BREAKING: Protesters Chaining Themselves To Vehicles SHUT DOWN HIGHWAY's Leading to AZ Trump Rally!


Protesting is not shutting down major highways that crucial life saving services are provided on.

These PC Nazis need the hell beaten out of them. Why dont the people get out of their c arts and go apply some frontier justice?
That kind of protest has been used for over a half century in America. The people don't get out of their cars and commit crimes of assault because they are not on a message boarding pretending to be tough guys. It's a reality thing.
At which point you will get arrested for murder.
No thanks.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

Troll Alert
You know, considering that the last Trump rally that was shut down was done at the request of Trump (remember, the cops said that they had the manpower and ability to handle the protesters), it really wouldn't surprise me much to find out later that Trump funded the protesters.

I mean, look how much press time and how far up in the polls he went last time. There is a real possibility that this could be a secret operation to generate more news and get him even further up in the polls.

Remember when his ratings were sagging on his show? He immediately picked a fight with someone else famous and kept it going to get more news time and drive up the ratings for his show.
You know, considering that the last Trump rally that was shut down was done at the request of Trump (remember, the cops said that they had the manpower and ability to handle the protesters), it really wouldn't surprise me much to find out later that Trump funded the protesters.

I mean, look how much press time and how far up in the polls he went last time. There is a real possibility that this could be a secret operation to generate more news and get him even further up in the polls.

Remember when his ratings were sagging on his show? He immediately picked a fight with someone else famous and kept it going to get more news time and drive up the ratings for his show.
No one is buying the "Trump wanted it shutdown" meme. People aren't as stupid as you think they are.
The thugs are led by far-left Open Borders leader Salvador Reza. It's just a typical "Let's go where Trump will be, make a mess and disrupt as much as we can, and see if we can get the media to blame Trump for it instead of us" routine.
Protesting is not shutting down major highways that crucial life saving services are provided on.

These PC Nazis need the hell beaten out of them. Why dont the people get out of their c arts and go apply some frontier justice?
That kind of protest has been used for over a half century in America. The people don't get out of their cars and commit crimes of assault because they are not on a message boarding pretending to be tough guys. It's a reality thing.
At which point you will get arrested for murder.
No thanks.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.
If I was Trump, I'd fly my helicopter over there and hold the rally right in front of those asshole protesters.

That would at least be non-violent anti-protesting.

Yes! I like it, I like it very much I think it's fantastic!
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You know, considering how badly the GOP wants to stop Trump, anyone ever think about the possibility that this might have been funded by Romney and Gingrich?

Based on the things that they've said, as well as the way they are trying to make it so that Trump doesn't make it to the required amount of delegates, secretly helping out protests against Trump doesn't seem like much of a stretch.
That kind of protest has been used for over a half century in America. The people don't get out of their cars and commit crimes of assault because they are not on a message boarding pretending to be tough guys. It's a reality thing.
It's those protesters are concerned about someone they think of as a racist facist might become president so they commit a misdemeanor.

Buckie wants to commit murder over something as important for our nation? No. Someone is blocking traffic....let's murder them. That's important to Buckie.
STFU, you moron...I bet if I brought 30 people along to shut down I-35 in Dallas to prevent people from going to the Dallas Convention Center to hear that **** Hillary Clinton, leftwingers would be soiling themselves with indignant outrage and the injustice of it all...because to Fabian socialists, the end always justifies the means. Read the manifesto of the Fabian socialists, the communists, the Jesuits and the Illuminati and they absolutely mirror each other. I have been dealing with garbage like you for over 15 years and your lame ass tactics and spew never changes nor does it ever make any sense. You are not going to get the one world U.N communist government that you crave without bodies being stacked up like cord wood. I have sized you up and I am pretty sure that you don't have the stomach for the fight.
No, I won't STFU internet tough guy. I didn't even read your post because I am sure it is the same tin foil hat jackassery you always post. Worthless Bircher crap nonsense.
Yeah, anyone not just left of Mao-Tse Tung must be a "bircher" to a commie fuckwad like you..whatever the fuck a "bircher" is. I know more than you. I have earned my stripes because I invested time and effort and there isn't any punkinpusss liberal douche that can match me on any topic...not one. Keep spewing your bullshit and I will keep exposing you for the "knows-nothing" clown that you are. Hope this helps!!!
OK nut job, whatever you say. You just exposed me for posting about a FOX 8 News report about what was going on at a traffic jam.

You lack common sense....a common factor when it comes to the blinded by ideology uber left.... I "get ya". As I have said before, you couldn't out debate me on any topic even on your best day because you haven't put in the time to learn how this system really works.

Debates, especially on a message board, need to be based on some kind of standards. In a previous discussion, you listed authors and works you used as sources. I looked up every one of them, read their bio's and several of their book reviews. I found each one to be a dedicated conspiracy theorist. I do not consider conspiracy works to be reliable sources. I prefer academic sources. My test is, could this source be submitted in an academic environment. Could you turn in a college level paper using the source? Without that standard debates can only go around in circles. As a final, you use that "I know more than you" card.
Does the American public really support black lies matter? Does the average American think we don't have enough rapists and welcome more from South of the border.

The left is up against reality. That's why the crazier and more out of control the left gets, the higher Trump rises.

I'm hoping for some serious bloodshed. Put some real fear into those worker bees. Let's see what kind of stinger they can grow.

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