Breaking! Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6

When did they apologize for the Russian hoax? Got a video or anything?
You thought somebody was going to apologize to you? Who are you? Never got over being a kid with unrealistic expectations, eh? Someday, maybe you will mature after you've been around a bit, or maybe not. Some people never grow up.
You thought somebody was going to apologize to you? Who are you? Never got over being a kid with unrealistic expectations, eh? Someday, maybe you will mature after you've been around a bit, or maybe not. Some people never grow up.
Not me, the nation.
I am pretty sure, most networks, websites and talking heads have been caught with the facts wrong. And most, retract or correct, rather than double down. I just disdain those that shamelessly revel in their made up crap, such as the one mentioned.
The weren't caught with the facts wrong. They were caught lying. The NYT has doubled down on every lie it has told. So has CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and dozens of others.
So Pelosi didn't decrease security and it was the Secretary of Defense that counter-acted Trump's command. Hopefully Gateway Pundit will soon be posting a correction.
Not likely. It is after all Gateway Pundit
More evidence of a pre-planned soft coup to oust Trump. Pelosi should be immediately jailed.

/———/ The best disinfectant is sunlight.
Step up my good friend, kindly show us your working links proving the information contained in the article is false.

With all the facts coming out today as a result of Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, wouldn't you want to learn

Once again, please show us where the information in the article is FALSE. I would think that a mighty moderator would have skills where it would be easy for you to find solid contrary information.
I am pretty sure, most networks, websites and talking heads have been caught with the facts wrong. And most, retract or correct, rather than double down. I just disdain those that shamelessly revel in their made up crap, such as the one mentioned.
New York times was caught LYING they purposefully printed stories that the editor KNEW was false.
More evidence of a pre-planned soft coup to oust Trump. Pelosi should be immediately jailed.

What do you expect from a psychotic C%#T who rips up presidential documents on national TV while rolling her eyes? That's the type of behavior I'd expect from an insanely jealous teenage girl with menstrual issues.
Step up my good friend, kindly show us your working links proving the information contained in the article is false.
I don’t do gatewaypundit for a reason. The ”evidence“ in this story is just an image of a text. No names, no context provided. It’s impossible to determine what we’re looking at. But not impossible for gatewaypundit to give you guys the red meat you crave with some baseless narrative.

If the story is true, then surely you can find a more reliable source with this story.
There was going to be a staged attack on the Capitol Building no matter what in my opinion.

The Democrats would have encouraged BLM to burn down the Capitol Building and would have given them medals for doing so, if the Trump victory had been accepted and acknowledged.

Our fellow Patriots are still locked up for the whole FBI promoted fiasco.
That is not what these traitorous, domestic terrorist insurgents are in jail for.
There shouldn't have been a need for a security force. The J6 facilitators were egged on by Trump.
That's just goofy. Why make such a foolish statement unless you feel backed into a corner by your acceptance of false information.

Why was this person placed on the FBI's " Most Wanted List" and then suddenly dropped from the list?


As you should know by now, President Trump made additional National Guard troops available for security. Is it not obvious even to you that Democrats wanted a catastrophe so they could film it and use it despite the damage done to our country.

Would you be as rabid about the riot on Jan 6 had the parties been reversed? Of course not. You'd have been posting that the riot was a nothingburger, nothing to see there.
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The gateway pundit is an unreliable source

Name one of your "trusty sources"

It's fake news

And most, retract or correct, rather than double down

They're still lying about it.

Basically, xiden’s using Wuhan as a weapon against Americans, like Putin fighting Ukraine

And what about these sources?

please show us where the information in the article is FALSE.

was caught LYING

surely you can find a more reliable source







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