying. You're a good Nazicrat.

For days republicans have been pushing the "false flag" meme

Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul
This 'businessman' just schooled Barry on the fact that you don't have to un-Constitutionally drag the country off to war, in the middle of a civil war between a Russian-backed dictator and terrorists, sending in an invasion force with boots on the ground, to send the message to that dictator that his use of chemical weapons against innocent women and children is NOT acceptable.

Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.

They are both in there dork. What do you want WWIII?
So, the Bay of Pigs was the result.

We are going to soon find out just how naive Trump is, too.

The Bay of Pigs would have been successful had President Kennedy backed the invasion instead of turning his back. The plan was originated by President Eisenhower and included air and naval cover. President Kennedy yanked that protection.
Perhaps there was some 'strategery' involved by Trump.... regardless / separate from the "motives" that we are attempting to ascribe to the action....
So, the Bay of Pigs was the result.

We are going to soon find out just how naive Trump is, too.

The Bay of Pigs would have been successful had President Kennedy backed the invasion instead of turning his back. The plan was originated by President Eisenhower and included air and naval cover. President Kennedy yanked that protection.

Markle, I won't even dignify that with a reply. Do you work for the CIA?
Yet Trump gave Putin a one hour warning before the attack.
If you can't post without lying, don't post. Almost every news agency this morning reported that the WH gave the Russians a call 30 minutes before the strike occurred.

Nice try, though, FAKE NES BOY!

30 minutes before the strike was launched or before the strike hit. Since the cruise missiles cruised for over half an hour.
What would you have done with the hand dealt to Obama? Be specific in terms of a Great Recession, Foreign Entanglements and a recalcitrant Congress during his last six years?
You didn't address this to me - but I'd be happy to answer:
  • Obama was 50% responsible for the "great recession". The economy really panicked and tanked upon news of his election (just like it skyrocketed upon news of Trump's election). When you go around for year demonizing wealth, success, and promising to destroy business and the "evil 1%", businesses recoil in fear and bear down. His marxist ideology and his marxist policies created the mess. I would have not been a marxist idiot.
  • In terms of foreign policy - I would not have been a devout support of muslims. I would have never overthrown Hosni Mubarak or Muammar Gaddafi, nor would I have attempted to overthrow Assad. I also would not have pissed off an alienated England and Israel (by far and away our two best allies) while sucking up to Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Fidel Castro. His entire foreign policy was a disaster, idiotic, and immature idealism.
  • As far as Congress - that one is easy. Instead of being a hardline marxist - I would have moved to the center and worked with Congress. The American people sent a clear message: fuck you Obama. It was crystal clear. Even he said he took a "shellacking". And yet, he NEVER reversed course. At all. Not even a little. He basically told the American people: "fuck me? Fuck YOU. I am president and it will be done MY way".
Yesterday the republican meme was that the chemical airstrike was done by ISIS.
Who SPECIFICALLY, snowflake? Don't hide behind vague rants and generalizations....

Just two examples:

Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.

And for those of you claiming only Assad or Putin has chemical really need to get up to speed.

The Islamic State (also known as ISIS) has been accused of carrying out a chemical attack in Mosul last week, which, if confirmed, would appear to be the first time it has used this tactic during its battle with Iraqi government forces to retake control of the city.

ISIS Accused of Unleashing Chemical Weapons in Mosul
$$$$$$$$$$$ for someone.
You're confused....endless $$$$$$$$$ for someone was the Obama Administration edict. President Trump has already cut $68 billion from the Obama deficit for 2017. This may have been a dumb move by Trump - but it wasn't to throw money around.
You have stock in the military-industrial complex? Or are you willing to join the military now...or have your loved ones join now?
What part of "dumb move" did you not understand? The "dumb" or the "move"? :eusa_doh:
So....stock in the M-I complex it is.
Don't cast the sins of your Messiah Obama on to Trump, my fragile little snowflakes. It was Obama who threw money around trying to win votes. President Trump has done an exceptional job with spending up to this point. This dumb move has nothing to do with money.
Was 'he' at war with Libya?
Snowflakes have already declared 'conducting any strike is an act of war', which to them is the same thing as 'going to war' with someone..unless they are doing it. :p

These Moon Bats are a hoot with their hypocrisy

Democrat wars are good, Republican wars are bad.

Democrat debt is good, Republican debt is bad.

Democrat spending is good, Republican spending is bad.

You name it, the Moon Bats give the Democrats a pass on everything.

Obama got a pass from the Libtards to be war mongering and at war every day of his administration. That is just the kind of assholes they are.

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