Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?

When having fun becomes your sole purpose in living, you are already dead. When everything else is sacrificed for fun, just lay down the world doesn't need you anymore. More horror is visited on the unwary by people just having fun, then those intent on harm.
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?

When having fun becomes your sole purpose in living, you are already dead. When everything else is sacrificed for fun, just lay down the world doesn't need you anymore. More horror is visited on the unwary by people just having fun, then those intent on harm.

Sheesh your going over board again Katz:eusa_hand: nothing is wrong with a blowjob every now and than.
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?

Puritans tried that....didn't work well.
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

Epicureanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Epicurus believed that pleasure is the greatest good. But the way to attain pleasure was to live modestly and to gain knowledge of the workings of the world and the limits of one's desires. This led one to attain a state of tranquility (ataraxia) and freedom from fear, as well as absence of bodily pain (aponia). The combination of these two states is supposed to constitute happiness in its highest form. Although Epicureanism is a form of hedonism, insofar as it declares pleasure as the sole intrinsic good, its conception of absence of pain as the greatest pleasure and its advocacy of a simple life make it different from "hedonism" as it is commonly understood."

It is quite possible to have a consistent and non-self-destructive philosophy based on pleasure and enjoyment. Whitney Houston (assuming she died of a drug overdose) violated one of the main principles of such a philosophy, which is temperance and moderation.
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?

When having fun becomes your sole purpose in living, you are already dead. When everything else is sacrificed for fun, just lay down the world doesn't need you anymore. More horror is visited on the unwary by people just having fun, then those intent on harm.

Who determines what "everything else" is? You? The government? Someone else?
I work to live, not live to work.
I have fun, travel and work hard. I have raised 3 kids all with college degrees. They are all happy and work hard.
We have lots of fun and could give a damn what others claim.
Being happy is the most important thing.
Religion makes folks depressed and passes blame and shame on them.
Go for it it that is your idea of a life.
No way Jose!
We all know that the whole purpose of human life is to have fun. It's the goal of every day. Whitney Houston partied it up right to her last breath. That's FUN!

So what are you saying? we should all lock ourselves in our houses and just read the Bible or Quran every day?

When having fun becomes your sole purpose in living, you are already dead. When everything else is sacrificed for fun, just lay down the world doesn't need you anymore. More horror is visited on the unwary by people just having fun, then those intent on harm.

Depends on your definition of fun I guess.............because to me, fun is riding my bicycle whenever I can trying to keep it at 20 mph or better, or watching good movies, or spending quality time with those I love and like.

How does any of that make a person "dead"?

My personal motto? Work when ya gotta, party when you can.
Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

Immediately thought of this thread and your posts in particular when I saw this:

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Many heterosexual couples need some kind of help. In numerous cases multiple abortions has rendered the female infertile. IF someone wants a child of two loving individuals, that child will not come from two women or two men. It is simple biology. There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy. There has to be the participation of one or more people.

This should not be that hard.

So only people that have an unplanned pregnancy are deserving of the fundamental right of marriage? :confused: What on earth is your point?

You're right though...we can't get pregnant "by accident". We have to plan it carefully. Most of us make sure that our relationship is stable and that we have the means to support our children when they're born. Many of us give loving homes to the "unplanned pregnancies" of you fucking hets...

Why aren't our families deserving of the same rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal civil marriage that heterosexual families enjoy?

Because your family is depraved and degenerate. You can only have children that grow up to be dysfunctional adults,unless raised very very carefully. Not that you are alone. Any single sex household suffers from the same disabilities. The goal should be improvement not destruction. Just the fact that you consider babies the product of "fucking hets" should preclude you from parenthood at all. No doubt those hets are divided into bleeders and breeders. This is what you are passing on to children raised in your household. ALL without exception, all of the people that your children are going to have to deal with throughout their lifetimes will be the product of fucking hets. No doubt you feel you are giving them a priceless gift.

Well, if you want to get into the "family" game....I would hate to think what cosmic jokester gave you as a "priceless gift".
Because your family is depraved and degenerate.

According to whom? You?

And by what objective, legal standard?

Where is your evidence that families headed by same-sex parents are ‘depraved and degenerate’?

During the evidence hearings in Perry those opposed to same-sex marriage were unable to provide one shred of evidence that children of same-sex couples are in anyway ‘deprived’ or ‘disadvantaged.’

Indeed, all the research and evidence presented in Perry established the fact that children of same-sex couples were just as normal and well-adjusted as those of opposite sex.

The common denominator of happy, healthy children is love, having nothing to do with the parents’ gender.
I have no problem with gay marriage, but the people of California voted not to have it in their state. If judges are just going to overturn the will of the people then why vote at all?

Basically, people who are not homosexual and who squirm at the very idea of homosexual sex got to vote on what rights should be extended to homosexuals
Didn't gay people get to vote on this as well as the non gay?
Gays have always had the right to marry. Just not the same sex. I can't marry a dude either so we have equal rights already.

Just to clarify, the discussion is "Civil Marriage" (that under the law) and not just "marriage" (which can be religious or civil).

A man can marry a woman, but a woman cannot marry another woman (in most states as it is), so men and women are not treated the same.

However in States that allow Civil Marriage, a man can marry a woman or a man.

So in those States, yes you can Civilly Marry a man.


However once
There are no accidental births from homosexual relationships. Two lesbians or two gay men will NOT have an unplanned pregnancy.

you say that like it's a bad thing.

Actually, it would be a good thing, because then there would be more couples available and willing to either adopt, or volunteer as foster parents.

Trust a child who went through the system, a loving gay couple is much preferable to a hateful hetero couple. Trust mother was beaten on a regular basis (as was I because I had to defend her, she was my mother), and I've seen lots of really irregular behavior between hetero couples.


For 2 years, I rented a room from a lesbian couple who had been together for around 8 or 9 years (longer than most hetero couples btw), and one of the women had a daughter who was pretty open minded as well as had boyfriends and guys she was interested in.

She was a pretty decent kid..........good grades, decent outlook on life and open minded enough to listen to the opinions of others.

It's not so much an issue as to whether or not it's a man/woman couple and not a same sex/same sex couple, it's a question of how well they operate together.

The foster family that I was part of for 4 years? Messed up as a soup sandwich, which is why I ran away at 16 to go back to my Grandparents.
Gays have always had the right to marry. Just not the same sex. I can't marry a dude either so we have equal rights already.

you know... i really can't stand when people make that argument... it's so dishonest.

the same argument would have applied pre-loving v virginia to inter-racial couples.

The racists tried the same argument. They argued that it wasn't discrimination because it applied equally to men and women. They were wrong and LockeJaw will be too.

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