BREAKING: Portland police say anti-Trump protest is 'riot'


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
What would you expect from low 2 digit IQ'd mind manipulated college students and BLM shit!!!
Police in Portland, Oregon, are now classifying the anti-Trump protests there as a "riot" due to "extensive criminal and dangerous behavior," according to a tweet on the department's Twitter page.

Police tweeted that projectiles had been thrown at officers, and cars had been damaged.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
This is not just about Trump. These low-IQ criminals are trying to tell the rest of us who we should vote for. They are too stupid, too undisciplined to advise anyone. Hell, they need someone to take care of them.

That said, I'm sure that some, if not most, of the "protesters" are Soros-paid thugs. This is the way the anti-American POS operates.
Portland, Oregon can leave with California and create their super utopia where everyone live daily on heroin and hate America and how this country was founded!
Anyone that is caught destroying property or physically harming someone should be arrested, made to pay for any damage they caused and perform lots of community service. I don't understand this mentality, what do they think they are going to accomplish? I would be so ashamed if it was my child.
These don't want only dead police. Dead anyone will do.

What borders on hilarious is that the idiots were so sure republicans wouldn't accept the election. George Soros is paying for this. It's what the end of democracy looks like. This little dust up is supposed to end elections in this country. That's what these riots are for. The kids are having fun with a license to destroy and they pick up s few dollars along the way.
I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
The police are going to reap revenge now. It's probably peaceful.
Anyone that is caught destroying property or physically harming someone should be arrested, made to pay for any damage they caused and perform lots of community service. I don't understand this mentality, what do they think they are going to accomplish? I would be so ashamed if it was my child.


I'm thinking that perhaps that our justice system has been to lenient...

They should not only repay. Instead the payment should be ten-fold.

Make them think about their actions.


I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
The police are going to reap revenge now. It's probably peaceful.

If my property was damaged in a riot and the powers that be didn't order the police to move in and disperse rioters a lawsuit would be hitting them big time. I don't know how people take this shit from these assholes.
I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
The police are going to reap revenge now. It's probably peaceful.

If my property was damaged in a riot and the powers that be didn't order the police to move in and disperse rioters a lawsuit would be hitting them big time. I don't know how people take this shit from these assholes.
Police are very good and being in the middle of pressures. Thin blue line.
This is not just about Trump. These low-IQ criminals are trying to tell the rest of us who we should vote for. They are too stupid, too undisciplined to advise anyone. Hell, they need someone to take care of them.

That said, I'm sure that some, if not most, of the "protesters" are Soros-paid thugs. This is the way the anti-American POS operates.
"Soros-paid thugs"? is there anything you neo nazis dont blame on the jews?
This shit will continue until after the inauguration. Then the police get back in the law enforcement business and the "Justice" Department shakes off the quotation marks.


If it does then Trump should tell them there will be no Federal assistance available for their self inflicted disaster.


Ladies, and genlemen... What you are witnessing is, the death throws of a failed movement. Today's youth, much like a poorly raised child haven't been taught how to handle losing with dignity. This is akin to a child throwing a tantrum in a store, after mommy says no to buying them a new toy.
These losers should fuck off.

Democracy means accepting a result you don't like, not destroying property because you are having a temper tantrum.
Toro is gonna be sooooo pissed when he sees what you're posting on his account... Sooooo pissed.

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