Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Noooooo! Really? I've only been saying that for 6 months now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine his broken English means he's not American born.

Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.

I'm not an immigrant.

I thought you were Latino immigrant... guess I don't know as much as I thought I did. Oh well. I'm not going to argue this anymore.

My point stands, someone's ability to communicate on a forum has nothing to do with whether they are American or not.

Real, legitimate American's speak fluent English. Anyone else is what we call un-American or barely legal or legal by way of retarded technicality...Sorry to hurt your feelings. Have a good evening!

Oh no----- my feelings is not hurt at all. I'm LMAO from people like you who call yourself educated when displaying uneducated behavior.
I'm happy that both of you are stalking me. Means I'm having a very good impact.

More of the same...
His feeling(s) are singular...haha
Fucking ignorant foreigner.
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?
America's war machine is the greatest single obstacle to peace on earth.
Yeah...Saddam Hussein was soooooo "peaceful" as he raped and slaughtered his way across Iraq, into Iran, and into Kuwait.

And think of all of the peace and harmony on 9/11. Each person filled with peace and joy as they burned alive or leaped 200 floors to their deaths. I remember thinking - this moment is so beautiful it's like a rainbow wrapped inside of a flower held by a precious little baby.

:eusa_doh: Idiot.
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?

You need not say anything more...we are 100% aware that you are an uneducated immigrant lowlife. Trust've made that clear.
Cruise missiles; the Tomahawk version, cost roughly $1.101 million dollars each. So let's hope we get the dollar value in return. 59 cruise missiles X 1.101 M dollars = a whole bunch of bucks!

No these cost about $500K each not a $1 mil each.
I've also heard that figure on the news programs tonight, but it's inaccurate. Tomahawks cost $1.59 million each. So $90 million plus cost of steaming them to the launch point.

Here's how much 59 Tomahawk missiles cost
Didn't I challenged you LIVE to sort all these out?
You can't even form a single sentence properly. Please note the proper corrections I made to your post below. What is there to "sort out"? If we go "LIVE" it's going to be so I can give you English lessons.
Didn't I challenged challenge you LIVE to sort all of these this out?

Blah blah blah --------- You talk too much. Is this all you got coward? You are full of shit.
America's war machine is the greatest single obstacle to peace on earth.
Yeah...Saddam Hussein was soooooo "peaceful" as he raped and slaughtered his way across Iraq, into Iran, and into Kuwait.

And think of all of the peace and harmony on 9/11. Each person filled with peace and joy as they burned alive or leaped 200 floors to their deaths. I remember thinking - this moment is so beautiful it's like a rainbow wrapped inside of a flower held by a precious little baby.

:eusa_doh: Idiot.
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Retaliation for 9/11 by entering Afghanistan to go after ALQ is not the same as illegally invading a sovereign country to wage 'preemptive' war. We went after Hussein with regional and international approval/support when he invaded Kuwait, that's a different thing altogether.

Go read the book, learn about all the covert and overt wars your country has engaged in over the past 70-80 years to feed the war machine - or STFU.
Don't go away----- I need company ---------- I'm doing a validation for clinical trials in my lab till 6am Friday.
I'm having lots of fun kicking and laughing both of your asses.

Here is the sad reality: Barack Obama destabilized the entire Middle East. He overthrew Hosni Mubarak in Egypt leading to the muslim terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood taking control of the nation. Then he went into Libya and overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. It spiraled out of control as two warring factions try to take control of Libya. Then he went into Yemen to wreak havoc. His final blow was destabilizing Syria. So what is the result of all of this? The perfect petri dish for terrorism (death, anger, poverty, discontent, etc.) all over the Middle East. That is the legacy of the pro-muslim, anti-American, marxist Barack Obama. He has ensured many decades of millions of future terrorists.

Trump is left to clean up Obama's mess in Syria
Cruise missiles; the Tomahawk version, cost roughly $1.101 million dollars each. So let's hope we get the dollar value in return. 59 cruise missiles X 1.101 M dollars = a whole bunch of bucks!

No these cost about $500K each not a $1 mil each.
I've also heard that figure on the news programs tonight, but it's inaccurate. Tomahawks cost $1.59 million each. So $90 million plus cost of steaming them to the launch point.

Here's how much 59 Tomahawk missiles cost

The official navy site says they are around $500K each.

"Unit Cost: Approximately $569,000 (FY99 $)."

The US Navy -- Fact File: Tomahawk Cruise Missile
Go read the book, learn about all the covert and overt wars your country has engaged in over the past 70-80 years to feed the war machine - or STFU.
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Humiliated by Her Own Stupid Comments. :lmao:
Just because someone is an immigrant doesn't mean they aren't American.
I understand that. But why is he so ashamed to tell the truth? :dunno:

Are you really this stupid and dumb-------- I already exposed myself----- so far you have not said a diddly shit about yourself---------- not even what you do or where you live---------- so why the fuck I should tell you more about me?

Rule number one about the internet, don't tell anyone ANYTHING about yourself. Not your gender, not your age, not where you come from, none of it, otherwise pricks will be trying to get into all your holes.

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