BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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Poor extreme RW basers..... all frustrated and nowhere to go...

Now, let's get back to the OP, shall we:

Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

Inquiring minds want to know: has Ms. Lerner been arrested by those murikan patriuhts?

This is important, folks!
scat and bodey are going to look like the liberal hack fools they are come Nov.
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I wonder.... As soon as bodecea shows up, horseshit and Dorothy show up. What's the story there. If I was so tight on her ass, she'd be calling me a stalker.
Nope. Found those emails yet.

I'm sticking to the topic of the OP. :D

Day 3 and ticking...

The suspense is...well, nonexistent.

But I'm sure Allen West will keep the nation apprised for any developments while he waits for someone to offer him a lobbying job or a radio gig where telling the truth is not a prerequisite for being hired and lying with a straight face is considered an asset for advancing one's career.
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I'm sticking to the topic of the OP. :D

Day 3 and ticking...

The suspense is...well, nonexistent.

But I'm sure Allen West will keep the nation apprised for any developments while he waits for someone to offer him a lobbying job or a radio gig where telling the truth is not a prerequisit for being hired and lying with a straight face is considered an asset for advancing one's career.

Trolls are plentiful tho

Lerner deserves to be arrested for her actions with the IRS. She didn't do it on her own though. She's just the fall girl for the higher ups who ordered the targeting.

I'd love to see the Sargent lock her sorry butt up. It would make my day, but I doubt it will happen. Doesn't matter as the lawsuits continue with trails pending .

Lerner had better get used to taking the 5th. She will see a REAL COURT ROOM. By the people who were targeted by the IRS.

The bolded: your data to back this claim up? Emails? Video? Testimony? Audio?
Please, feel free to contribute.

I just love it when Extreme Right-Wing basers thump their chests and do the Tarzan number and say this stuff on a message board. It is just totally invigorating.

Carry on, it's all fun....

Emails???? You gotta be kidding! Emails that the IRS wouldn't produce until the cover story was in place. Yeah... Hard drive crash... Are you really buying that shit? Do you really believe that mail server RAID drives crashed at the same time?
You people (and I use the term loosely) will blindly follow without question whatever this administration tells you. How Pavlovian! HuffPo rings the bell and you start salivating. You accept everything they spew without question and y'all look like drooling St Bernards
You're so conditioned to attack the messenger, you check substantiating link URLs and automatically reject anything from a site that doesn't ring the bell.

Come on Scatistikhengst, shake it off!

Poor extreme RW basers..... all frustrated and nowhere to go...

Now, let's get back to the OP, shall we:

Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

Inquiring minds want to know: has Ms. Lerner been arrested by those murikan patriuhts?

This is important, folks!

yep, wheres LGS? We need an update!
Day 3 and ticking...

The suspense is...well, nonexistent.

But I'm sure Allen West will keep the nation apprised for any developments while he waits for someone to offer him a lobbying job or a radio gig where telling the truth is not a prerequisit for being hired and lying with a straight face is considered an asset for advancing one's career.

Trolls are plentiful tho

The only trolls of which I'm aware are the conservatives ones in Congress and in the media who seem to view the base as if they're a bunch of sharks who must keep swimming or drown. And to that end (keeping the base agitated) these conservative trolls are CONSTANTLY chumming the political waters with blood (propaganda) in order to keep the base agitated and generally worked up about nonsense. That seems to be the only reason conservatives find themselves jumping from one silly nonissue to the next like a herd of kittens chasing a piece of yarn that someone yanks from one spot to the next.
The suspense is...well, nonexistent.

But I'm sure Allen West will keep the nation apprised for any developments while he waits for someone to offer him a lobbying job or a radio gig where telling the truth is not a prerequisit for being hired and lying with a straight face is considered an asset for advancing one's career.

Trolls are plentiful tho

The only trolls of which I'm aware are the conservatives ones in Congress and in the media who seem to view the base as if they're a bunch of sharks who must keep swimming or drown. And to that end (keeping the base agitated) these conservative trolls are CONSTANTLY chumming the political waters with blood (propaganda) in order to keep the base agitated and generally worked up about nonsense. That seems to be the only reason conservatives find themselves jumping from one silly nonissue to the next like a herd of kittens chasing a piece of yarn that someone yanks from one spot to the next.

AKA: reporting the news & topics of the day.
Trolls are plentiful tho

The only trolls of which I'm aware are the conservatives ones in Congress and in the media who seem to view the base as if they're a bunch of sharks who must keep swimming or drown. And to that end (keeping the base agitated) these conservative trolls are CONSTANTLY chumming the political waters with blood (propaganda) in order to keep the base agitated and generally worked up about nonsense. That seems to be the only reason conservatives find themselves jumping from one silly nonissue to the next like a herd of kittens chasing a piece of yarn that someone yanks from one spot to the next.

AKA: reporting the news & topics of the day.

No, it's just about the furthest thing possible from reporting news. It's a combination of manipulation and distraction. Meanwhile, problems fester but don't get addressed because people with personal agendas have become childish in their sense of entitlement to get all they want or broach no compromise of any kind. And this all happens while the new media agitators make millions while similtaneously keeping certain segments of the electorate worked up and running in circles chasing their tails.
The only trolls of which I'm aware are the conservatives ones in Congress and in the media who seem to view the base as if they're a bunch of sharks who must keep swimming or drown. And to that end (keeping the base agitated) these conservative trolls are CONSTANTLY chumming the political waters with blood (propaganda) in order to keep the base agitated and generally worked up about nonsense. That seems to be the only reason conservatives find themselves jumping from one silly nonissue to the next like a herd of kittens chasing a piece of yarn that someone yanks from one spot to the next.

AKA: reporting the news & topics of the day.

No, it's just about the furthest thing possible from reporting news. It's a combination of manipulation and distraction. Meanwhile, problems fester but don't get addressed because people with personal agendas have become childish in their sense of entitlement to get all they want or broach no compromise of any kind. And this all happens while the new media agitators make millions while similtaneously keeping certain segments of the electorate worked up and running in circles chasing their tails.


Course when Bush was prez it was razor sharp reporting....

Go peddle that shit elsewhere
Trolls are plentiful tho

The only trolls of which I'm aware are the conservatives ones in Congress and in the media who seem to view the base as if they're a bunch of sharks who must keep swimming or drown. And to that end (keeping the base agitated) these conservative trolls are CONSTANTLY chumming the political waters with blood (propaganda) in order to keep the base agitated and generally worked up about nonsense. That seems to be the only reason conservatives find themselves jumping from one silly nonissue to the next like a herd of kittens chasing a piece of yarn that someone yanks from one spot to the next.

AKA: reporting the news & topics of the day.

no. feeding the faux rage of idiots.
I'm staying totally on topic. Has Lerner been arrested yet?

Nope, but she should be.

Have those hashtag commandos rescued those 300 girls yet?

That isn't the topic of this thread. Thought you were all about staying on topic. :D

BTW...checking in.......has Lerner been arrested yet?

What a pity that Grumpy Gramps can't stay on topic:

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Grampa Murked U

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