Breaking: Nunes Alters Memo After Committee Approves It's Release

So we are supposed to believe that Congressman Nunes significantly altered this memo after showing it to all of Congress and thought that no one would notice?


Sounds like an argument that’s full of schiff
the only shiff being thrown around is thrown by trump who's full of shiff and republicans
So we are supposed to believe that Congressman Nunes significantly altered this memo after showing it to all of Congress and thought that no one would notice?


Sounds like an argument that’s full of schiff
the only shiff being thrown around is thrown by trump who's full of shiff and republicans

Sure. I’m sure Rep Schiff is calling for the release of the memo before and after the alleged changes to prove his point
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all.

That's *exactly* what they're saying:

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

With even the Trump appointed FBI Director opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative.

With Nunes and the GOP blocking the release of the information that was intentionally and systematically omitted from the Nunes/White House memo.
This is dishonest. No one is saying the information is inaccurate.

Who are you reading? First you said that the FBI didn't cite omissions. They did. In an official statement. How did you miss that?

Now you're telling us that 'no one is saying the information is inaccurate'. And in the same article, you're contradicted:

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the White House he opposes release of a classified Republican memo alleging bias at the FBI and Justice Department because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative, according to a person familiar with the matter.

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

Yes, they are. Yes the FBI has cited omissions. Yes the democrats tried to release a memo that included what the Nunes/White House memo omitted....and was blocked.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all.

That's *exactly* what they're saying:

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

With even the Trump appointed FBI Director opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative.

With Nunes and the GOP blocking the release of the information that was intentionally and systematically omitted from the Nunes/White House memo.
This is dishonest. No one is saying the information is inaccurate.

Who are you reading? First you said that the FBI didn't cite omissions. They did. In an official statement. How did you miss that?

Now you're telling us that 'no one is saying the information is inaccurate'. And in the same article, you're contradicted:

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the White House he opposes release of a classified Republican memo alleging bias at the FBI and Justice Department because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative, according to a person familiar with the matter.

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

Yes, they are. Yes the FBI has cited omissions. Yes the democrats tried to release a memo that included what the Nunes/White House memo omitted....and was blocked.
skylar Reading is not their strong point They major in believing all the BS trump and their masters throw
The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all.

That's *exactly* what they're saying:

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

With even the Trump appointed FBI Director opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative.

With Nunes and the GOP blocking the release of the information that was intentionally and systematically omitted from the Nunes/White House memo.
This is dishonest. No one is saying the information is inaccurate.

Who are you reading? First you said that the FBI didn't cite omissions. They did. In an official statement. How did you miss that?

Now you're telling us that 'no one is saying the information is inaccurate'. And in the same article, you're contradicted:

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the White House he opposes release of a classified Republican memo alleging bias at the FBI and Justice Department because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative, according to a person familiar with the matter.

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

Yes, they are. Yes the FBI has cited omissions. Yes the democrats tried to release a memo that included what the Nunes/White House memo omitted....and was blocked.
skylar Reading is not their strong point They major in believing all the BS trump and their masters throw

I'm just genuinely curious. The FBI cites 'grave concerns over material omissions of fact' and they insist that the FBI isn't concerned about omissions of fact.

The article cites the FBI director as opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information.....and they insist that no one is saying the memo has inaccurate information.

Who are they reading? Because its clearly not the FBI. Or articles

I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office. The funny part is how the House, led by Nunes enabler, Paul Ryan, extended Act 702 last month...warrentless wiretaps. So when they get their shorts in a wad over what data was presented to obtain a warrant against a PROVEN Carter Page et al, surely you must conclude the knuckle biting is a ruse, and not a very clever one at that. But evidently they don't need to be clever to screw you over. FBI has been DOING "USA! USA!" while you point at those SAYING it to cover incompetence. Read

Press Statement: Extension of the Government’s Warrantless Surveillance Program is Deeply Troubling
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day
Again, if the memo is such bullshit, and can be discredited so easily, why not get it out there and start attacking it and the bastards who wrote it?

Why hide this obvious attempt to end the Mueller investigation?

If I were a democrat, truly concerned about the damage to the intelligence community, and truly believed that the memo is based on lies, I would put it out today, ahead of the GOP or Trump, along with my specific criticisms of its accuracy.

But, that will not happen, because the memo is probably accurate. This is all an attempt to hide the corruption, which likely implicates high-ranking democrats.
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Bill actually committed crimes
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

Save of course for the 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. With both Flynn and Papodopolous pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

There is no debate there are serious crimes in the Trump Team. There is no debate that these crimes relate immediately to Russia. Yet despite 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas in only 6 insist that the investigation has to be stopped?

Um, no. The investigation will continue as we know there are crimes in the Trump team related immediately to Russia. The only question is how many, by whom and how severe.
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

Save of course for the 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. With both Flynn and Papodopolous pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

There is no debate there are serious crimes in the Trump Team. There is no debate that these crimes relate immediately to Russia. Yet despite 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas in only 6 insist that the investigation has to be stopped?

Um, no. The investigation will continue as we know there are crimes in the Trump team related immediately to Russia. The only question is how many, by whom and how severe.

If we know there are crimes, then why an investigation? Secondly, it is not a crime to talk to Russians.
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Let them refuse in front of a grand jury
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

Save of course for the 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. With both Flynn and Papodopolous pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

There is no debate there are serious crimes in the Trump Team. There is no debate that these crimes relate immediately to Russia. Yet despite 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas in only 6 insist that the investigation has to be stopped?

Um, no. The investigation will continue as we know there are crimes in the Trump team related immediately to Russia. The only question is how many, by whom and how severe.

You’re right. There is no debate. No honest person takes accusations of Trump and Russians seriously. No honest person believes you will ever find a crime trump is guilty of in regards to the 2016 campaign.

Even you guys aren’t looking for any anymore

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