BREAKING: Rezaeian and 3 others released in Iran

Of course he does. Don't you see, Iran is no different from US. There are right winger hard liner warmongers (like you) in Iran too.

But logic and common sense leads the way, in both countries at the moment. The Iranian reformist president Rouhani now openly speaks against the hard liner conservative mullah and Khamenei, because he is capable of bringing prosperity to Iranian people.

It's a double edged sword. What happened to those sailors was humiliating and degrading. And leave it to Obama to thank Iran for not doing worse. You don't do that. I'm grateful they are released but this is a sign of weakness, not strength. If someone broke into your house and only raped your daughter, would you thank him for not killing her?

You don't do what? Thank Iran for giving back our sailors who were illegally in their territory? I don't see anything wrong with that. Iran shouldn't have broadcast them on tv but all things considered, this is a much better turnout.

Anyway, your rape analogy is ridiculous.
Kerry publicly thanking Iran was ridiculous. Silence should have been the wise response to their release.

Because you don't thank the bully that teases you & kills your soldiers in other theaters

Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.
I wouldn't say we're weakened persay but we look incredibly stupid.
You don't do what? Thank Iran for giving back our sailors who were illegally in their territory? I don't see anything wrong with that. Iran shouldn't have broadcast them on tv but all things considered, this is a much better turnout.

Anyway, your rape analogy is ridiculous.
Kerry publicly thanking Iran was ridiculous. Silence should have been the wise response to their release.

Because you don't thank the bully that teases you & kills your soldiers in other theaters

Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.
I wouldn't say we're weakened persay but we look incredibly stupid.

We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength. Just like the hostage situation with Reagan. He told them release the hostages or we vaporize you. The day he was put into office the hostages were released. Funny how that works.
Kerry publicly thanking Iran was ridiculous. Silence should have been the wise response to their release.

Because you don't thank the bully that teases you & kills your soldiers in other theaters

Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.
I wouldn't say we're weakened persay but we look incredibly stupid.

We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.
Are you capable of UNDERSTANDING that others may not think the same way you do? Get over it
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength.

They were not on the "High seas". They erred into Iranian waters.
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength. Just like the hostage situation with Reagan. He told them release the hostages or we vaporize you. The day he was put into office the hostages were released. Funny how that works.
Showing public video of them in captivity is also a violation of the Geneva Convention from my understanding
no one here knows the full details of returned hostages nor the returned sailors. I think I'll just be happy that they are all home and reserve my praise for any heroics until all the details come out. Trusting Iran Obama or Kerry has always proved to be a bit foolish.
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength.

They did not kidnap sailors on open sea, they detained them in their OWN territorial waters.

Hello, from earth to airplanemdamnfdjkhewkjrtjswkfks....
They were not on the "High seas". They erred into Iranian waters.

How do you explain why we didn't take the chinese warship that was in our waters hostage back in September? Thoughts? Crickets?

There is no crime in being broken down, if the gov't isn't lying about that. The violated international law. They committed an act of war.

You think had we taken the Chinese warship hostage in our waters in September China wouldn't have declared war on us?

Iran did the same shit with British sailors in 2007. If it was an act of war according to Britian back then, what they did with our sailors was an act of war in 2016.

Tehran's Victory, by The Editors, National Review
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

Taking into custody another country's military who are in your territory is perfectly legal. Taking pictures of them is illegal, that being said, it's minor as they could have been arrested or gone to prison.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength.

Oh, is that so? When have we told Iran to do something and they did? Anyway, they appear to have respected diplomacy and we know this because it worked.

Maybe next time we can go the Reagan route and just sell them arms in exchange for something.
What I am getting out of this Thread is:

The US scores a victory, and the GOP is unhappy about it.
Because you don't thank the bully that teases you & kills your soldiers in other theaters

Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.
I wouldn't say we're weakened persay but we look incredibly stupid.

We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.
Are you capable of UNDERSTANDING that others may not think the same way you do? Get over it

Of course I'm capable of understanding that. I'm giving you the opportunity to prove your point. Are you capable of understanding that?
releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong

thar ya go agin........sigh. but it not wrong for 30mil to blow out southern border. I suppose if kids toss Nerf ball into your back yard you want their bicycle in trade to give it back. You twisted sister.
We look incredibly stupid? According to who? Quote someone consequential who said this.

HAHA lolol I'm not falling for that shit. No matter WHO we would say said this, you would say they weren't consequential. You must think I'm new to fighting with liberals on forums huh?

You should be able to name someone where it matters otherwise you don't have a point. I can't help it if you don't feel comfortable with your argument.
[QUOTE="Grampa Murked U, post: 13276063
Showing public video of them in captivity is also a violation of the Geneva Convention from my understanding[/QUOTE]

Your understanding is wrong.

We are not at war with Iran, therefore GC rules do not apply.
Kerry thanked Iran for it's cooperation and immediate response specifically to releasing the sailors where technically we were in the wrong. We are not weakened because of it.

Also, in other theaters Iran is killing our enemies but whichever, it's irrelevant.

Kidnapping sailors of another country on the high seas is an act of war. Parading pictures of them on national TV of them on hands and knees with hands on their heads is humiliating and a violation of international laws.

You don't ASK Iran to do shit, you TELL them to do shit or else the fucking world will come down on them. They don't respect kindness, they respect strength. Just like the hostage situation with Reagan. He told them release the hostages or we vaporize you. The day he was put into office the hostages were released. Funny how that works.
Showing public video of them in captivity is also a violation of the Geneva Convention from my understanding

It is. But I'm not going to let that get in the middle of getting them out of there.

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