Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Christians who live in Syria are terrified of what will happen if Assad is gone.
Probably the same thing that happened when Obama helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over in Egypt - it was 'open season' on Christians.
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.
Yeah great another war brewing and the dems are all creaming their jeans ... who are the war mongers again?
'Brewing'? We already have combat troops on the ground in Syria and have been fighting Barry's Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war in Syria for a while now.
Wag the Dog False Flag. US Presidents are known for such attacks. Often, when a US President feels things aren't going well for them, they seek a big distraction. They find some defenseless nation to invade or bomb. This has all been done before. This attack is just another Wag the Dog False Flag. It's amazing Americans keep falling for the same ole lies. It's tragic.
Are you calling the chemical weapons use on men, women, and children a 'Wag The Dog' Scenario?
If this were Bill Clinton launching cruise missiles, Republicans would be posting "wag the dog" stories
Actually in 2013 Obama wanted to fire missiles to destroy Assad's air force but he asked permission from Congress and they said no.

Malarkey. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama wanted a scapegoat. What kind of a surprise attack is it to talk to congress in order to advertise to the world that we are going to attack and here is what congress has said I could do and when.

The gutless wonder has left the world in chaos as he has escaped to Tahiti in shame or guilt. Oh wait, we don't have an extradition treaty with Tahiti do we?
What is pathetic is that so many Americans, like yourself, has taken sides with Donald Trump in his personal crusade against Barrack Obama because he was humiliated at a dinner one time. The narcissistic Trump has done nothing but whine on about Obama who was his better and Trump cannot accept being criticized or made fun of.
The more I hear Americans continuing to criticize the last United States president, the more I am persuaded that we are witnessing a shallow personality cult of the unbalanced Donald Trump.

What is really pathetic are the 60+ million dumbass confused Americans that elected that affirmative action dimwit chickenshit asshole Obama and then voted for that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent Crooked Hillary.
If this were Bill Clinton launching cruise missiles, Republicans would be posting "wag the dog" stories

If it was the Kenyan Catastrophe asshole bombing Libya the Moon Bats would be praising the sonofabitch.
You obviously don't know much on this topic. You don't used manned bombers against an area with Russians running an air defense network, even with a B-2.
Clearly I know far more about this topic than you do.

The B-2 was designed and built to penetrate Russian IADS by itself, as I stated there would be greater risk than with cruise missiles but your bizarre claim that we don't use manned bombers against Russian air defenses it utterly retarded.
If this were Bill Clinton launching cruise missiles, Republicans would be posting "wag the dog" stories
You are a liar.

Clinton struck a milk factory while trying to distract from the fact that he had an affair in the WH and had lied to every American on TV by claiming that he did not do so.

Trump just did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S 'RED LINE' AFTER ASSAD USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS ... AGAIN.
You obviously don't know much on this topic. You don't used manned bombers against an area with Russians running an air defense network, even with a B-2.
Clearly I know far more about this topic than you do.

The B-2 was designed and built to penetrate Russian IADS by itself, as I stated there would be greater risk than with cruise missiles but your bizarre claim that we don't use manned bombers against Russian air defenses it utterly retarded.
The Tomahawk cruise missile is designed for and preferred in missions such as this so you don't put human lives in harm's way.
Really? A story about a tiny little boat going dead in the water is your idea of another nation "attacking" the U.S.?!? :lmao:
I never said "attacking" I said harassing and near misses, to which you responded would never happen.

When two incidents that are clearly harassing behavior are shown you're suddenly interested in Chinese/Russians/whoever actually attacking. You've attempted a backpedal by moving the goalposts, and it isn't fooling anyone.

How is dropping 59 bombs fix anything?

The answer to that question is threefold.

It destroys the airbase that was used to deliver Sarin gas to kill civilians including children.

It gives a real "reset" message to Russia.

It shows the militant factions in the area that the little chickenshit affirmative action Muslim is not the Commander in Chief anymore.

Agree------ but weakening Assad ---- only help ISIS.
If we do not have immediate replacements for Assad it will only make the situation in Syria worse as it is.
The Tomahawk cruise missile is designed for and preferred in missions such as this so you don't put human lives in harm's way.
Absolutely correct.

Dude asked how it could be done cheaper, and a B-2 is exactly how since a single bomber can deliver the ordnance of about 32 tomahawk missiles. Obviously not something we'd do because the risks are much higher and it couldn't match the response time of US Navy vessels.

Could also do an less risky attack with a B-2 carrying JSOWs, standoff weapon that is much cheaper than tomahawk. They'd be devastating against soft targets like planes/radars/fuel depots but wouldn't be as useful versus hardened bunkers.
If this were Bill Clinton launching cruise missiles, Republicans would be posting "wag the dog" stories
You are a liar.

Clinton struck a milk factory while trying to distract from the fact that he had an affair in the WH and had lied to every American on TV by claiming that he did not do so.

Trump just did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S 'RED LINE' AFTER ASSAD USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS ... AGAIN.
Actually, Clinton launched an attack against an unknown terrorist named bin Laden

Republicans claimed it was just his way of distracting the public from their blowjob investigation
If this were Bill Clinton launching cruise missiles, Republicans would be posting "wag the dog" stories
You are a liar.

Clinton struck a milk factory while trying to distract from the fact that he had an affair in the WH and had lied to every American on TV by claiming that he did not do so.

Trump just did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S 'RED LINE' AFTER ASSAD USED CHEMICAL WEAPONS ... AGAIN.

Your theory about Clinton is retarded.

But you are right about Trump.

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