Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

The U.S. bombing of Syria last night was rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing.

Syria strikes: International community reacts to US bombing of airfield

"I support the administration's strike on the air base that launched the chemical attack. I hope this teaches President Assad not to use chemical weapons again," Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement that, "making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do."

'Assad bears full responsibility': how the world reacted to Donald Trump's missile strike on Syria

...Syria, Russia, Iran, and USMB snowflakes are about the only ones who disapprove...and that's AFTER they condemned Trump for doing nothing after Syria used Chemical weapons. :p

Calm down my dear------- wait and watch going to happen in next couple of days. This is not good.
I support removing Assad but using a force with little or no effect--------- doesn't accomplish anything.
So far, Russia and Iran are the only countries to condemn the airstrikes. The rest of the free world is applauding loudly.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Congress didn't want Obama attacking Syria.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Balls. That sort of talk got us the Iraq disaster 14 years ago.
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Congress didn't want Obama attacking Syria.

Did trump ask for permission?

Got to love the cop outs always trying to protect the pussy President Obama.

So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria? No, no, don't deny it, as it is what you're trying to do, make Syria "The nation of ISIS".

See, that's the problem. _All_ of the rebels are hardline islamicists. There are no good guys in Syria.

Obama, being the grownup, understood that. Grownups know that sometimes, you don't have any good options, you only have options that stink the least. The one that stank the least was keeping Assad from using chemical weapons, which he did successfully. Trump ... didn't.

So again, which group of your ISIS-type BFF's do you want running Syria?
The French and Germans issued a 'statement' supporting Trump's action.

I wonder where we can cash that 'statement' in for a few million dollars to buy some more Tomahawks?

France says about time America grew balls again after that pussy Obama backed out on the French when they wanted our help to attack Assad.


Balls. That sort of talk got us the Iraq disaster 14 years ago.

You do know using WMDs against civilians is highly frowned upon and must be met with force right snowflake?
1. Last night TRUMP did what Obama WOULDN'T do - enforce OBAMA'S 'Red Line'.

2. Statement to the world made: THIS President will act decisively.

3. Democrats support the strike, as they should. Nice.

4. Fake Woowoo Warren declares military action in Syria requires Congressional Approval
- Does 'Pochahontas' know we have combat troops on the ground in Syria and we've been fighting Obama's Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized Syrian war for a while now, and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so?

5. So much for the BS snowflake argument that Trump supports Assad and won't take action because he's buddies with Putin. Trump just gave Assad, Putin, and Iran the finger as Tomahawks rained down on the Syrian base from where the chemical attack originated.

So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.

That is Goddam funny.
Funny and predictable
So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.
You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.
So Trump-snowflakes, which group of hardline islamicists are you trying to put into power in Syria? No, no, don't deny it, as it is what you're trying to do, make Syria "The nation of ISIS".

See, that's the problem. _All_ of the rebels are hardline islamicists. There are no good guys in Syria.

Obama, being the grownup, understood that. Grownups know that sometimes, you don't have any good options, you only have options that stink the least. The one that stank the least was keeping Assad from using chemical weapons, which he did successfully. Trump ... didn't.

So again, which group of your ISIS-type BFF's do you want running Syria?
Assad used chemical weapons again you stupid fuck, you know the ones that Kerry said were all gone from Syria.

So you suddenly decided that what you called Obama's unconstitutional war suddenly became constitutional when Trump became president.
Thank you for displaying your complete ignorance!

Trump did not drag the US Un-Constitutionally off to war. He ordered a tactical strike against the airbase from which Assad launched his chemical weapons attack.

There was never any reason to 'go to war', to put boots on the ground in Syria, which is what Obama has done.

Trump just demonstrated to you and Barry how to appropriately handle the situation without starting an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war.
You fucking moron. Launching missiles into a foreign nation is in act of war. Calling it a "tactical strike" doesn't change that.

We are already bombing and fighting in Syria you moron.

Trump has more information now than he had during the campaign. Great leaders adjust with new information, not ignore it for ideology.

Donald Trump just obliterated Obama's 8 year p*ssification of America in one bold stroke.
Measured and precise. But why? Assad is not Saddam Hussein. He was one of the best leaders in the Middle East. It wasn't until the Syrian people attempted to rise up against him that he broke out chemical weapons. When we take him out of power, Syria will be under Taliban-like control. We should be helping Assad maintain stability - not trying to eliminate him.

As you know, Bashar al-Assad is a ruthless, murderous leader. He has killed thousands of his own citizens.

My hope is that now that President Trump has stepped up to the plate and declared that America is back with an exclamation point, negotiations can take place to peacefully remove al-Assad and replace him with another leader. My hope, I don't know what will happen but so far it is better than anything done by petulant former President Obama. What will happen, I don't know nor do you.
Your post was alright until you turned it into an insufferable partisan comment about President Obama.
Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama

Need I remind you that was all petulant former President Barack Hussein did for EIGHT SOLID YEARS? To this day, nothing has been his fault, responsibility or anything else although he did manage to insert "I and me" in large numbers into each of his speeches.
Are Americans not fed-up with all the badmouthing of his predecessor by Donald Trump. I have never heard an American president do that before no matter what political party any of them belonged to.

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