Breaking! QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley is released 14 months early from prison after Jan. 6 footage showed him being ESCORTED into Senate by cops

Not according to Lang. That is why he has had no trial. He refuses to lie.
He’d have a trial if he’d stop making pointless motions and appealing everything he loses on.

Lang is on camera fighting with officers. He will be found guilty like the rest of the rioters. His only goal is to make money off his crimes, which includes making himself a victim.
There is no good behavior in federal prison that lowers your time by that much.

It amazes me how you continually bleev you can get away with manufacturing bullshit. Who do you think you are? Fox News?

Many prisoners can get time off—that is, a reduction of their sentences—by behaving well. In the federal system, prisoners who, in the judgment of the Bureau of Prisons, have exhibited "exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations" can get up to 54 days per year off their sentences. Prisoners are eligible if they are serving a prison term of more than one year; those serving life sentences are ineligible.
oh good. An expert on federal sentencing.

The internet is a crazy place.
And you would think a Trumper would be making a bigger deal about this...

Since the reduction in time came from the First Step Act...

"Chansley received credit through the First Step Act and his participation in the Bureau of Prison’s Residential Drug Abuse Program (RDAP) which, upon completion, can reduce the sentence of non-violent offenders by up to one year."

But since Trumpers don't really give a fuck about things they pretend to care about -- they don't know
Good behavior doesn't explain it being done this quickly.

He was accused of a violent crime, and he was shown to not have performed any violence.

If your side has to lie to make it's point, it's not much of a fucking side.

Wut?? What violent crime was he accused of??
He was accused of a violent crime, and he was shown to not have performed any violence.
Nope. He was not accused of a violent crime. His charge was obstructing an official proceeding.

Chansley, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding, was among the first rioters to enter the building. He has acknowledged using a bullhorn to rile up the mob, offering thanks in a prayer while in the Senate for having the chance to get rid of traitors and scratching out a threatening note to Vice President Mike Pence saying, “It’s Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!”

Though he isn’t accused of violence, prosecutors say Chansley, of Arizona, was the “public face of the Capitol riot” who went into the attack with a weapon, ignored repeated police orders to leave the building and gloated about his actions in the days immediately after the attack.

If your side has to lie to make it's point, it's not much of a fucking side.
Oh, the irony! Now do you have the integrity to admit it is YOU who is making shit up?
He’d have a trial if he’d stop making pointless motions and appealing everything he loses on.

Lang is on camera fighting with officers. He will be found guilty like the rest of the rioters. His only goal is to make money off his crimes, which includes making himself a victim.
Excuse me, but how do you appeal before you have had a trial and a verdict? What kind of bullshit is that?
Troll dipshit poster noted.
Anyhoo....remember when you morons were saying shit like this?

Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 12.41.09 PM.png

And to deflect, you just whine and clutch your pearls like a bitch over us being able to remember stuff?
They were trying to torture a confession out of him and denied a trial unless he would
Doubly hideous
They don’t need a confession. They have him on video. It’s an open and shut case.

They want him to take a plea deal to save everyone the hassle of going to trial.

Lang wants the hassle, so he gets a hassle. 800 days in prison is the hassle. It doesn’t really matter anyway since he’s going to get a longer sentence.
Jake Lang? THAT guy? The guy in Lastamender's link?
Well, amigo....Jake Lang is this guy pictured below, weilding the ball bat at our uniformed Federal police at the Capitol. A MAGA guy? or one of your QAnon guys? Or just a violent street criminal?
I dunno......but he seems to be a sketchy guy. FWIW.....if I had been abundantly photographed beating police with a deadly weapon....well, I'd say I saved Rosanne too. I'd say I saved all the lives of everybody on those blood stained steps. So hooray for me.



"murdered 500 politicians"??
Gotta link?


Good poster Marty.....settle down son.
Your discombobulation, your loss of control, throws shade on your stellar reputation for thoughtful, informative, mature contributions.
This image of you now being so frazzled, so upset, so histrionic, ain't a good look.
Be better.


How many?
What are their names?
Saddle up, Skippy......make your pony run for the forum.
Or go.

Not my rules. It's the way the adult world works. Trust me.
Give us a link. Give us vetting. Show us.

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