Breaking: Ooopsie again....Cohen pleading guilty to new charge

You're still not getting it. If it didn't matter why would he lie about it, and why would all these friends and associates of him lie about it to protect him? Trump says he is "like really smart," then why would he lie about something that isn't illegal?

What is illegal?

Wow... just wow. You don't think there is an issue when the President of the United States owes several million dollars to a country, that country helps get him elected, and then the President does things favorable for that country?

If nothing is illegal or unethical about it, WHY LIE? Why have all your friends and associates lie?

Trump even admitted today Cohen isn't lying... after calling Cohen a dumb, loser, liar, he then followed up by saying, "Well even if what he says IS TRUE, I did nothing wrong."
How did Russia help President get elected? Please provide documents for proof.

Oh. Didn't you hear?
Some people in Russia posted on Facebook and Twitter, after the election.
OMG! Then Hitlery really, really should have been our President. She needs to run again in 2020 to right thus horrible wrong. For punishment, the President's library should not have TRUMP in bold letters outside the main entrance of his presidential library.
Of course if he were a Dem they would be singing his praises.
That is complete and utter horseshit!

Nope. If he were a Dem they would be praising everything he does.

If you can't see that then you are one stupid fuck.

Right, we would praise him for:

Starting trade wars

Alienating Allies

Demeaning women and minorities

Kissing up to autocrats

Pandering to racists

Blowing up the deficit

Trying to strip people of heath care insurance

Insuring that the wealth and income gap continues to widen

Bringing the earth closer to being uninhabitable for humans and other life

Did I miss anything Bubba?
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
It's amazing how all Republicans have gone from being warry of Russia and Putin to now making excuse for their president that he isn't in bed with him now! I actually saw some a-holes "down South" with T-Shirts saying they'd "rather be Russian than Democrats!" That's more than a little pathetic and more than treasonous IMO! What happened to you people? :1041: :321: :aargh:
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Nice interview of Dershowitz. Nice to see someone telling the truth. The write up is spun to the left and into the Deep though.

Dershowitz says Cohen's plea signals Mueller is examining political issues
Dershowitz says Cohen's plea signals Mueller is examining political issues

"Let's just assume for hypothetical purposes that it's true -- President Trump was trying to build a tower in Moscow in the early stages of the campaign. That would not be a crime. What is Mueller doing investigating that?" Dershowitz asked. "What's the federal crime in wanting to build a tower? It might be a federal crime by Cohen to lie about it, but how does this involve the possibility the president may have committed a crime?"

Then why LIE about it for months on the campaign trail if is so VERY LEGAL. I think he LIED about it somewhere around 150+ TIMES out loud?

WE understand that this is the PRECURSOR, the why, the motive, the tit for tat, the smoking gun to COLLUSION, coordination and/or ASKING RUSSIA FOR HELP IN GETTING HIM ELECTED.

Do you NOT understand? Does he NOT understand that WE get it and all his LYING about him having nothing to do with "RA-SHA" is now PROVEN is a lie.
No, I think it has more to do with optics.

Folks would think he wasn't serious about being president if they thought he was simultaneously pursuing is corporate interests, no matter where they are.

And to be franks, most reasonable folks didn't give him much of a chance to succeed in his quest to be POTUS, the public, the media, the odds makers in Vegas? It was a bit of a long shot.

There is nothing illegal about courting business. Take off your tin foil hat until you have some solid proof.

Here, the world stops and minute 3:50 when, for the first time in history, a radical left wing political commentator AGREES with Trump, "there is a good chance he wouldn't have won," derp derp derp.

It had nothing to do with, "collusion." They know it. They are just angry he won.

Witch Hunt.

Of course, he follows that up with a lie. Hillary only expanded the pay-to-play Clinton foundation activities.

You want to talk about collusion? The English, the Saudi's, the Canadians, hell half the world and all the global corporations colluded to get her elected.

What is the Clinton foundation doing now?

Every sane person knows exactly what a corrupt organization it is, nothing but a favor buying scheme.

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says
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The funniest part of this is Mueller claiming all of his star witnesses are liars.
Not all, or even most. See what Trump cultism has done to your brain? You now even lie to yourself out loud without even realizing it.

Gee, funny how Mueller keeps going back to "you lied" as his favorite charge. Also note your dodging of the FACT of Mueller's history of illegal activity. That's no lie. Prepare for disappointment number 3,235,751.
And yet he is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS.


Yet you still ignore his PROVEN illegal activities. Fabricating evidence, withholding evidence, suborning perjury, and now he just failed to follow DOJ RULES and did not notify Whittaker of the plea deal. Oops. Another screw up in a long line of them by Mueller. Details indeed.
Adam Schitt is now going to investigate this? ROTFLMFAO!
Hotair ^

C’mon now. If you can’t bribe Vladimir Putin, who can you bribe?

“If true, this story further underscores the need to finish the Committee’s counterintelligence investigation to determine what, if any, financial leverage the Russians may hold over President Trump and the Trump Organization, and what Trump may have hoped to gain by any financial offer to Putin,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee, said in a statement to BuzzFeed News Thursday evening…

[Dem Rep. Joaquin] Castro also said he believed the plan could have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. “If this was an attempt to speed up the project or secure the project and make sure it got done, it could amount to bribery for an official of a foreign government and anyone who was part of that could be in violation of this federal statute,” he said…

“We’re way beyond bribery,” [Dem Rep. Eric Swalwell] added. “If a candidate for president is offering a foreign adversary a $50 million gift while that adversary through his own backchannels is offering support of the campaign, that’s betrayal at the highest level; that’s conspiracy.

Yeah, the FCPA. What about that? I didn’t mention it in last night’s post but there is in fact a federal law that makes it illegal to promise to give “gifts” (i.e. bribes) to foreign officials in exchange for favors. Note: You don’t have to actually make the gift. Merely a promise to make it is enough. The fact that Trump Tower Moscow ended up not being built might not prevent prosecution on these grounds.

It shall be unlawful for any person … while in the territory of the United States, corruptly to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce or to do any other act in furtherance of an offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the payment of any money, or offer, gift, promise to give, or authorization of the giving of anything of value to—

(1) any foreign official for purposes of—…

(B) inducing such foreign official to use his influence with a foreign government or instrumentality thereof to affect or influence any act or decision of such government or instrumentality,

in order to assist such person in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any person;

Trouble for Trump? Well, BuzzFeed’s story last night noted that it’s “not clear” whether Trump himself knew of the apartment offer. The idea was hatched by Michael Cohen and Felix Sater and, per BuzzFeed’s sources, allegedly advanced to the point that Cohen discussed it with an aide to Putin’s press secretary, Dmitri Peskov. Cohen was talking to Trump in 2016 about the Moscow project, but there’s no evidence right now that he specifically mentioned the possibility of a free luxury apartment for Putin to him.

But would Cohen have offered a $50 million bribe to the president of Russia without running it past his boss?

Another statute for you:

If two or more persons conspire … to commit any offense against the United States … and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

If Trump authorized the offer, in theory he could be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit bribery of a foreign official under the FCPA by dint of Cohen’s chat with Peskov. There’s a wrinkle, though. According to BuzzFeed’s interview with Sater, the idea of giving Putin an apartment wasn’t as a quid pro quo for his help in getting the project approved. It was to try to attract Russian oligarchs to rent apartments in the building. Knowing that they could use their proximity to their neighbor Vladimir to curry favor might have made Trump Tower Moscow a hot commodity to the ultrarich. If it could be proved that the offer of a gift/bribe to Putin was made for the purpose of drumming up business, not for the purpose of getting Putin to lean on Moscow officials to approve the development, then it might not be illegal under the FCPA.

But what are the odds that Cohen floated this idea to Peskov’s aide and didn’t mention anything about Putin helping them out? In fact, the information filed in court yesterday by Mueller specifically says that Cohen “requested assistance in moving the project forward, both in securing land to build the proposed tower and financing the construction,” in his chat with the aide.

One other point. There’s been lots of chatter in the last 24 hours, including from me, about the financial leverage that the Trump Tower deal momentarily gave Russia over Trump. Until the deal was dead, he had reason to stay on Putin’s good side and at least consider complying with any “requests” made of him. Conor Friedersdorfmakes a good point, though: Russia’s leverage didn’t evaporate the moment that the deal did. Anything illegal that may have occurred as part of the negotiations to which the Russians were privy — like, say, a bribe offered by the president’s lawyer — would also be leverage as potential blackmail material. As Friedersdorf notes, the Russians would have known after Cohen’s false testimony to Congress that he had lied under oath about how late the Moscow deal was being worked on, which would also be potential kompromat.

The federal government takes that seriously enough to oust people from high positions because of it. Remember, what triggered Mike Flynn’s ouster as NSA was Sally Yates recognizing that he had misled the White House about his sanctions discussions with the Russian ambassador and that the Russians obviously knew it. They could have blackmailed Flynn by threatening to expose the lie if he didn’t comply with their agenda. Now we have a similar case involving the president’s lawyer, who in 2016 was talking about a deal that may have involved criminal activity with the soon-to-be president himself. What did Cohen tell Trump about it? That’s what Democrats are going to dig into.

Exit question: Did Cohen (and Trump?) really think Putin would accept this gift? Lord knows the man’s not above bribery, but think of the security risks.

Seriously? Putin has a $1bn estate on the Black Sea – and that’s just one of them. Anyways, the Federal Protection Service won’t let him anywhere near an elevator, let alone share a residence with absolutely anyone. Are these people really so dumb? Ben Smith on Twitter

— Alexey Kovalev (@Alexey__Kovalev) November 29, 2018
Cohen is a verified, certified, Grade A prime liar.
Y'all got nothin.

Lied to Congress.....rollin over on Trump.....who's making threats vs. the same old 'witch hunt' over!

Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Why don't you give me a link.
Actually that sounds like a sound investment.
I guess you don't believe in making a profit.
Shit is hitting the fan and hard.

The Witch hunt is sure turning up a whole lot of witches, Duhnald!
Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

    • Nov. 29, 2018
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty in August to breaking campaign finance laws, made a surprise appearance in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning to plead guilty to a new criminal charge, the latest turn in the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump and his inner circle.

At the court hearing, Mr. Cohen admitted to making false statements to Congress about his efforts to pursue a Trump Tower deal in Moscow during the 2016 presidential campaign.
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Why don't you give me a link.
Actually that sounds like a sound investment.
I guess you don't believe in making a profit.
Come on man Were you born yesterday ?
You're full of it.
Why is it when anyone who knows a Republican president is found guilty of a crime it's like the president himself committed the crime?

Yet when Obama was president nothing had anything to do with him. When he was caught harassing conservatives using the IRS it was some crazy rogues in Cincinnati?

Obama had a scandal free administration because nothing he did was blamed on him. But when acquaintances of Trump are nailed for forgetting if they sent an email 2 years ago, you asswipes feel this implicates Trump?

The only people lying in this is the Mueller Investigation and you silly Dimocraps. Lying to yourselves.

One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Why don't you give me a link.
Actually that sounds like a sound investment.
I guess you don't believe in making a profit.
Come on man Were you born yesterday ?
No....I need a link so I can check out this story and see if it's a Washington Post op-ed or a real situation.

You see the Washington Post is so busy selling the possibility of Unicorns to you folks you don't know what is real and what is fantasy.
One of the chief questions in the Trump-Russia scandal has been whether Vladimir Putin has leverage over the president of the United States, and, if so, what that leverage looks like. The significance of the fabled “pee tape,” after all, is not that it would reveal Donald Trump to be a pervert bent on defiling the place where Barack Obama slept. Rather, the tape matters because, if real, it would show the president to be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

That’s also why evidence of Trump’s business involvement with Russia would be significant, as Trump himself acknowledged shortly before his inauguration, when he tweeted, “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA — NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!”

We still don’t know for certain if Russia has usedleverage over Trump. But there should no longer be any doubt that Russia has leverage over him.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Why don't you give me a link.
Actually that sounds like a sound investment.
I guess you don't believe in making a profit.
Come on man Were you born yesterday ?
No....I need a link so I can check out this story and see if it's a Washington Post op-ed or a real situation.

You see the Washington Post is so busy selling the possibility of Unicorns to you folks you don't know what is real and what is fantasy.
Here muddy
Trump Sold a $40 Million Estate to a Russian Oligarch for $100 Million ...

Feb 10, 2018 - Trump Sold a $40 Million Estate to a Russian Oligarch for $100 ... Trump's sale of a Palm Beach estate that he bought for $41 millionto a ...

Why did Russian oligarch pay so much for mansion owned by Trump?

Mar 9, 2017 - In 2008, Dmitry Rybolovlev bought the Palm Beach mansion owned by Trump for $13 million more than the most expensive Palm Beach ...
He should have known better than to testify that he had chichen at the country club when he knew he had beef. Serves him right.
Trump never worked out a deal with anyone in Russia.
He sent a viability team there to see what they offered and dropped it in 2016.
Nothing signed.
No agreement.
Buying a home for 40 million and in 4 years selling it to a RUSSIAN for 100million doesn't smell like money laundering to you? Trump is a crook
Why don't you give me a link.
Actually that sounds like a sound investment.
I guess you don't believe in making a profit.
Come on man Were you born yesterday ?
No....I need a link so I can check out this story and see if it's a Washington Post op-ed or a real situation.

You see the Washington Post is so busy selling the possibility of Unicorns to you folks you don't know what is real and what is fantasy.
Here muddy
Trump Sold a $40 Million Estate to a Russian Oligarch for $100 Million ...

Feb 10, 2018 - Trump Sold a $40 Million Estate to a Russian Oligarch for $100 ... Trump's sale of a Palm Beach estate that he bought for $41 millionto a ...

Why did Russian oligarch pay so much for mansion owned by Trump?

Mar 9, 2017 - In 2008, Dmitry Rybolovlev bought the Palm Beach mansion owned by Trump for $13 million more than the most expensive Palm Beach ...
Are you retarded???
So you think that every Russian is connected at the hip to Putin? A sale that took place 10 years ago....years before he decided he had to run for president.
Oh, and I guess you've forgotten about Whitewater.
Hillary made a 1000% profit in less than a year....yet you seem to think that Trump was doing something rotten by doubling his money in 4 years???? 4 years is a long time to flip a property in that market.. And I suppose you never imagined that Trump made improvements on the property either.

I suppose private citizens aren't allowed to do business anymore because Democrats will claim that any profits were illegal.
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