BREAKING! Obama not a citizen! Inaguration CANCELED!

actually, that sounds like the VP elect would function as a temporary fill in, and there be a need for the sellection of a new POTUS(IE an election)

No it doesn't. It means that if the President elect has a temporary problem The Vice President fills the Vacancy until the problem is fixed, if the President is permanently barred then the Vice President becomes President and he selects a new Vice President. The two amendments together so stipulate. There is no procedure in the Constitution to hold another election. And Congress only gets involved if both President Elect and Vice President elect are disqualified or dead. If that happens the the line of succession is also covered by Congressional act as specified in the Constitution.

In any case there would be no new election no matter what and McCain would NOT become President, Congress would pick the next President. Since there would be no Cabinet members to pick from even if the first congressional person in line of succession were also disqualified Congress would continue down the list. If by some freak of nature no one is qualified in the line, then Congress would select our President in what ever manner they decided. Most likely a member of either the House or the Senate.
No it doesn't. It means that if the President elect has a temporary problem The Vice President fills the Vacancy until the problem is fixed, if the President is permanently barred then the Vice President becomes President and he selects a new Vice President. The two amendments together so stipulate. There is no procedure in the Constitution to hold another election. And Congress only gets involved if both President Elect and Vice President elect are disqualified or dead. If that happens the the line of succession is also covered by Congressional act as specified in the Constitution.

In any case there would be no new election no matter what and McCain would NOT become President, Congress would pick the next President. Since there would be no Cabinet members to pick from even if the first congressional person in line of succession were also disqualified Congress would continue down the list. If by some freak of nature no one is qualified in the line, then Congress would select our President in what ever manner they decided. Most likely a member of either the House or the Senate.
Truthmatters wrote: "Biden was elected to take over for Obama if he could not serve. Its simple"

Maybe it's the END TIMES after all...

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse



Or in other words, the Detroit Lions' 2008 season.
A 4th Supreme Court conference has been scheduled.

Eligibility issue to follow Obama into Oval Office

A legal challenge that alleges Barack Obama isn't a "natural born" citizen and therefore constitutionally ineligible to be president of the United States will follow the Democrat into the Oval Office, with a U.S. Supreme Court conference on the dispute set after the Jan. 20 inauguration.
The court's website today announced that a fourth case on the issue will be reviewed by justices Jan. 23.
The court previously heard two cases in conference – private meetings at which justices consider which cases to accept – and denied both Cort Wrotnowski and Leo Donofrio full hearings. The court now has a conference scheduled Friday on a case raised by attorney Philip Berg, with another conference on a matter related to the same Berg case on Jan. 16. Then today the court website revealed the case Gail Lightfoot et al v. Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State, will be heard in conference Jan. 23.
Can't see original vault certificate of live birth

You mean this? FactCheck Images/Birth Certificate/hands.jpg

Can't investigate Kenyan birth records

Kenya actually keeps birth records?

Can't interview Kenyan relatives

Do they even speak English?

Can't inquire about his adoption by step father Lolo Soetoro

Whose adoption can you inquire into? There's things called PRIVACY laws.

Can't inquire about his time in Indonesia

When he was a child???

Can't see his student grades

Can I see yours?

Can't see his student writings

Can I see yours?

Can't inquire about his admitted attending of "socialist conferences" Can't inquire about his mysterious trip to Pakistan when American passports were denied entry. Can't inquire about his time as a "community organizer." Can't see his legal cases. Can't see his state legislative records. Can't see his small donors list. Can't see his medical records. Can't see his Annenberg Challenge records without them being sanitized first. Can't inquire about his connection to Raila Odinga, the Kenyan election and the hundreds of murders by Odinga's supporters.
Can't ask about his associations. Can't see a supposedly innocent video of Obama at a dinner party. Can't inquire about his shadow "Obama/Biden Transition Project"

You're asking private information. Would you also like his credit card numbers and social security number? This is ridiculous. You're trying to find everything possible that you wouldn't be able to inquire about any normal other person on the planet and accusing him of covering things up when there's nothing to cover up except your alleged conspiracy theories. Where are your calls to find out how close Dubyah and the Saudis are? Or calls to see the records on Marvin P Bush and 9/11?

Or hell, why aren't you asking for everyone's information? I just don't get it...
You mean this? FactCheck Images/Birth Certificate/hands.jpg

Kenya actually keeps birth records?

Do they even speak English?

Whose adoption can you inquire into? There's things called PRIVACY laws.

When he was a child???

Can I see yours?

Can I see yours?

You're asking private information. Would you also like his credit card numbers and social security number? This is ridiculous. You're trying to find everything possible that you wouldn't be able to inquire about any normal other person on the planet and accusing him of covering things up when there's nothing to cover up except your alleged conspiracy theories. Where are your calls to find out how close Dubyah and the Saudis are? Or calls to see the records on Marvin P Bush and 9/11?

Or hell, why aren't you asking for everyone's information? I just don't get it...
Because "everyone" doesn't want to be president - duh!
Because "everyone" doesn't want to be president - duh!

Sorry, that's more information than the CEO of a fortune 100 company would have to give. You're putting obama under a much higher resolution microscope than you would anyone else because you don't like him. i doubt you'd ask the same of mccain, bush, clinton, reagan......


First he was a citizen of Kenya, now he's a citzen of Indonesia. What next? He's a secret Muslim terrorist cell?
Official statements from Hawaii health department officials? A birth notification in a Honolulu newspaper? Photographs posted on that show Obama’s birth certificate with a raised embossed seal on it? Judges who call the lawsuit utter nonsense?

Yeah they are idiots for doing this to Americans.

The certificate on Factcheck is pathetic. It was obviously done on a computer when they didn't exist in the printing industry. Everything filled out would have been done with a typewriter, that certificate is joke and could be recreated by anyone with graphics experience. Also, under his mother's name they have mother's race....caucasian, under his father's race.....African. In 61 it would have been negro or negroid for race not African. There is no embossed seal on it, look it up.

Barry could fix this very easily, show us the actual birth certificate, the one that was sealed when he went to visit his dying grandmother in Hawaii, the grandmother that he had thrown under a bus a few months earlier.
Sorry, that's more information than the CEO of a fortune 100 company would have to give. You're putting obama under a much higher resolution microscope than you would anyone else because you don't like him. i doubt you'd ask the same of mccain, bush, clinton, reagan......
President is higher than a CEO. And Obama and has disclosed much less than any CEO would have to. And he is overtly secretive about his life. And the sychophantic media has shown no interest in probing his background.

I am demanding no less than the liberal media would demand of him if he were a Republican.

But why don't you give me your answers to my questions?

Why are Obama and the DNC spending hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting over a dozen law suits attempting to get access to his vault certificate of live birth? Why not just spend the twenty bucks and release it for all to see and put this issue to bed?

Why won't Obama answer the question on how he entered Pakistan when it was prohibited on U.S. passports?

Do you have no curiosty? This guy keeps virtually his whole life secret and liberals don't care. If he was a Republican we would never hear the end of it...
The certificate on Factcheck is pathetic. It was obviously done on a computer when they didn't exist in the printing industry. Everything filled out would have been done with a typewriter, that certificate is joke and could be recreated by anyone with graphics experience. Also, under his mother's name they have mother's race....caucasian, under his father's race.....African. In 61 it would have been negro or negroid for race not African. There is no embossed seal on it, look it up.

Barry could fix this very easily, show us the actual birth certificate, the one that was sealed when he went to visit his dying grandmother in Hawaii, the grandmother that he had thrown under a bus a few months earlier.
it is what the State of Hawaii issues

they dont release the original
The certificate on Factcheck is pathetic. It was obviously done on a computer when they didn't exist in the printing industry. Everything filled out would have been done with a typewriter, that certificate is joke and could be recreated by anyone with graphics experience. Also, under his mother's name they have mother's race....caucasian, under his father's race.....African. In 61 it would have been negro or negroid for race not African. There is no embossed seal on it, look it up.

Barry could fix this very easily, show us the actual birth certificate, the one that was sealed when he went to visit his dying grandmother in Hawaii, the grandmother that he had thrown under a bus a few months earlier.

Actually, he couldn't even fix it then. He went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport at the age of 20, past the age of majority for Americans to determine their citizenship and Indonesia doesn't accept duel citizenship which means that at that time he gave up American citizenship, if he ever had it.

I do not understand the Obama worshipers that just ignore that fact, but then again, I never understood the Clinton worshipers or the Bush worshipers either.
The certificate on Factcheck is pathetic. It was obviously done on a computer when they didn't exist in the printing industry. Everything filled out would have been done with a typewriter, that certificate is joke and could be recreated by anyone with graphics experience. Also, under his mother's name they have mother's race....caucasian, under his father's race.....African. In 61 it would have been negro or negroid for race not African. There is no embossed seal on it, look it up.

What's pathetic is your lack of knowledge of birth certificates. The BC factcheck has is his.... drum roll please.... short form birth cetrificate.

Birth certificate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Short forms, known sometimes as computer certifications, are not universally available, but are cheaper than photocopies and much more easily accessible. Limited information is taken from the original birth record (the long form) and stored in a database that can be accessed quickly when birth certificates are needed in a short amount of time. Whereas the long form is a copy of the actual birth certificate, a short form is a document that certifies the existence of such certificate, and is usually titled a "Certification of Birth" or "Certificate of Live Birth". The short form typically includes the child's name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth, although some also include the names of the child's parents. When the certification does include the names of the parents, it can be used in lieu of a long form birth certificate in almost all circumstances [6]. Nearly all states in the U.S. issue short forms certifications, on both state and local levels [10].

[edit] Other forms

In addition to short forms and long forms, many registration authorities also have wallet-sized short form birth certifications available, and apostille/exemplified certifications which are hand signed by the registrar and are to be used when being presented before the government of a foreign country, pursuant to the 1961 Hague Convention. Other registration authorities will even issue commemorative certificates, many of which are legal certifications of birth [11]. Most hospitals in the U.S. issue a souvenir birth certificate which typically includes the footprints of the newborn. However, these birth certificates are not legally accepted as proof of age or citizenship, and are frequently rejected by the Bureau of Consular Affairs during passport applications. Many Americans believe these souvenir records to be their official birth certificate, when in reality it holds little legal value [12].

Barry could fix this very easily, show us the actual birth certificate, the one that was sealed when he went to visit his dying grandmother in Hawaii, the grandmother that he had thrown under a bus a few months earlier.

Why this is so funny watching these wignuts make fools of themselves.
What's pathetic is your lack of knowledge of birth certificates. The BC factcheck has is his.... drum roll please.... short form birth cetrificate.

Birth certificate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Short forms, known sometimes as computer certifications, are not universally available, but are cheaper than photocopies and much more easily accessible. Limited information is taken from the original birth record (the long form) and stored in a database that can be accessed quickly when birth certificates are needed in a short amount of time. Whereas the long form is a copy of the actual birth certificate, a short form is a document that certifies the existence of such certificate, and is usually titled a "Certification of Birth" or "Certificate of Live Birth". The short form typically includes the child's name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth, although some also include the names of the child's parents. When the certification does include the names of the parents, it can be used in lieu of a long form birth certificate in almost all circumstances [6]. Nearly all states in the U.S. issue short forms certifications, on both state and local levels [10].

Limited information is taken from the original birth record? Hmm, maybe that's why there are still unanswered questions on this.

In light of the fact that Obama will shortly be our president don't you think it would behoove him to:

Why are Obama and the DNC spending hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting over a dozen law suits attempting to get access to his vault certificate of live birth? Why not just spend the twenty bucks and release it for all to see and put this issue to bed?

Gord is right:

Do you have no curiosty? This guy keeps virtually his whole life secret and liberals don't care. If he was a Republican we would never hear the end of it...
Limited information is taken from the original birth record? Hmm, maybe that's why there are still unanswered questions on this.

In light of the fact that Obama will shortly be our president don't you think it would behoove him to:

Gord is right:

His whole life is NOT secret to me. I don't need to know every single facet and detail of what he's done in the past. He's elected, he's our president and what he's GOING to do matters to me. Who cares where he was born, his mother was an American citizen, therefore; under US law, he was a natural born citizen. Whether or not he visited Pakistan, how much time he spent in Indonesia, it's all irrelevant to me now. He's our leader, we must support him until 2012 and if by 2012 he has done a great job, we must support him for another 4 years. What bills he's going to pass, what he's going to do for our economy, for Israel... that's what matters to me. All of this speculation about his birth place is just nonsense.

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