Breaking: Nunes Alters Memo After Committee Approves It's Release

Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.
The GOP has willingly become the criminal arm of the Trump Administration.

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And complicit in Trump's attempt to aid the Russians. As they're working feverishly to shut down investigations into Russian interference with our elections. AND sit quietly when Trump shields Russia from sanctions.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.

And when asked if he was complicit with the WHite House in the manufacture of the 'memo'....Nunes refused to answer.
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For ALL Republicans
You loved the FBI when Hillary was in the crosshairs. They were 'Real Americans' then. When they tried so hard to find dirt on her, and you screeched to high heaven about a possible 3 classified Emails, classified AFTER the fact, you pouted because they couldn't find enough to prosecute.

Now Trump wants to release classified data, and you want to burn the FBI to the ground for objecting, while shouting "USA! USA!". You want a daily synopsis of Mueller's incomplete findings. And you want loyalists to Trump throughout American Government. How much you wanna bet the 2018 mid-terms will be a Moscow-trained Trump gang. He'll win by ever!

Oh, Putin is giggling his ass off. He worked to install Trump and he's reaping enormous benefits. Per our intelligence services the goal of Putin is to weaken NATO and undermine confidence in American democracy and institutions.

NATO is weakened, with Germany saying for the first time ever that the US may not be a reliable ally and that Europe may need to fend for itself.

American democracy is weakened, with Trump offering us repeated, systematic and utterly fact free attacks on the integrity of our election system....indicating 3 to 5 million 'fraudulent votes' that never actually happened.

And Putin's toy is turning his focus on undermining confidence in US intelligence services and law enforcement with unprecedented attacks on both.

All while Trump shield's Russia from further sanctions and works feverishly to shut down investigations into Russian interference into US elections.\

While confidence in the US has plummeted in every country save Russia and Israel.
another idiot put on ignore. Not a peep from this creep when Obama denied Europe the missile shield that Putin was against. oh yeah, how about this you fucking worthless liberal tards(redundant statement I know). I am sure when all the reporters went out, Obama was giving the Russian diplomat head, saying "Give my Regards to Vlad, a real man I would love to suck".

and you republican turd says nothing about the orange anus lifting sanctions against his pal and repubs pal putin?

What the fuck, is that the best you can do? Obama sucking Vlads Dick while fucking the US over and over, and you don't say a fucking word? Now you blow your pin head top off... Bwaaaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaaaa. You have just earned the ignore zone.

Obama is the one that stood up to Putin, and imposed the strictest sanctions ever imposed by a President.

Trump just refused to impose sanctions passed overwhelmingly in both houses of Congress.

Who is sucking who's dick again?

And by the way while I have your attention, how does Trumps ass taste?

Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia'
"For instance, you reconsider putting in our missile defense system back into the Czech Republic and Poland, as we once planned," Romney said of steps he’d take if he were in the White House. "And as you recall, we pulled that out as a gift to Russia."
Then when it was found out how Gay and Girly Obama was riding around on a bike with a helmet and girly jeans, Putin put on the man pants rode around on his horse bare chested putting to shame the spineless 1/2 white community agitator, who then were so pissed, drew a red line to Putin not to invade Ukraine. We saw how well that red line worked.. Seems that you were sucking Obama's dick since you are trying to defend his actions that put the world into disorder.

Global Apocalypse Is Just Three Minutes Away
“Today, unchecked climate change and a nuclear arms race resulting from modernization of huge arsenals pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity,” Kennette Benedict, executive director of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said. Jan. 22, 2015.

Trump Nuke Plan Resets the Doomsday Clock
Trump Nuke Plan Resets the Doomsday Clock
Stunning new strategy calls for more tactical weapons and nuclear retaliation against cyber threats.
By Scott RitterFebruary 1, 2018

Now shove your smelly head farther up your ass, as typical of a liberal who doesn't want to face the truth..

"I've read the counter-memo from Intel Dems. It contains several factual errors and sourcing issues--when these are fixed, I believe the memo should be made public to all Americans. But let's be clear: nothing in this memo suggests ANY factual inaccuracies in the original memo." - Heroic Mark Meadows
Obama is the one that stood up to Putin...

You mean....

- How he leaned over and whispered to Medvedev when he thought he was off-mike, 'Tell Vlad I will be more flexible after the re-election..."

- How in 2009 Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid evidence of Russia's intent to acquire Uranium One / 25% of the US supply of uranium and their crimes perpetrated in an effort to make sure it happened, crimes that included bribery (buying US politicians, like Hillary), extortion, intimidation, violence, etc

- How from 2014 - 2016 Comey, Lynch, and Obama hid evidence of Russia ayttempting to hack senior members of Congress, how they used social media to engage in a PsyOp campaign (that the Obama administration NAMED) that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, how they PAID liberal groups - to include BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist - to spread racial division and violence, and how they tried to 'interfere' in our election...yet none of the 3 / Barry did NOTHING to try to stop it....

...because Barry was busy trying to keep 'Vlad' happy and trying to get his approval to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

LOL. Let me see if I have this right. A Republican in Congress, that has already been proven to be a liar and a fool, releases cherry picked, edited information, from an ongoing investigation, alters a signed document after review by the relevant committee, for the sole purpose of smearing Donald Trumps own DOJ, after being warned by Donald Trumps own hand picked FBI Director not to do it, for the purpose of distracting attention from the investigation of Donald Trump, by an investigator appointed by the DOJ of Donald Trump?

Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all. The FBI had concerns that the memo as it was, gave away information on methods and sensitive information. They asked for it to be omitted and it was. Now, lawyers at the White House are confused as to why the omitted informatino is now being used as a criticism that the memo omits certain information.

This strikes Me as the political appointees at FBI trying to muddy the waters in an effort to keep their malfeasance from being exposed. The problem is for them and the Republicans is I don't think that this memo contains any such information. It is nothing but a summary of classified information in which none of us will ever be privy to reading.

As Obama said, makes for great Kabuki theater and keeps their names in the headlines, but I doubt there will be actionable information released.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

LOL. Let me see if I have this right. A Republican in Congress, that has already been proven to be a liar and a fool, releases cherry picked, edited information, from an ongoing investigation, alters a signed document after review by the relevant committee, for the sole purpose of smearing Donald Trumps own DOJ, after being warned by Donald Trumps own hand picked FBI Director not to do it, for the purpose of distracting attention from the investigation of Donald Trump, by an investigator appointed by the DOJ of Donald Trump?

Every one of them has been proven to be liars and fools. The information is cherry picked in so much as the FBI is ensuring that any damning information against their politically appointed leaders is either poisoned prior to the release of the information, or by intentionally obfuscating the information.

We know that the Democrats who are whining like little bitches are not to be trusted in anything they say, do, or believe.

The one good thing about all of this is we will all know soon enough. What you believe really isn't relevant.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

LOL. Let me see if I have this right. A Republican in Congress, that has already been proven to be a liar and a fool, releases cherry picked, edited information, from an ongoing investigation, alters a signed document after review by the relevant committee, for the sole purpose of smearing Donald Trumps own DOJ, after being warned by Donald Trumps own hand picked FBI Director not to do it, for the purpose of distracting attention from the investigation of Donald Trump, by an investigator appointed by the DOJ of Donald Trump?

Every one of them has been proven to be liars and fools. The information is cherry picked in so much as the FBI is ensuring that any damning information against their politically appointed leaders is either poisoned prior to the release of the information, or by intentionally obfuscating the information.

We know that the Democrats who are whining like little bitches are not to be trusted in anything they say, do, or believe.

The one good thing about all of this is we will all know soon enough. What you believe really isn't relevant.
you don't want to trust dems ok I can't argue that now BUT you trust the lyingest POS ever to enter our WH ?? The garbage in your congress Ryan who kisses trumps ass daily?
You can't figure anything out while the corroborating information remains classified.

There will only be conjecture. Which of course is the actual intent.
Releasing NOTHING will get us no closer to releasing the corroborating information. You are advocating for giving us NOTHING.

BTW, what is the alleged problem?
That the memo is allegedly bullshit.

No, I'm advocating for the committee to do it's job to get to the truth and not selectively release information that will only serve to further obscure the truth. No truth can be garnered from incomplete information. Only conjecture. The truth is that there are well over 100 more pages of evidence that persuded the judge the sign off on the warrant.

The motives surrounding this memo are very much in question and it's really difficult to argue that it's about truth.

You mean the unsubstantiated Dossier paid for by Hillary? No thanks.
LMAO!!! The dailykos?????????????
the panic mode has set in. anything to keep it going and discredit this is now fair game.

maybe it's real, maybe it's not. but rest assured it's about to get ugly and people will be fighting for their lives shortly.

Precisely but skews will believe ANYTHING his side tells him, true or not. Schiff is a hack who is simply fighting a rear guard action. skews will freely quote kos and HuffPo but deride you if you quote any source he doesn't approve of.

Skews can't debate me nor can he open a dialogue because I would bury him under an avalanche of facts and data. Leftards here give me a wide berth because they can't refute the things that I post. Knowledge is a powerful weapon.

He is like this across several message boards, he wants to preach, not dialogue. His ONLY sources are kos and HuffPo.

You mean the unsubstantiated Dossier paid for by Hillary? No thanks.

No,dope. I specifically don't mean that.

As the dossier is part of the memo and I was referring to what is not in the memo then, no.

Then you' like us will simply have to wait won't you? Yet here you are defending the Left without any knowledge of anything. Frankly if you believe Schiff about anything you are summarily dismissed. "Dope". ;)
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all.

That's *exactly* what they're saying:

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

With even the Trump appointed FBI Director opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative.

With Nunes and the GOP blocking the release of the information that was intentionally and systematically omitted from the Nunes/White House memo.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

LOL. Let me see if I have this right. A Republican in Congress, that has already been proven to be a liar and a fool, releases cherry picked, edited information, from an ongoing investigation, alters a signed document after review by the relevant committee, for the sole purpose of smearing Donald Trumps own DOJ, after being warned by Donald Trumps own hand picked FBI Director not to do it, for the purpose of distracting attention from the investigation of Donald Trump, by an investigator appointed by the DOJ of Donald Trump?

Every one of them has been proven to be liars and fools. The information is cherry picked in so much as the FBI is ensuring that any damning information against their politically appointed leaders is either poisoned prior to the release of the information, or by intentionally obfuscating the information.

We know that the Democrats who are whining like little bitches are not to be trusted in anything they say, do, or believe.

The one good thing about all of this is we will all know soon enough. What you believe really isn't relevant.
you don't want to trust dems ok I can't argue that now BUT you trust the lyingest POS ever to enter our WH ?? The garbage in your congress Ryan who kisses trumps ass daily?

Edds, Ryan is "deep state" and totally compromised........guarantee you on that one.
Well, well. It appears that the information that the FBI says has been omitted was done so on their request and it is the removal of their concerns from the memo that was the subject of the edits.

Trump is going to go forward and release the memo.

Given all the attempts by the left to poison this information prior to its release, I'm predicting that the media will ensure that the information will be 'anti-climatic' at best. Unless the information can lead to actionable efforts by DOJ, then this is likely to amount to nothing.

The concern from the FBI was the vast *omissions* of information from the memo that undermined its accuracy.

When the dems tried to release a memo with what Nunes and the White House tried to hide from the American people......Nunes and the GOP blocked it.
That isn't what they are saying at all.

That's *exactly* what they're saying:

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

With even the Trump appointed FBI Director opposing the release of the memo because it contains inaccurate information and paints a false narrative.

With Nunes and the GOP blocking the release of the information that was intentionally and systematically omitted from the Nunes/White House memo.
This is dishonest. No one is saying the information is inaccurate. They [FBI] attempted to sell the narrative that the information was misleading by omission. What they failed to say was that the omitted information was omitted on their request.

That is a level of dishonesty that leads any thinking person to conclude that the political leadership of the FBI simply cannot be trusted.

Either way, we'll find out soon enough.

So we are supposed to believe that Congressman Nunes significantly altered this memo after showing it to all of Congress and thought that no one would notice?


Sounds like an argument that’s full of schiff

Nunes forged the memo he sent to the White House, after its approval.

Breathtaking. These people are straight up criminals.

Adam Schiff


BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

10:00 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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John Weaver@JWGOP

#RedDevin @DevinNunes must resign after obstructing and forging this memo. @SpeakerRyan it is past time for you to put the country first. Act!

10:12 PM - Jan 31, 2018 · Texas, USA
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Chris Geidner


Replying to @chrisgeidner
Schiff: "The White House has therefore been reviewing a document since Monday night that the Committee never approved for public release."

Chris Geidner


This, Schiff says, means that under House rules there has been no vote to release *this* document. He calls for the document turned over to be returned and a new vote needs to be held.

10:16 PM - Jan 31, 2018
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BREAKING: Devin Nunes Altered His Memo, After The Committee Approved Its Release
But wait a minute. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago, that the memo was a nothingburger? Now it is something after Nunes alters it? Hmmm, seems to me that the FBI is covering up their conniving with the Democrat Candidate who was paying for bogus information from a ex British spy, so the FBI could get a FISA warrant under illegal terms..
seems like Schiff must be exposed in this memo.

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