Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Here is the sad reality: Barack Obama destabilized the entire Middle East. He overthrew Hosni Mubarak in Egypt leading to the muslim terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood taking control of the nation. Then he went into Libya and overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. It spiraled out of control as two warring factions try to take control of Libya. Then he went into Yemen to wreak havoc. His final blow was destabilizing Syria. So what is the result of all of this? The perfect petri dish for terrorism (death, anger, poverty, discontent, etc.) all over the Middle East. That is the legacy of the pro-muslim, anti-American, marxist Barack Obama. He has ensured many decades of millions of future terrorists.

Trump is left to clean up Obama's mess in Syria

Let me see what you got about ME.
It makes sense considering the target and objective, and the advanced notice provided to clear personnel from the targeted area. I imagine the smarter bombs are saved for trickier targets.

A Tomahawk Block III can fly through your front door from 800 miles that "tricky' enough?
it was about time to use our shelf shit, and create a need for some new war toys .. government contractors were getting skinny, a new RW potus can fatten them up with government no bid jobs ..
Didn't I challenged you about GENOME and DNA counting? This is what I do for a living.
The sentence should be "didn't I challenge you" not "challenged". Instead of counting DNA, why don't you take some courses in English? And then take some courses on the U.S. Constitution after that.
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?

Rule number one about the internet, don't tell anyone ANYTHING about yourself. Not your gender, not your age, not where you come from, none of it, otherwise pricks will be trying to get into all your holes.

Great advice...I might add; if you're going to play the "smart guy" role be sure you're able to use and articulate the English language...haha

Why? If someone here doesn't speak English as their first language, it doesn't diminish their argument. Attacking, insulting and all that crap, do.
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?

Rule number one about the internet, don't tell anyone ANYTHING about yourself. Not your gender, not your age, not where you come from, none of it, otherwise pricks will be trying to get into all your holes.

I was just being honest.

Yes, well.... being honest is one thing, avoiding the people who just come on here and attack because you're their source of entertainment is another.
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.
I don't like it. Not really sure who used those chemical weapons

Actually, we do. The attack was conducted with fixed wing aircraft. The only forces with fixed wing aircraft are Syria and Russia. Russia is also adamantly opposed to chemical weapons. There are also witness accounts of the bombs. The US has radar and satellite coverage of the entire area.

Who did it is not a question?
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.

He doesn't. The problem is he does as far as people who are already wary of the US.

Trump is pretending the US wants peace and harmony. The rest of the world is laughing at his crap joke.
I don't see how we pay any price letting them fight and kill one another.

Allowing the use of Sarin gas, or any other chemical or biological weapon by a rogue nation gives tacit permission to every other tin pot dictator to us it as well. While other countries might whine and wring their hands, they will do nothing if they use poison gas.
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.

Let's see Obama the leader from behind never attacked Assad... After he used gas..

Trump Attacked Assad...

Uhm the president of the United States don't need permission

Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.

Let's see Obama the leader from behind never attacked Assad... After he used gas..

Trump Attacked Assad...

Uhm the president of the United States don't need permission


Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no. Trump just did the exact same thing without asking.
I've also heard that figure on the news programs tonight, but it's inaccurate. Tomahawks cost $1.59 million each. So $90 million plus cost of steaming them to the launch point.

What fun!

When in history have we ever seen a Progressive concerned about SPENDING? Not possible!

Progressives are still defending petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama increasing our DEBT BY $10 TRILLION.

Well, I guess any concern about spending from the far left is an improvement.

How much did President Obama's cravenness policies cost us over his term in office?
Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?
Retaliation for 9/11 by entering Afghanistan to go after ALQ is not the same as illegally invading a sovereign country to wage 'preemptive' war.

Congress also authorized the use of force against Iraq.

UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq
The list below is out of date. For resolutions since 2004, please see

The following is a complete list of Security Council Resolutions (SCRs) involving Iraq. The overwhelming majority of resolution since 1990 relate to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and subsequent developments. The resolutions deemed particularly important are indicated in bold. A full list of SCRs is available here. Guides to the SCRs relating to Iraq are maintained by the Federation of American Scientists (here) and the UN's Office of the Iraq Programme (here); a further compilation of SCRs on Iraq is maintained by Saleh Iraq site (here). The Office of the Spokesman for the Secretary-General has a brief guide to the resolutions on all the UN sanctions regimes, Use of sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | pre-1990 resolutions on Iraq | Zimbabwe resolutions

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UN Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq

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