BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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Robin Williams at the Mark Twain Award to Billy Crystal:

"What's this? Clop, clop, clop, bang, bang, bang, clop, clop, clop?

An Amish drive-by shooting."

Only Robin would think that up!

Regards from Rosie
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Thanks Rosie :D

Whatta guy!
Marin County. Apparent suicide.

More to follow as details become available...

You must be orgasmic knowing you were the first USMB member to start a thread on it.

I find suicide hard to believe. Drug overdose more likely

No it was suicide.

One of my uncles built that house in which Williams was found dead today.

R.I.P. and God bless you, Robin. :smiliehug:

He was the third owner. So you are related to a guy who built a house for a guy who sold a house to a guy who sold a house to a guy who sold the house to a guy who offed himself. Should you be on the news or something?

op how did you miss the existing thread on this subject ? It's been at the top of the page all evening.

that thread was killed!!! It seems to be anti God!!!

No it was killed because you went on your usual drunken rant.
Robins Williams second TV appearance--(I could not find the first episode when he was introduced as a new character in Happy Days):

Mork Meets The Fonz - YouTube

I grew up watching Happy Days. :) Starting smoking in fact because of the Jonie smoking episode. ;) jk

Did you miss the part where the Fonz told Joanie that smoking was not cool?

Was never into the BLJ types so given cheerleaders and pretty girls doing something or some thug-looking guy I went with the babes. :)
Robins Williams second TV appearance--(I could not find the first episode when he was introduced as a new character in Happy Days):

Mork Meets The Fonz - YouTube

I grew up watching Happy Days. :) Starting smoking in fact because of the Jonie smoking episode. ;) jk

Did you miss the part where the Fonz told Joanie that smoking was not cool?

This Thread has now Officially Jumped the Shark. :thup:


"I heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. "
A guy goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, last night I dreamt I was a teepee;
the night before, I dreamt I was a wigwam, what's wrong with me?"

The doctor says, "That's easy, your two tents!"
I suffer from depression and it's not always easy. Some days are better than others. It's not always easy to know what demons somebody is wrestling with. I wish his family the best.
LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

I am surprised you haven't condemned the poor man to Hell.

No, only those reading the stale lines.
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