Breaking Now! Biden Threatens to Strip Medicare Status From Hospitals That Fail to Perform Abortions in Emergency Situations

This is blackmail. Only an illegal president known as a Usurper would do such a thing.

Oh please do, the poor and elderly use medicaid/medicare for a lot of their healthcare. Want to piss off another group of voters, do it Joe i double dog dare you.
That is common sense. If a abortion is necessary to save a woman's life then it should be done. I don't expect stupid people like you to understand that. Apparently you think we should allow the woman to die. Anyone who causes that should be charged with murder.
This will be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. With this move, it will cause old people on Medicare, who are not getting pregnant, suffer because of abortions.
Keep opening these cans, Democrats.

Remember Hospitals, you have a duty to treat patients, even if they are not vaxxed. Or you could lose your medicare funding!

Actually the can of worm was left open by the SCOTUS that there might be a constitutional right under those circumstances in which the mother's life was in danger.
This is beyond his power even though I actually agree that emergencies should be handled.
ANY physician who refused life-saving care in a true life and death situation could be sued into oblivion and potentially be held criminally liable as well. This is Biden's handlers blowing smoke just like virtue signalers all do. If the Left creates a carve-out for less than true emergent situations the state government can legislate a definition that doctors can stand behind as a shield if they refuse to kill a baby.
Actually the can of worm was left open by the SCOTUS that there might be a constitutional right under those circumstances in which the mother's life was in danger.
Funny, in the Constitution, there is no right to murder a baby inside or outside the womb. Only an act of Congress, passed by the Senate, signed by the president, and then ratified by a majority of the states could put murdering a baby in the Constitution.
It is the Left that demands a vax for the flu. When hospitals say you will be vaxed or not be treated, they can forfiet their medicare status as per Joe Biden.

You are claiming the coronavirus is the flu. You don't need medical attention for the flu. You are the ones who are flapping your gums.
Baby killers should be dead, all of them, put down in exactly the same manner in which they murdered the baby, whether by coat hanger, pills, vacuum sucking and dismemberment, all who contribute to the baby's murder killed in exactly the same manner they murdered the baby! :fu:

This is not a baby. If Democrats were smart, they would be taking this down and making Americans aware of the nuts like you. It would be a landslide for Democrats.

This is blackmail. Only an illegal president known as a Usurper would do such a thing.

This is what a dictatorship looks like. Good Allah 81 million Americans are as brain dead as he is
Funny, in the Constitution, there is no right to murder a baby inside or outside the womb. Only an act of Congress, passed by the Senate, signed by the president, and then ratified by a majority of the states could put murdering a baby in the Constitution.

Abortion is not murder if it occurs before the fetus is viable or if the life of the mother is threatened.
Then there is nothing to worry about.
Sure there is. Then the federal government can force hospitals to do whatever they want. It should worry everyone. Just the same when governments said we will treat non whites first for COVID related stuff.

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