Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

You may not question it because you worship Orange Anus ...I sure don't ...the ones with Sarin were the Rebels
I am sorry the FACTS in this case bother you so much.

The aircraft that deployed the Sarin Gas took off from a Syrian Assad-controlled base. It returned to that same Syrian Assad-Controlled base after it deployed the Sarin Gas. It was all WATCHED through surveillance. Eye-witnesses / reports state the plane deployed the chemical weapons. Forgive me is I stick to the facts as reported by numerous sources rather than your opinion about this specific incident. feel free to convince me by providing links / evidence to counter the specific reports out there about this specific event. I welcome it.

Yeah, i'm sure there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt 'Chemical Weapons' were used. It's just a way too convenient scenario for the 'Regime Change' powers-that-be. Why would Assad do it? It makes no strategic sense.
So we had no nuclear weapon on August 15th when the japanese surrendered.

CHECK !!!!!

You are desperate, aren't you?

I bet you'd have been on Bill Clinton's team when he was trying to find out the meaning of "is".

Bill Clinton was one of the more infamous and recent Wag the Dog beneficiaries. His poll numbers skyrocketed after attacking parts of Africa and Eastern Europe. It sufficiently distracted the Sheeple from his numerous scandals at home.
That's why they bury them, dumbass. .

Underground can be 20 degrees cooler, but the middle east faces temperatures of up to 120 to 129 degrees. That puts underground temperatures above 100 degrees, which would break down chemicals at 1,000 times the rate it would have if stored at 70 degrees.

So what? You think they only have sticks and rocks to dig with over there?
Markle, history is not your forte.

Perhaps but I sure proved you wrong.

Markle, I could explain the Bay of Pigs to you. I could explain that the entire scheme was based on the CIA's belief that the "imprisoned Cubans" would rise up and join the rebellion against Castro, but, was totally wrong, and if anything, Cubans were enraged that we were behind an invasion of their country. I could explain that even JFK realized that the entire project was a disaster, which he blamed squarely on poor intelligence by the CIA. But, frankly, Markle, I feel like I would have greater success explaining quantum physics to my cat.
Russian MoFA statement:

All that had to be said.

They also swore to us that they had supervised all of the al-Assad's chemical weapons had been destroyed.
We swore up and down that Saddam Hussein had WMD did that work out ?

Turns out he did. Would never have known it though the way you progressives lie about things.

"While the media have been quick to run with WikiLeaks’ U.S. State Department cable releases to undermine Washington’s efforts to effect stability in unstable parts of the world, it is slow, if not silent, in giving credit where credit is due. Although other credible sources confirmed it before WikiLeaks did, in receiving similar disinterested responses from the media, it should be clear now that President Bush’s concerns about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program were well-founded.

The controversy goes back to Bush’s State of the Union address in January 2003. In the speech, he said the British government learned Saddam had “recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” This became one of several justifications leading to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq two months later — and one about which, Bush critics later claimed, he lied.

British intelligence had determined an effort was made by Iraq to obtain “yellowcake” — a uranium concentrate extracted from ores for use as material in higher-grade nuclear enrichment — from Niger. The waters separating fact from fiction over this allegation were muddied after various claims and counter-claims followed."

Media Slow To Show WikiLeaks Justified Iraq War | Human Events

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -
Russian MoFA statement:

All that had to be said.

They also swore to us that they had supervised all of the al-Assad's chemical weapons had been destroyed.
We swore up and down that Saddam Hussein had WMD did that work out ?

And on the chemical side..

The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?
If you give a shit about children why did you vote for Hillary Clinton the baby killer extraordinaire?

Turns out he did. Would never have known it though the way you progressives lie about things.

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -

Do you think Iraq was going to make gravity bombs from all that yellowcake.?That's enough to make 500 bombs weighing one ton each. Either that, or make one big ball of yellowcake, and roll it at the enemy like the giant rock in Indiana Jones. Yeah, that's the kind of WMD we we talking about.
Turns out he did. Would never have known it though the way you progressives lie about things.

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

Yellowcake removed from Iraq nuclear site

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -

Do you think Iraq was going to make gravity bombs from all that yellowcake.?That's enough to make 500 bombs weighing one ton each. Either that, or make one big ball of yellowcake, and roll it at the enemy like the giant rock in Indiana Jones. Yeah, that's the kind of WMD we we talking about.

I wonder what a person can do with yellowcake, that a person who doesn't have it can?:eusa_think:
Trumps red line, assad used chemical weapons yet again

It was only the runway so planes could not be used in chemical attack again.

Rice lied yet again..........that assad had no more chemical weapons, but then she was good at that

When Japan surrendered in WWII, the USA had no nuclear weapons. That Syria had no chemical weapons in 2013, doesn't mean they didn't make more by 2017.

This is the fifth time, at least, since "no more chemical weapons" that they have used chemical weapons.
This is the fifth time, at least, since "no more chemical weapons" that they have used chemical weapons.

Last week my refrigerator was officially 'milk free'. It only took me a day to get more. Making or buying chemical weapons isn't rocket science,
Which kind of blows your lie that they didn't have them, out of the water, don't it....

Iraq was prohibited from having, chemical weapons not prohibited from had-ing them.
Proof they had weapons at one time, doesn't prove they had then when they were prohibited from having them. From the CIA report, we looked all over Iraq and didn't find any chemical weapons, except for abandoned ones.
Are Americans not fed-up with all the badmouthing of his predecessor by Donald Trump. I have never heard an American president do that before no matter what political party any of them belonged to.

Hopefully, you're being facetious because, if you are not, you have had your head the sand the past eight years.
I never heard President Obama badmouth George W Bush even once. In contrast, Donald trump continues to criticize his predecessor daily. Trump's supporters take his lead.

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