BREAKING: Rezaeian and 3 others released in Iran

releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong

thar ya go agin........sigh. but it not wrong for 30mil to blow out southern border. I suppose if kids toss Nerf ball into your back yard you want their bicycle in trade to give it back. You twisted sister.

What? You need to start making sense first.
We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.

HAHA lolol I'm not falling for that shit. No matter WHO we would say said this, you would say they weren't consequential. You must think I'm new to fighting with liberals on forums huh?

You should be able to name someone where it matters otherwise you don't have a point. I can't help it if you don't feel comfortable with your argument.
So you're essentially saying ALL PERSONAL OPINIONS on this site are invalid & pointless?

Then why the fuck are you here????
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 13276063
Showing public video of them in captivity is also a violation of the Geneva Convention from my understanding

Your understanding is wrong.

We are not at war with Iran, therefore GC rules do not apply.[/QUOTE]

one of better screen name btw. right up there with cereal killer. I envy your imagination. I have none.
We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.

HAHA lolol I'm not falling for that shit. No matter WHO we would say said this, you would say they weren't consequential. You must think I'm new to fighting with liberals on forums huh?

You should be able to name someone where it matters otherwise you don't have a point. I can't help it if you don't feel comfortable with your argument.
So you're essentially saying ALL PERSONAL OPINIONS on this site are invalid & pointless?

Then why the fuck are you here????

Probably not since I never said that. But until you morons ever name someone of importance thinks the US acted stupidly then I guess you don't have any real opinions.
There is no crime in breaking down and drifting into territorial waters. In fact, in that instance, the country should render aid as they are stranded at sea. Taking them at gunpoint was an act of war. Period.

i have question.if khamenei tell to hardliner
usa is great
dont say death to america or usa is satan
we love israel and .......

then what happened?
want you another radical revolution in iran by hardliner?
Then you wake up and realize it's a dream. Because that isn't gonna happen and you know it.
Will he pull his influence from Yemen and the Houti's.....................
Will he stop supporting Hamas and the Hez....................
Will he stop exporting terror...........

Finally, why the hell should we trust him when they chant death to America all the time?????? One day, your leaders will keep asking for a fight with us and there will be someone other than Obama in the WH who says OK.............

Tell your leader to knock it off...........Try living in Peace.....and stop with your countries barbarism......then maybe someone like me will not want to take your asses out.............

Perhaps he can apologize for the men of our country who died by advanced IED tech in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thank Iran for giving back our sailors who were illegally in their territory?

We got 30 million Mexican illeglly in "our territory". Tunnels with power and A/C across border. Is that a big deal? Why don't you allow them rounded up and thank Trump for sending back?
Red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the president's success in gaining the release of Americans detained in Iran.

But you and most others on the right are such hateful, blind partisan hacks you're incapable of celebrating the good news.

Then why didn't he perform this "success" in the past 7 years? Because there were no $ to bestow for the men being released?
We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.

HAHA lolol I'm not falling for that shit. No matter WHO we would say said this, you would say they weren't consequential. You must think I'm new to fighting with liberals on forums huh?

You should be able to name someone where it matters otherwise you don't have a point. I can't help it if you don't feel comfortable with your argument.
So you're essentially saying ALL PERSONAL OPINIONS on this site are invalid & pointless?

Then why the fuck are you here????

Probably not since I never said that. But until you morons ever name someone of importance thinks the US acted stupidly then I guess you don't have any real opinions.
The opinions of the American voters are of importance. If they weren't politicians wouldn't pander to them.
Why you people only think celebrities, politicians or liberal pundits have the only valid opinions is beyond me.
its more of the same , obama killed 'bin laden' and now obama and ketchup kerry free hostages , its all BS !! And iran , a sponsor of terror walks away with 150 billion dollars and sanctions that are being lifted .
Just pisses you off the next president has no legs to stand on if he/she wants to attack Iran doesn't it!? Just grinds you Israel Firsters gears I know.Iran is no more a sponsor of terror than the US is. Hell its probably less so.
It's amazing how easily liberals can be misdirected by a bright, shiny object.

They want to believe that Obama isn't the liar and the charlatan that he is.

Iran has been murdering Americans for decades, and we're supposed to forget about their aggression whenever they give us a tiny token like a few hostages being released after being falsely imprisoned for way too long. What difference does it make that it cost us $150 billion dollars and who knows what else to get it done. How much will it cost us the next time they take hostages?

i have question.if khamenei tell to hardliner
usa is great
dont say death to america or usa is satan
we love israel and .......

then what happened?
want you another radical revolution in iran by hardliner?
Then you wake up and realize it's a dream. Because that isn't gonna happen and you know it.
Will he pull his influence from Yemen and the Houti's.....................
Will he stop supporting Hamas and the Hez....................
Will he stop exporting terror...........

Finally, why the hell should we trust him when they chant death to America all the time?????? One day, your leaders will keep asking for a fight with us and there will be someone other than Obama in the WH who says OK.............

Tell your leader to knock it off...........Try living in Peace.....and stop with your countries barbarism......then maybe someone like me will not want to take your asses out.............

Perhaps he can apologize for the men of our country who died by advanced IED tech in Iraq and Afghanistan.
blah blah blah and bullsh..
Thank Iran for giving back our sailors who were illegally in their territory?

We got 30 million Mexican illeglly in "our territory". Tunnels with power and A/C across border. Is that a big deal? Why don't you allow them rounded up and thank Trump for sending back?
Red herring fallacy.

The thread topic is the president's success in gaining the release of Americans detained in Iran.

But you and most others on the right are such hateful, blind partisan hacks you're incapable of celebrating the good news.

Then why didn't he perform this "success" in the past 7 years? Because there were no $ to bestow for the men being released?

Probably because none of them were prisoners 7 years ago and first we had to establish communication. I don't see why you assume it's just a matter of flipping a switch.
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