Breaking: Obama To Address Nation Tonight. Will Bypass Congress & Invoke 14th Amendmt

Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

This is such a no-brainer, it's shocking that a once respectable publication like The National Journal would even jump into the ridiciculous fray. The 14th amendment REQUIRES that existing debt obligations be paid.

OPERATIVE WORD: EXISTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s what the amendment actually says:

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned...[It goes on to say]...But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

The Republican talking heads continue to assert that raising the debt ceiling gives the president carte blanche permission to continue to borrow more money—without the approval of Congress—in order to keep paying off past loans. That is NOT the purpose, nor is it what would happen with a one-paragraph bill raising the debt ceiling this time around.

Republicans are insisting on making this political by choosing to incorporate future budget propositions into this singular CONSTITUTIONAL requirement. Enough!!!

For Congress to limit the amount of the FUTURE debt has NOTHING to do with the debt that has been already authorized by law.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

The 14th threat could just be maniacal posturing but I wouldn't be surprised if BO would actually attempt to pull such a stunt...especially if he can't sweep the debt problem under the rug till after 2012 elections...
The Senate will never Impeach but this would be a direct violation of the Constitution. The Democrats will stand behind him and VIOLATE the law of the land.

If he does as claimed two things should happen instantly. One the House should vote to Impeach him and let the Senate go on record as supporting the violation of the Constitution. Two the House Speaker should go to the closest Federal Court and file a law suit AGAINST Obama. He should demand that since it is in direct violation of the Constitution that the Supreme Court should be involved.

Um..Reagan and Bush directly violated the Constitution. You guys had no problem with it. None.

Invoking the 14 Amendment would not be a violation.

And I am pretty sure that's not what's going to happen tonight.

Provide any evidence of your claim. As to the President, he has no power to raise the debt limit, that is solely a function of Congress, and specifically must originate in the House. The 14th Amendment provides no Constitutional authority for him to usurp the Power of Congress.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

This is such a no-brainer, it's shocking that a once respectable publication like The National Journal would even jump into the ridiciculous fray. The 14th amendment REQUIRES that existing debt obligations be paid.

OPERATIVE WORD: EXISTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s what the amendment actually says:

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned...[It goes on to say]...But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

The Republican talking heads continue to assert that raising the debt ceiling gives the president carte blanche permission to continue to borrow more money—without the approval of Congress—in order to keep paying off past loans. That is NOT the purpose, nor is it what would happen with a one-paragraph bill raising the debt ceiling this time around.

Republicans are insisting on making this political by choosing to incorporate future budget propositions into this singular CONSTITUTIONAL requirement. Enough!!!

For Congress to limit the amount of the FUTURE debt has NOTHING to do with the debt that has been already authorized by law.

You are wrong. The US Government CAN still pay the debt without a raise in the debt ceiling. Further the 14th does not say the Government MUST pay it says they may not deny the debt.

If Obama does this he is usurping the power of Congress and that is Unconstitutional.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

This is such a no-brainer, it's shocking that a once respectable publication like The National Journal would even jump into the ridiciculous fray. The 14th amendment REQUIRES that existing debt obligations be paid.

OPERATIVE WORD: EXISTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s what the amendment actually says:

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned...[It goes on to say]...But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

The Republican talking heads continue to assert that raising the debt ceiling gives the president carte blanche permission to continue to borrow more money—without the approval of Congress—in order to keep paying off past loans. That is NOT the purpose, nor is it what would happen with a one-paragraph bill raising the debt ceiling this time around.

Republicans are insisting on making this political by choosing to incorporate future budget propositions into this singular CONSTITUTIONAL requirement. Enough!!!

For Congress to limit the amount of the FUTURE debt has NOTHING to do with the debt that has been already authorized by law.

You might wanna check out section 5 of that amendment.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

Read the powers of the branches of Government. Only Congress has the power to incur debt for the Government.
Good. This whole "crisis" is a blatant, disengenuous attempt to hold the country hostage to stupid ideology and electioneering...

Ideology, truly believed in is NEVER stupid.... Show me what a man is willing to KILL and DIE for, and I'll show you what he believes in. Show me what he will compromise on and I'll show you what he never cared a whit about.

So our Founders didn't care about our form of representation.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

Read the powers of the branches of Government. Only Congress has the power to incur debt for the Government.

I don't think raising the ceiling is incurring debt. I think it is subjective. I get credit card offers in the mail everyday. It's up to me (Congress) to decide to use them.

However the move as I see it is also political suicide for the President.
Bring it on. Any time and anywhere. Better to be a dead Patriot, than a live slave which is what we're headed towards in this country.

why don't you stfu? it is NEVER right to threaten.. it's so damn indecent and it makes you willfully stupid. If you don't like the country or feel you can't change it politically then move your ass out.

If Obama does what is claimed and it stands we can forget about a three tiered Government and a Republic. The Constitution will be useless. If the Democrats support this they are fomenting rebellion. If the House Impeaches and the Senate does not convict our Government is a shame.

An armed insurgency against the US government is precisely what you right-wing extremists are itching for. Well the rest of us are ready, and we would soon find out who the traitors really are.

Section 3 of the Constitution defines treason as ~~
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court..."

The Supreme Court ruled that there must be an actual assembling of men, for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

Read the powers of the branches of Government. Only Congress has the power to incur debt for the Government.

I don't think raising the ceiling is incurring debt. I think it is subjective. I get credit card offers in the mail everyday. It's up to me (Congress) to decide to use them.

However the move as I see it is also political suicide for the President.

keeeeee rist almighty people watch the video.. he said "that's not the way we do things here in America" the people in the crowd screaming "yes you can yes you can" were the treasonus ones.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

The President of the United States does not have the authority to accept credit from any entity on behalf of the country. Only congress can.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

This is such a no-brainer, it's shocking that a once respectable publication like The National Journal would even jump into the ridiciculous fray. The 14th amendment REQUIRES that existing debt obligations be paid.

OPERATIVE WORD: EXISTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s what the amendment actually says:

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned...[It goes on to say]...But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

The Republican talking heads continue to assert that raising the debt ceiling gives the president carte blanche permission to continue to borrow more money—without the approval of Congress—in order to keep paying off past loans. That is NOT the purpose, nor is it what would happen with a one-paragraph bill raising the debt ceiling this time around.

Republicans are insisting on making this political by choosing to incorporate future budget propositions into this singular CONSTITUTIONAL requirement. Enough!!!

For Congress to limit the amount of the FUTURE debt has NOTHING to do with the debt that has been already authorized by law.

You might wanna check out section 5 of that amendment.

section 5 states: The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

I'm not sure I follow the relevance of that section, or ANY section of the 14th, to the possibility of the President authorizing an increase in the debt ceiling without congress.
Obama isn't, and never has been, too interested in anything the Constitution has to say.

He TAUGHT constitutional law. I'm sure he understands if FAR better than Palin, Bachmann, and the so-called tea party purists who are always spouting off.
In the heart of every progressive intellectual is the desire to be a dictator.

Obama is just true to form.
I am not a supporter of this current President however I do not see that he can not raise the ceiling by himself. The way I see the Debt Ceiling, it is an approval of credit. No money is actually being spent. The Congress will still approve spending.

Read the powers of the branches of Government. Only Congress has the power to incur debt for the Government.

I don't think raising the ceiling is incurring debt. I think it is subjective. I get credit card offers in the mail everyday. It's up to me (Congress) to decide to use them.

However the move as I see it is also political suicide for the President.

Oh...I see the point you are making.

Saying "we can borrow more" is not the same as actually borrowing more.

Yoiu are correct.

But what happens when it is time to borrow more?
why don't you stfu? it is NEVER right to threaten.. it's so damn indecent and it makes you willfully stupid. If you don't like the country or feel you can't change it politically then move your ass out.

If Obama does what is claimed and it stands we can forget about a three tiered Government and a Republic. The Constitution will be useless. If the Democrats support this they are fomenting rebellion. If the House Impeaches and the Senate does not convict our Government is a shame.

An armed insurgency against the US government is precisely what you right-wing extremists are itching for. Well the rest of us are ready, and we would soon find out who the traitors really are.

Section 3 of the Constitution defines treason as ~~
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court..."

The Supreme Court ruled that there must be an actual assembling of men, for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war.

I called no one a traitor. Or perhaps you could highlight that part. I stated that if Obama does this is Impeached and the Senate does not convict our Constitution is null and void. And that the Democrats that support him are fomenting rebellion by openly violating the US Constitution.
Watching the news right now. Boehner just laid out a plan about 40 minutes ago. Now Obama has decided before the nation tonight at 9 eastern (8 Central time) and aids are saying he will go ahead and bypass congress and invoke the 14th amendment which experts say will increase the crisis because the Constitution states that he can't do it without the lawful approval of Congress. Does this mean that SS checks will not go out for seniors and veterans? We will find out I guess. The word is that he can be impeached if he allows us to default. The sign that hints to Obama stating he will invoke the 14th Amendment was this in his La Raza speech earlier today which is in this link.

Obama: I'd Like 'to Bypass Congress and Change the Rules on My Own' - George E. Condon Jr. -

President Obama let his frustration over the stalled debt talks seep into an address on Latino issues on Monday, confessing that he’d like to “bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.”

What does sound like he wants to be? That's right, a dictator. I guess we will find out tonight.

The 14th threat could just be maniacal posturing but I wouldn't be surprised if BO would actually attempt to pull such a stunt...especially if he can't sweep the debt problem under the rug till after 2012 elections...

And yet you people fail to see that the Republicans are USING the debt problem for campaign posturing for 2012.

The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. The debt ceiling tripled under Ronald Reagan, and Congress also raised taxes 11 times for him. Republicans voted seven times to raise the debt ceiling for George W. Bush.

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