BREAKING NOW: Robin Williams Found Dead

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IMO depression is for the weak minded and weak willed. Lots of people have bad days, falls on hard times and suffers tragedies in their lives. It takes a strong person to overcome life's hardships.

I agree with your last sentence, as for your first sentence...... absolutely clueless. :cuckoo:

Thanks for admitting you're one of the weak minded.

And around 100+ years ago, many believed diabetes was caused by masturbation.......
Say's who? Some drug company?

It's bullshit that weak minded people feed into.

Says me, my professors, and this website :)

You & Your Hormones | Glands | Hypothalamus

You can cite as many people as you like it will not change my opinion. Too many people rely on the gullible among you to buy into their silly claims so they can profit from it. They create a new disorder to sell whatever new drug that comes along. They've been doing it for years and you people keep buying what they're selling.

That's the spirit. Never let facts get in the way of bigotry.
IMO depression is for the weak minded and weak willed. Lots of people have bad days, falls on hard times and suffers tragedies in their lives. It takes a strong person to overcome life's hardships.

I agree with your last sentence, as for your first sentence...... absolutely clueless. :cuckoo:

Thanks for admitting you're one of the weak minded.

Projection suits you to a T....... Maybe if you'd graduated from the 2nd grade you wouldn't be you....... Education is your friend, try it sometime. :thup:
Until we walk in the shoes of another person, we really cannot know what their life is like or how difficult it is for them. What is devastating for one person might roll off another's back.
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

That reminds me. Why would God punish a suicide? It's not like anyone that kills him or herself is in their right mind.
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

That reminds me. Why would God punish a suicide? It's not like anyone that kills him or herself is in their right mind.

I think the theory is that man shouldn't be taking the power of life and death into his own hands. I don't think suicide necessarily means one is "crazy".
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

That reminds me. Why would God punish a suicide? It's not like anyone that kills him or herself is in their right mind.

I think the theory is that man shouldn't be taking the power of life and death into his own hands. I don't think suicide necessarily means one is "crazy".
Not right in their mind isn't equal to crazy.
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

That reminds me. Why would God punish a suicide? It's not like anyone that kills him or herself is in their right mind.

To be so weary and broken that suicide seems the only answer should be more than enough pain. I would also ask why a so-called "merciful" god would pile on more.
Says me, my professors, and this website :)

You & Your Hormones | Glands | Hypothalamus

You can cite as many people as you like it will not change my opinion. Too many people rely on the gullible among you to buy into their silly claims so they can profit from it. They create a new disorder to sell whatever new drug that comes along. They've been doing it for years and you people keep buying what they're selling.

That's the spirit. Never let facts get in the way of bigotry.

If you choose to trust those that seek to profit from your naivete, then go for it. I'm simply giving an opinion based on what I know personally. Depression is for those that do not have the strength to overcome.
Say's who? Some drug company?

It's bullshit that weak minded people feed into.

Says me, my professors, and this website :)

You & Your Hormones | Glands | Hypothalamus

Add in societal pressure, and one other scientific THEORY. Humans, in the developed world, no longer live in a 'normal' manner. We are encased, in a sense, within concrete, paved roads, and buildings. Less contact with land, except that covered by foundations. I have read nations with more sunlight overall, have less depression. Perhaps the chemical imbalances are exacerbated by an unnatural, human constructed environment? Again, just theory.

True. But it's not sunlight itself as much as light at the frequency and wavelengths like from the Sun as this light can be generated artificially. As is done to combat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in northern European countries. Even more interesting is an Italian Alps village situated at the bottom a very steep valley with high mountains completely surrounding it blocking sunlight for much of the year. Their solution? Great big mirrors up high to reflect sunlight down onto the town. :)
IMO depression is for the weak minded and weak willed. Lots of people have bad days, falls on hard times and suffers tragedies in their lives. It takes a strong person to overcome life's hardships.

The difference is, in depression there might not be bad days, hard times or tragedies. There might not be any hardships at all. Depression is a clinical diagnosis, like a broken leg or the flu. It is not dependent on external circumstances.
Mental illness, depression, and anxiety are real and are rampant in our society. It has nothing to do with "being weak minded". We live in a depressed, anxiety ridden country. Why is that? Says something doesn't it.
SUICIDE AT AGE 63! MONEY AND FAME IS NOT ENOUGH,WE ALL NEED JESUS!! LET US ALL TRY to help people while we can,as we can do them no good after they are gone! Think about those you love,help them now!!! NOW!!!
Of all THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE THAT KNEW ROBIN WILLIAMS I WONDER HOW MANY TRYED TO HELP HIM SEEK AND FIND TRUTH=GOD!!!!!===I sure hope Robin Williams accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior before his death, if so he is one happy,blessed man flooded with joy tonight!!!! But!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THINK!! WHAT WILL LIFE BE LIKE FOR YOU THE SPLIT second after you die!! DEATH IS NOT THE END of life, it is the real beginning!!! but where??? you get to chose today!!

Yes, Robin Williams is a Christian - Episcopalian.
He is now out of his pain and is having a good time reuniting with all of the old greats, like Jonathan Winters, Red Skeleton, Gracie Allen Burns and George Burns and many of the old greats. They are probably having a wonderful time.
Gee Robin, we wish to be in your place and to live as you have..but we don't, and we don't kill ourselves over it...
That reminds me. Why would God punish a suicide? It's not like anyone that kills him or herself is in their right mind.

I think the theory is that man shouldn't be taking the power of life and death into his own hands. I don't think suicide necessarily means one is "crazy".
Not right in their mind isn't equal to crazy.

So while you don't think suicide shoulb be a sin you still think it is wrong.
Thanks for admitting you're one of the weak minded.

And around 100+ years ago, many believed diabetes was caused by masturbation.......

Then it wouldn't be unreasonable to believe that depression isn't necessarily caused by some chemical imbalance.

No, it is not necessarily a chemical imbalance, that's only one postulation based on known imbalances that can be attributed to other "mental illnesses." Some people are predisposed to depression and substance abuse and we've been looking for answers to that problem for decades. The "weak minded" argument is, and always has been, a simplistic cop out explanation presented by the uneducated, "everyone is like, or should be like me" crowd. That's the explanation of a weak mind. :thup:
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