Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

President Trump, you were the one who bucked the entire establishment. While everyone else’s brains turned to mush upon seeing a picture of a bloody Syrian boy, you wisely reminded us that America must come first; that it is not our job to fight everyone else’s wars; that with 19 trillion dollars in debt we literally cannot afford to make it our job; that an American president’s duty is to his own people, not to the world
People praising the Syria attack:
-Lindsay Graham
-Paul Ryan

People against the attack:

-Real Trump Supporters
President Trump, you were the one who bucked the entire establishment. While everyone else’s brains turned to mush upon seeing a picture of a bloody Syrian boy, you wisely reminded us that America must come first; that it is not our job to fight everyone else’s wars; that with 19 trillion dollars in debt we literally cannot afford to make it our job; that an American president’s duty is to his own people, not to the world
You're spot-on with that post. President Trump is inexplicably going back on his own position. The world was an exponentially safer, more secure, and more stable with secular leaders in place in Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

Barack Obama destabilized the entire world when he assisted in overthrowing leaders in Egypt and Libya. He tried to do the same in Syria but ran out of time. I'm disappointed in President Trump trying to complete the Obama Administration agenda.
59 missiles and 6 casualties.

Terrific! Great precision, measured attack. Very effective!
Measured and precise. But why? Assad is not Saddam Hussein. He was one of the best leaders in the Middle East. It wasn't until the Syrian people attempted to rise up against him that he broke out chemical weapons. When we take him out of power, Syria will be under Taliban-like control. We should be helping Assad maintain stability - not trying to eliminate him.
Muslims in that region have been fighting with each other for over a thousand years. Stay the hell out. It's their problem. Not ours. Dig?
Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?

He followed protocol. I guess you haven't been watching the news? Many of the same Senators praising Trump for doing the same thing Obama planned on doing... those same Senators voted against Obama's plan.

Look, I think something had to be done, and what happened is a fair reaction, but I'm not going to let partisanship change the facts of what happened in 2013. If the committee had approved Obama's plan and congress had voted to approve it... it would have done the same thing Trump just did.

So for you to praise Trump and call Obama a coward for not doing anything is a farce. The Republicans that blocked Obama's plan from even going before Congress are the ones you should be pissed at... because now most of them are praising the very same action they voted against.
Trump wasn't "Putin's puppet" after all
It's a damn shame you people bought into and promoted that obvious false narrative for so long. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize a megalomaniac like Donald Trump would never be a puppet to anyone.
Murderous McCain and Gruesome Graham out with their triumphant statement in the aftermath of strike on Syria.

Rep Schiff just said it was actually close to 70 missiles and that they were all targeted at one air base. That place is ashes now...

Not necessarily. Tomahawk missiles are low yield. It's unlikely that all of them hit on target (being fired from at least several hundred miles away) , and any aircraft that were sheltered probably survived.Well armored aircraft would likely only be destroyed by a direct hit.

You dont know shit about cruise missiles. Stop pretending you do.
Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?
What is pathetic is that so many Americans, like yourself, has taken sides with Donald Trump in his personal crusade against Barrack Obama because he was humiliated at a dinner one time. The narcissistic Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama who was his better and Trump cannot accept being criticized or made fun of.
The more I hear Americans continuing to criticize the last United States president, the more I am persuaded that we are witnessing a shallow personality cult of the unbalanced Donald Trump.
Trump voters have remained principled and are calling this out for what it is - unlike Obama voters when he attacked Libya.
Dude...they had cruise missiles back in the Gulf War in the 90's that could literally turn 90 degree street corners and hit targets. These missiles have 1,000 pound warheads on them. You're out of your mind. :lmao:

Nope. It's practically a guarantee that at least a dozen of the missiles will go off course. The distance the missiles were fired at affects how accurate the missiles are, and these were probably fired from hundreds of miles away.

Tomahawks are in fact low yield high explosive. They are not designed for saturation bombing or taking out armored targets. . They could hit the front of an MBT and be completely absorbed due to their low penetration abilities, which is why I said a well armored aircraft could survive a hit.

What a fucken dumbass........
This very approach is what led to the disaster in Libya, the migrant crisis and the rise of ISIS.
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Trump does not represent the views of half the Americans and certainly does not speak for NATO which has nothing to do with Syria. You are correct in saying that U.S. policy is clear that Assad must not use gas on civilians and it was Barrack Obama who made this a red line against the advice of Donald Trump. Failure of the Republicans in Congress to support President Obama, did weaken him in the eyes of the Russians and Assad.

Let's see Obama the leader from behind never attacked Assad... After he used gas..

Trump Attacked Assad...

Uhm the president of the United States don't need permission


Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no. Trump just did the exact same thing without asking.

So you are saying Obama is a pussy... Yes we already knew that and so did the world.

That's why Assad never gave up all his WMDs that's why the republicans hated the Iran deal

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