Breaking: Nunes Alters Memo After Committee Approves It's Release

Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Bill actually committed crimes
Damn liar This moron in our WH now lies every day When do you think he'll put his hand on a bible ?? The day after he shows his taxes??
Save of course for the 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. With both Flynn and Papodopolous pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

There is no debate there are serious crimes in the Trump Team.

WHY do you keep repeating this BULLSHIT? Oh yeah - desperation and uncontrollable hatred.

4 Indictments? Which of these 4 indictments is evidence that an investigation into 'Russian Collusion' was warranted?

1. Collusion is not even illegal.
-- NO evidence of a crime committed warranting the investigation / witch hunt!

2. 2 Tax evasion charges dating back to before Obama was even elected President is not evidence of non-illegal / non-existent Russian collusion
-- STILL no evidence of a crime committed warranting the investigation / witch hunt!

3. 1 indictment of a self-important unpaid Trump campaign volunteer for mis-statements about an over-heard drunken conversation he had with an Aussie Rep in the bathroom of a British Pub is not evidence of non-existent Russian collusion
-- STILL no evidence of a crime committed warranting the investigation / witch hunt!

4. 1 indictment of a man who lied about his conversation with a Russian Rep - which was not even illegal - is not evidence of Russian Collusion.
-- STILL no evidence of a crime committed warranting the investigation / witch hunt!

5. NONE of these was evidence warranting an investigation. They happened during the investigation which was never warranted by evidence of any crime, which there was / is none.

these are 'Scooter Libby' 'gottcha' indictments that STILL do not prove any criminal activity that warranted an investigation.

The fact that the investigation has completely abandoned their claimed entire basis for the investigation to begin with - Russian Collusion - and now are just desperately attempting to score more 'gottcha' indictments is proof in itself that there never was a crime that warranted an investigation, and there is none now.

6. You are PATHETIC for continuing to bringing these up as if they somehow justify the witch hunt when they only prove the opposite.
Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Bill actually committed crimes
Damn liar This moron in our WH now lies every day When do you think he'll put his hand on a bible ?? The day after he shows his taxes??
...but you thought it was cool when Barry did it... :p
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Let them refuse in front of a grand jury
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY! :p
I would accept his resignation effective immediately. He can be replaced by....Trey Goudy....

I would de-classify the dem memo and allow that to be released too.

Pretty sure Gowdy not happy with Little Devin and wouldn't put up with it either.

As for the point by point Dem debunking - trust me that bitch is gonna fly the second the Nunes turd is released.
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Let them refuse in front of a grand jury
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY! :p
None?? What will you say when it's out for all to see??? Fake news like repub sheep are fond of saying ??
Save of course for the 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. With both Flynn and Papodopolous pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

There is no debate there are serious crimes in the Trump Team.

WHY do you keep repeating this BULLSHIT? Oh yeah - desperation and uncontrollable hatred.

4 Indictments? Which of these 4 indictments is evidence that an investigation into 'Russian Collusion' was warranted?

First off, the investigation is into Russian Interference in the Election.

Second, a special counsel can investigation or prosecute *any* crime they find in the course of their investigation. Including, say....obstruction of justice.

Third, and most an investigation into Russian interference in the election, we have not one but TWO members of the Trump team pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump Team and the Russians.

There is no debate nor denying that there are felonies in the Trump team related immediately to russia.

1. Collusion is not even illegal.
-- NO evidence of a crime committed warranting the investigation / witch hunt!

Two guilty pleas. There is no debate that serious crimes are in the Trump Team. There is no question that these crimes are immediately related to Russia.

You can pretend otherwise. But you can't make us pretend. And you certainly can't make Mueller ignore what you do. As your desperate, willful ignorance isn't a legal standard.

Though it is fun to watch your ilk bleat louder and louder that the investigation must end the more indictments and guilty pleas come down.
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY!

You don't have a clue what Mueller has. But experts concur that he's buttoning up a clear case of obstruction. :p

Mueller Zeros In on Story Put Together About Trump Tower Meeting

Of course not. But Easy is the same hapless fool that insisted that the FBI and Justice Department were being 'investigated for treason'.

Easy pretends a lot.
No, I'm advocating for the committee to do it's job to get to the truth and not selectively release information that will only serve to further obscure the truth. No truth can be garnered from incomplete information. Only conjecture. The truth is that there are well over 100 more pages of evidence that persuded the judge the sign off on the warrant.

The motives surrounding this memo are very much in question and it's really difficult to argue that it's about truth.
Well, unfortunately, I don't know what the memo says, so we get nowhere.

You can't be this dumb.

You know that it doesn't say what's contained in 120 pages worth of information. It can't be truth. Certainly not the whole truth.

If you have read the assessment even with the "blacked out" and redacted information? Even someone with a limited intellect like yourself should be able to figure out that FISA court judges were rejecting the premise of spying on a political foe. It reeked from the "git-go" and I said that this would happen with the expansion of the NDAA where warrant less spying could be used and weaponized back in 2013. Now, President Trump has the same powers to "spy" and monitor his enemies because of what Barrypuppet signed off on......would you be "ok" with that????

What assessment?

Nunes didn't even see the entire affidavit.

I was able to download the 99 pages...........

Pages of what?
Of course not. But Easy is the same hapless fool that insisted that the FBI and Justice Department were being 'investigated for treason'.

Easy pretends a lot.

Well, he gets his "news" from Gateway Pundit :D
of course when a RW politician gets a document and rewrites it to suit his partys talking points it more credible than the original ...

if you live in lala-land.
If Nunes did change the memo after it was voted on....would any trumpanzees care?
By responding, I am not accepting the "trumpanzee" label.

If he materially changed the memo, I would be suspicious. It would matter to me.

But, this has the appearance of a hail mary attempt to stop its release.

Dotting an "i" is NOT a material change. Fixing grammar is NOT material.

Let’s say you are right - not material difference. Why is Nunez releasing a memo with ANY difference AT ALL from what was approved???

Why couldn’t he NOW give exact version in light of these objections?
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY!

You don't have a clue what Mueller has. But experts concur that he's buttoning up a clear case of obstruction. :p

Mueller Zeros In on Story Put Together About Trump Tower Meeting

Of course not. But Easy is the same hapless fool that insisted that the FBI and Justice Department were being 'investigated for treason'.

Easy pretends a lot.
I continue to kick your ass all over the board with facts, Please return to the kids' table and let the adults speak....
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Let them refuse in front of a grand jury
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY! :p

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas in 7 months = ANY.
Let’s say you are right - not material difference. Why is Nunez releasing a memo with ANY difference AT ALL from what was approved???

Why couldn’t he NOW give exact version in light of these objections?

Because he is a dishonest rat?

Bullshit???? I suppose you don't find it odd that the assault on the highest law enforcement of the land because the man you elected needs to cover his sub rosa gambits, and uses some flimsy excuse thru his main flunky like how a warrant was obtained to destroy a government agency pledged to uphold the Constitution rather than the man in the Oval office.

The President need 'cover'? FROM WHAT?

After multiple investigations, hundreds of man hours, thousands of documents reviewed, and millions of tax dollars wasted Democrats, Mueller, and Snowflakes STILL can NOT produce any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.

2 Tax evasion charges dating back before Obama was elected President, a self-important unpaid Trump volunteer being indicted for mis-remembering . not remembering details about his drunken conversation with an Aussie being overheard in the bathroom of a British Pub, and an idiot who lied about a talk with an Ambassador he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal to begin with is NOT evidence of any crimes that required an investigation.

They are 'gottcha' indictments made AFTER the investigation that was never proven to be needed began.

And butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election continue to make DUMBASS, head-scratching BS arguments like that in order to try to justify the on-going witch hunt.


Hillary LOST!

She was / is a proven f*ing criminal who should never have been on the ballot on election day to begin with.....and if she had not been protected from her crimes by the previous administration AND had not rigged primaries cheated in debates / shafted Bernie Sanders she would never have WON her part's nomination!
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Bill actually committed crimes
Damn liar This moron in our WH now lies every day When do you think he'll put his hand on a bible ?? The day after he shows his taxes??

No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY!

You don't have a clue what Mueller has. But experts concur that he's buttoning up a clear case of obstruction. :p

Mueller Zeros In on Story Put Together About Trump Tower Meeting

Of course not. But Easy is the same hapless fool that insisted that the FBI and Justice Department were being 'investigated for treason'.

Easy pretends a lot.
I continue to kick your ass all over the board with facts, Please return to the kids' table and let the adults speak.... continue to tell yourself a lot of silly shit. And then run when I demand you back it up.

I got such a giggle from your 'investigated for treason' fantasy that I actually shared your post with friends of mine as an example of the idiot nonsense right wingers tell themselves. "They actually believe this' was the caption.

Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation continues. With 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas in only 6 months, its going to keep on going. And the lies you tell yourself about the investigation will only get more desperate and fantasy based as Mueller works his way up the ladder in the Trump team.

For crying out loud, even Bannon cited the Trump teams actions as 'treasonous'. But you'll ignore him too. won't matter.
Took a while for you folks to get Bill We have plenty of time to prove obstruction and money laundering The evidence is becoming greater day by day

Yes, in another 4 or 5 years you may actually be able to provide evidence that a crime was ever committed BEFORE the investigation began warranting the actual investigation....but I doubt it.

At this point EVERYONE should lawyer up and refuse to cooperate with Mueller until he can prove the investigation is warranted, that any crime was ever committed. The whole thing would be over by Valentine's Day.
Let them refuse in front of a grand jury
No problem. That's why the Constitution provides the right to plead the 5th!

"Prove there was a crime by presenting evidence, bit@h!"

Oh yeah, that's right......MUELLER DOESN'T HAVE ANY! :p

4 indictments, 2 guilty pleas in 7 months = ANY.

Like I said......Easy pretends a lot. And says a lot of silly, silly shit.

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