Breaking News: Trumpcare loses two more Senators

The sweet part is the republicans have to come groveling to the democrats to try to help them fix this clusterfuck.
They've had 8 years and failed miserably.
Failure like this is unprecedented.
The sweet part is the republicans have to come groveling to the democrats to try to help them fix this clusterfuck.
They've had 8 years and failed miserably.
Failure like this is unprecedented.

Spectacular failure! They deserve an award.
Here's the thing liberals......
I dont care if you die. You stupid fucks have destroyed our health care system,you riot in the streets,the LSM lies through their teeth.
I'm done caring about what happens to you dumbfucks.
I used to have empathy but that is fast turning into apathy.
It's all gimmie,gimmie,gimmie with you lazy fucks!!!!
Three Republican Senators have already stated they will not vote to repeal Obamacare without a replacement plan to take its place

McConnell strikes out again
The current health care bill was passed with intimidation and bribery and obviously never read by the democrat majority that singed their names to it . That's a fact . The question is why is it so important to continue the system while it bankrupts middle class families who are forced to ensure male members for breast cancer and live with deductibles that cost more than a new car? Why would left wingers celebrate the deliberate obstructionist efforts of democrats to prevent the health care system from being better? Is it about incoherent political anger?

I knew a man who died from breast cancer. Should he not have been covered for that?
After Trump gets through playing with his fire truck this week, he will launch his doomed budget initiative, which guts Medicare and food stamps so that the military can buy more F-35s at $122,000,000 each, which they will use to take out the 1993 Nissan pickup trucks that ISIS drives around in.

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