Breaking News: Trumpcare loses two more Senators

Darn it, this latest news is going to spoil my little list.....LOL

The current health care bill was passed with intimidation and bribery and obviously never read by the democrat majority that singed their names to it . That's a fact . The question is why is it so important to continue the system while it bankrupts middle class families who are forced to ensure male members for breast cancer and live with deductibles that cost more than a new car? Why would left wingers celebrate the deliberate obstructionist efforts of democrats to prevent the health care system from being better? Is it about incoherent political anger?
Total proof republicans don't know how to get things done or govern.
But this defeat of Trumpcare belongs to the PEOPLE. The handicapped, vets, people on Medicaid who literally put their bodies in the halls and outside senators homed telling them they're not going to get fucked up the ass by them.
Meanwhile our giant dunce of a president wants the R's to repeal Obamacare and replace it with nothing.
He thinks being president is just photo ops and visiting countries. He has no idea nor ability to understand and learn details of an issue and work to get things done.
The current health care bill was passed with intimidation and bribery and obviously never read by the democrat majority that singed their names to it . That's a fact . The question is why is it so important to continue the system while it bankrupts middle class families who are forced to ensure male members for breast cancer and live with deductibles that cost more than a new car? Why would left wingers celebrate the deliberate obstructionist efforts of democrats to prevent the health care system from being better? Is it about incoherent political anger?
Trumpcare was constructed in complete secrecy without help from most of republicans. But no one expects YOU to be honest to discuss the issue du jour. The R party controls both houses of Congress and the presidency.
They failed miserable but all you can do is talk about democrats. Lmao
Remember when Trump said: "On day one I will ask Congress to send me a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare"? This is day 178.

That "day one" promise will always be remembered.....fondly we cast our eyes in awe over that beautiful wall
Trump doesn't give a shit. He just wants to repeal Obamacare.

Banners and Posters with the slogan......."What the Hell happened to REPLACE???" are being printed just in case the orange lard gets his wish....(that should make republicans in congress feel all tingly inside.)
Trump should just sign an EO telling agencies to ignore Obamacare. Then if the Congress still fails to repeal start firing people in those agencies that I'm force the law.

He owes no one in DC a thing.
Breaking News on CNN and MSNBC. Rand Paul and Susan Collins - and now Mike Lee and Jerry Moran.

WASHINGTON — Sens. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced Monday they will not be supporting the latest version of the Senate health care bill — diminishing its chances of passage in its current form.

Senate Republicans Just Killed Their Health Care Bill Again

Jerry Moran was right when he said we need to do what is best for the country rather than the party. The whole repel thing was party driven. Voters want it fixed not repealed.
Trump should just sign an EO telling agencies to ignore Obamacare. Then if the Congress still fails to repeal start firing people in those agencies that I'm force the law.

He owes no one in DC a thing.

Don't be so stupid. He owes Americans!

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