BREAKING NEWS: Whistle-blower is registered DEMOCRAT, new leak reveals - and that was basis...

Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.

Yeah, we can read the transcripts. And they bury Trump:

President Zelinksy:....We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.
President Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.....

Trump explicitly connects further aid to the Ukraine with his 'favor'; the corruption investigations into Crowdstrike and Joe Biden.

And of couse, the Ukrainians were made to understand that the US cooperation was being held back until the 'corruption investigations' into Biden and Crowdstrike were complete. This is the Ukrainian summary of the call BEFORE the whistleblower complaint became known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

There were only two 'corruption cases' mentioned in the entire call: Crowdstrike once. And Joe Biden and son, 3 times.

With Trump *personally* holding back aid to Ukraine before the call with the Ukrainian president to ask him for a favor.

And of course, if this was an official request.....why did he ask the Zelensky to work with his personal lawyers and send Rudy with an off the books legal team? Why not go through official channels?

Here is a few things your media is not telling you. Mainly, Zelensky had no idea that any military aid was being delayed. How do you threaten somebody who doesn't even know about any funding delays? I understand bias is difficult to control, but it is obvious that Trump is not threatening to withhold Javelins. They were separate subjects.

Is looking into corruption interfering in an election? Is it not possible question any of the Biden's past dealings?
Yesterdays testimony has texts proving it was being withheld based on Ukraine's investigating. And we know Ukraine as beung told to do it or no phone call with Trump.

Trump is dead meat. All that is left is adding to the list of who goes with him : Guiliani, Barr, Pompeo, Pence so far

Only in your lefty loon dreams. LOL
At this point Soros needs to relocate his democrat Party to another country, one with no guns and no individual rights
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.

They don't really have any choice at this point.

President Trump has them dead to rights on Foreign Interference and they are literally fighting for there Political Life, freedom, and is the case of provable Treason - their literal life.
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
Was the whistle blower who triggered the Fast and Furious scandal a registered Democrat??

Or do you not even care??

Matter of fact, I bet you didn't even know that was a whistle blower complaint
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.
If Biden wasn't running for president, Trump will not be asking he be investigated either....
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.

And? Remember, the Intel IG found the claims of the whistleblower to be credible.
There are two whistleblowers...
Impossible... a Registered Democrat, and an IRS official, Zero credibility and absolutely untrustworthy
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.
If Biden wasn't running for president, Trump will not be asking he be investigated either....

You do, or you do not, understand that he is not looking for political dirt - like he had hookers pee on a bed that trump has going to sleep in , but that he is looking to help Ukraine investigate corruption crimes against each of our countries?
And the emphasis is on the an election that President Trump has already won.

If you didn't know that - now you do - you should say thank you.
If you know and still print those lies - not sure that there is any hope for you.
And it's now coming out that Schiff and his people were meeting with this person weeks ago to set this up. This is all backfiring on the Dems. As expected. Funny how all these investigations have revealed is Democrat corruption.

It really is as bad as Smollet in Chicago. Worst attack ever.

Save of course that the call outlined in the Whistleblowers complaint has been verified to exist, includes the numerous citations of Biden or his son, exactly as the whistleblower described.

With Trump holding up funding for the Ukraine, exactly as the whistleblower described

And Trump instructed the President of Ukraine to talk to Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Gulliani exactly as the whistleblower described

Trump also tried to include William Barr, exactly as the whistleblower described

The Ukrainian's did summarize the phone call as follows:

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine's image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between Ukraine and the United States."

.....exactly as the whistle blower described.

Trump discussed no other corruption cases the 2016 election and Biden were discussed in the call, exactly as the whistleblower described

State department officials listened in on the call, exactly as the whistleblower described

The transcripts of the call were moved to secure severs, designed to handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature exactly as the whistleblower described

Notice a pattern yet? In fact, to save time, here's the whistleblower complaint. Show us what the Whistleblower got wrong.

Read the unclassified version of the whistleblower complaint against Trump

As we'll be here all night if we list what was accurate in the Whistleblower complaint

Literally every sentence of that nonsense is false.

Only in Trump world.

Trump tried to pressure the Ukraine President into investigating his political rival by tying it to a Trump phone call and Military funding.
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.
If Biden wasn't running for president, Trump will not be asking he be investigated either....

You do, or you do not, understand that he is not looking for political dirt - like he had hookers pee on a bed that trump has going to sleep in , but that he is looking to help Ukraine investigate corruption crimes against each of our countries?
And the emphasis is on the an election that President Trump has already won.

If you didn't know that - now you do - you should say thank you.
If you know and still print those lies - not sure that there is any hope for you.

Trump had been told multiple times by his own staff that there was nothing to this Biden thing.

He wasn't asking to investigate corruption., he just asked to investigate Biden.
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.
If Biden wasn't running for president, Trump will not be asking he be investigated either....

You do, or you do not, understand that he is not looking for political dirt - like he had hookers pee on a bed that trump has going to sleep in , but that he is looking to help Ukraine investigate corruption crimes against each of our countries?
And the emphasis is on the an election that President Trump has already won.

If you didn't know that - now you do - you should say thank you.
If you know and still print those lies - not sure that there is any hope for you.

Trump had been told multiple times by his own staff that there was nothing to this Biden thing.

He wasn't asking to investigate corruption., he just asked to investigate Biden.

You ignorant fuck
500 fucking words regarding 2016 corruption
About 1 sentence regarding biden
And it's now coming out that Schiff and his people were meeting with this person weeks ago to set this up. This is all backfiring on the Dems. As expected. Funny how all these investigations have revealed is Democrat corruption.

It really is as bad as Smollet in Chicago. Worst attack ever.

Save of course that the call outlined in the Whistleblowers complaint has been verified to exist, includes the numerous citations of Biden or his son, exactly as the whistleblower described.

With Trump holding up funding for the Ukraine, exactly as the whistleblower described

And Trump instructed the President of Ukraine to talk to Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Gulliani exactly as the whistleblower described

Trump also tried to include William Barr, exactly as the whistleblower described

The Ukrainian's did summarize the phone call as follows:

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine's image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between Ukraine and the United States."

.....exactly as the whistle blower described.

Trump discussed no other corruption cases the 2016 election and Biden were discussed in the call, exactly as the whistleblower described

State department officials listened in on the call, exactly as the whistleblower described

The transcripts of the call were moved to secure severs, designed to handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature exactly as the whistleblower described

Notice a pattern yet? In fact, to save time, here's the whistleblower complaint. Show us what the Whistleblower got wrong.

Read the unclassified version of the whistleblower complaint against Trump

As we'll be here all night if we list what was accurate in the Whistleblower complaint

Literally every sentence of that nonsense is false.

Only in Trump world.

Trump tried to pressure the Ukraine President into investigating his political rival by tying it to a Trump phone call and Military funding.
Show me in the can't

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Are you people really this stupid or what?

There is no question about WHAT WAS SAID in the telephone call in question.

There was no quid pro quo. There was no indication whatsoever of any connection between the delaying of funds and the investigation into Bidens' corruption. In fact, the Ukrainians DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE FUNDS WERE DELAYED until several weeks AFTER the call. And of course the funds were presently released. Is that how extortion works, exactly? YOU DON'T TELL THE PERSON WHAT THE DOWNSIDE IS? Fucking ridiculous.

If Biden weren't running for President, would there be any question about the propriety of inquiring about WHAT DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE family members cashing in on the VP's position? No. So Biden't campaign is the difference between a legitimate request and an ILLEGAL ACT.

Stupid idiots.

Go the fuck forward with the Impeachment. You will look even MORE idiotic and shallow than you do now. If that's even possible.
If Biden wasn't running for president, Trump will not be asking he be investigated either....

You do, or you do not, understand that he is not looking for political dirt - like he had hookers pee on a bed that trump has going to sleep in , but that he is looking to help Ukraine investigate corruption crimes against each of our countries?
And the emphasis is on the an election that President Trump has already won.

If you didn't know that - now you do - you should say thank you.
If you know and still print those lies - not sure that there is any hope for you.

Trump had been told multiple times by his own staff that there was nothing to this Biden thing.

He wasn't asking to investigate corruption., he just asked to investigate Biden.
Nope, wrong again.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
Dingbat learn to read and understand PROPAGANDA....APPEARED!!!!!.....
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
Dingbat learn to read and understand PROPAGANDA....APPEARED!!!!!.....
Your thread is titled "Whistle-blower is registered Democrat" and the OP, All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
I know how to read and I know what the word "appeared" means, thanks very much. Your thread is about hanging Democrats for treason and don't try to wiggle out of it by changing the subject. I'm clearly not the one who is brainwashed here.
There is no significance to registering for one party or the other in a country that has only two major political parties. Heck, what would be the significance of Robert Mueller being a registered Republican who served as FBI director during Dubya's administration?

Even if it is true that the whistleblower is registered as a Democrat, this would not provide any proof that his complaint is fraudulent.

I would suspect that this individual has served in the CIA for quite a long time to have been detailed to the White House and probably has served under both Democratic and Republican administrations. It's almost certain that he's not a newbie.

This "news" is just another effort to muddy the waters. Snore.
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
Stop letting a bunch of sycophantic Trumpers force you into that "Being democrat doesn't mean I am a liar" game.....

They don't care about reality -- all they care about is owning the libs -- so unless you are a sycophant like they are -- they will always demonize you as a liar, traitor, etc etc etc...

I say screw them, they will come around and start rebranding themselves as independents, or start saying "I never really liked Trump's tweets" or whatever it is they plan to do to save face without admitting they were conned....
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
Stop letting a bunch of sycophantic Trumpers force you into that "Being democrat doesn't mean I am a liar" game.....

They don't care about reality -- all they care about is owning the libs -- so unless you are a sycophant like they are -- they will always demonize you as a liar, traitor, etc etc etc...

I say screw them, they will come around and start rebranding themselves as independents, or start saying "I never really liked Trump's tweets" or whatever it is they plan to do to save face without admitting they were conned....

I laugh
All of your guys are going to jail -
Yet we are the ones conned.
The unidentified whistle-blower who filed a complaint against Donald Trump is a registered Democrat, a new leak in the case has revealed.

CNN's Jake Tapper reported Thursday afternoon that voter registration records formed the basis for an inspector general's claim that the person may have had an 'arguable political bias' against the sitting Republican president.

Tapper said an attorney for the whistle-blower - whose identity remains anonymous - declined to comment on the claim. Already, the person had been revealed to a male, CIA operative, likely with a deep knowledge of Ukrainian political affairs.

The IG suggested the whistle-blower was either a Democrat or a Republican who supported one of Trump's primary campaign opponents.

A preliminary review found ‘some indica of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.' However the intelligence community inspector general also 'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,' the report said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Yep, a setup right from the start. All those conspiring in this sedition/treason should be tried and given the sentence reserved for all traitors. Next we need to check donor records and videos of Hildebeastys rallies to see if he was one of the hundred attendees of her typical crowd.
'complaint’s allegations nonetheless appeared credible,'
What really scares me about all this in the past three years is the push by some of Trump's adherents to allow the Democrats NO VOICE and NO RIGHTS to participate in government. They did it with the Mueller investigation and now they're doing it with the impeachment investigation.
Being a Democrat does not mean you are lying. It does not mean you are not genuinely concerned for your country and your government. It does not mean that they are not allowed to speak or to have concerns or to carefully investigate the facts... or even to blow the whistle, if it comes to that.

This to me is the scariest part of all this.
Stop letting a bunch of sycophantic Trumpers force you into that "Being democrat doesn't mean I am a liar" game.....

They don't care about reality -- all they care about is owning the libs -- so unless you are a sycophant like they are -- they will always demonize you as a liar, traitor, etc etc etc...

I say screw them, they will come around and start rebranding themselves as independents, or start saying "I never really liked Trump's tweets" or whatever it is they plan to do to save face without admitting they were conned....

I laugh
All of your guys are going to jail -
Yet we are the ones conned.
My guys???

I assume you are talking about anyone who is a

Has Obama's former NSA advisor gone to jail yet?? what bout his former campaign manager?? deputy campaign manager? how about his long time personal lawyer??

If all of those people went to jail, would that count as "all of my guys going to jail"?? or no?

Because that scenario actually does exist in the real world -- but they don't include "all of my guys" -- they include "all of your guys"

So if Obama is powerful enough to do all this, why do you keep thinking he and "his guys" are all going to jail?

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