Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.

Let's see Obama the leader from behind never attacked Assad... After he used gas..

Trump Attacked Assad...

Uhm the president of the United States don't need permission


Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no. Trump just did the exact same thing without asking.

So you are saying Obama is a pussy... Yes we already knew that and so did the world.

That's why Assad never gave up all his WMDs that's why the republicans hated the Iran deal
Measured and precise. But why? Assad is not Saddam Hussein. He was one of the best leaders in the Middle East. It wasn't until the Syrian people attempted to rise up against him that he broke out chemical weapons. When we take him out of power, Syria will be under Taliban-like control. We should be helping Assad maintain stability - not trying to eliminate him.

As you know, Bashar al-Assad is a ruthless, murderous leader. He has killed thousands of his own citizens.

My hope is that now that President Trump has stepped up to the plate and declared that America is back with an exclamation point, negotiations can take place to peacefully remove al-Assad and replace him with another leader. My hope, I don't know what will happen but so far it is better than anything done by petulant former President Obama. What will happen, I don't know nor do you.
Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama

Need I remind you that was all petulant former President Barack Hussein did for EIGHT SOLID YEARS? To this day, nothing has been his fault, responsibility or anything else although he did manage to insert "I and me" in large numbers into each of his speeches.
1. Last night TRUMP did what Obama WOULDN'T do - enforce OBAMA'S 'Red Line'.

2. Statement to the world made: THIS President will act decisively.

3. Democrats support the strike, as they should. Nice.

4. Fake Woowoo Warren declares military action in Syria requires Congressional Approval
- Does 'Pochahontas' know we have combat troops on the ground in Syria and we've been fighting Obama's Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized Syrian war for a while now, and she never once demanded Obama come before Congress to ask for the authority to do so?

5. So much for the BS snowflake argument that Trump supports Assad and won't take action because he's buddies with Putin. Trump just gave Assad, Putin, and Iran the finger as Tomahawks rained down on the Syrian base from where the chemical attack originated.
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.
I've asked that nitwit charwin95 dozens of times to admit what county she is from and she won't do it. Her English is atrocious though so she's clearly not American.

I have exposed myself far more than you and so far you have not said anything about yourself.
So why the fuck both of you are to fascinated about me?
Didn't I challenged you live but you are so FUCKING coward.

Oh damn thats funny!!!!:boobies:
Your credibility is nothing but --------- showing you are fucked up bastard American.
Ah...there is that ugly foreign, American envy rearing its ugly head. Go home sweetie. Nobody cares what you foreigners think. Honest. We don't care. You just don't matter.

And who is WE? you and your fellow bastard broker?
And if my opinion doesn't matter ------- think again who are responding to my post.
You are a good example of an ugly American I hope you burn to hell.


It only gets worse when you get all excited.....
"Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. She is reckless and dangerous!" - Trump in May 2016

I miss this incarnation of Trump before neo-cons performed an "invasion of the body snatchers" on him.
59 missiles and 6 casualties.

Terrific! Great precision, measured attack. Very effective!
Measured and precise. But why? Assad is not Saddam Hussein. He was one of the best leaders in the Middle East. It wasn't until the Syrian people attempted to rise up against him that he broke out chemical weapons. When we take him out of power, Syria will be under Taliban-like control. We should be helping Assad maintain stability - not trying to eliminate him.
I understand he is very good to his mother.
Guest after guest is gushing. From MSNBC to CNN, Trump received his best night of press so far. And all he had to do was start a war.
Good move by our President. Decisive and an effective response to Syrian atrocities. Have to see how this changes our policy towards Syria and the rebels

I don't think so. The mistake we made in Iraq was entering in the first place. When you leave a power vacuum, then you open it up to warlords, groups like ISIS, etc. and stoke further regional instability.

Just as big a mistake was Obama withdrawing troops from Iraq before the mission was completed and destabilizing Libya and enabling Iran. Being a coward in dealing with Syria and Russia didn't help either.
I don't see how we pay any price letting them fight and kill one another.
I agree completely.
However we do pay the price for bombing them. And if this escalates more we could pay the price in lives. For what exactly?
No worries there. We are the world's elite superpower. Nobody is going to mess with us now that President Trump sits in the White House. The upside to this action tonight is that it puts the world on notice - the limp-wristed idealist community organizer is gone. We are the United States once again and pissing us off is a bad idea.

Im not sure this will have the desired effect

How is dropping 59 bombs fix anything?

The answer to that question is threefold.

It destroys the airbase that was used to deliver Sarin gas to kill civilians including children.

It gives a real "reset" message to Russia.

It shows the militant factions in the area that the little chickenshit affirmative action Muslim is not the Commander in Chief anymore.
Yeah great another war brewing and the dems are all creaming their jeans

who are the war mongers again?

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