BREAKING: Rezaeian and 3 others released in Iran

Now I am hearing a 5th prisoner has been released. WOW! The spin in the GOP better be working overtime.

Well, I am sure that Trump will take full credit.
Now I am hearing a 5th prisoner has been released. WOW! The spin in the GOP better be working overtime.

Well, I am sure that Trump will take full credit.

I just saw that Trump had said exchanging 4 prisoners for 7 plus 150 billion was a bad exchange. Never mind the 150 billion had nothing to do with this exchange or if it really matters if the difference in the exchange is 2 or 3 people. Anyway, he sounded kind of muted and I suspect he hadn't put together his talking points yet.

EDIT: oh, and how it was shameful or something that they were held so long. Odd, I doubt he had much to say about how long they held our sailors.
How utterly stupid does this sound now?

Ted Cruz Leads Off GOP Debate with Ode to Captive Sailors

Let me start–I want to get to the substance of the question on jobs. But I want to start with something. Today many of us picked up our newspapers, and we were horrified to see the sight of ten American sailors on their knees with their hands on their heads. In that State of the Union, President Obama didn’t so much as mention the ten sailors that had been captured by Iran. President Obama’s preparing to send 100 billion dollars or more to the Ayatollah Khamenei. And I tell you, it was heartbreaking. But the good news is: The next commander-in-chief is standing on this stage.


And I give you my word, if I am elected president, no serviceman or servicewoman will be forced to be on their knees in any nation that captures our fighting men and women. We’ll field the full force and fury of the United States of America.
Nope. It's just continuing propaganda for Obama's idiot deal with his friends.

They get their money today. It won't be long.
How utterly stupid does this sound now?

Ted Cruz Leads Off GOP Debate with Ode to Captive Sailors

Let me start–I want to get to the substance of the question on jobs. But I want to start with something. Today many of us picked up our newspapers, and we were horrified to see the sight of ten American sailors on their knees with their hands on their heads. In that State of the Union, President Obama didn’t so much as mention the ten sailors that had been captured by Iran. President Obama’s preparing to send 100 billion dollars or more to the Ayatollah Khamenei. And I tell you, it was heartbreaking. But the good news is: The next commander-in-chief is standing on this stage.


And I give you my word, if I am elected president, no serviceman or servicewoman will be forced to be on their knees in any nation that captures our fighting men and women. We’ll field the full force and fury of the United States of America.

Maybe he can come out with the next rendition of "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran"

The moderates are winning in Iran and the GOP is pissed about it. Typical
Hey , i don't organize crowds in any gov building or Church to chant 'death to iran' like you iranians organize crowds to chant ' Death to America' Dani !!

Sure and no confused imbecellic wingnuts have been posting here about nuking and/or bombing Iran.
------------------------- your post is silly , iran society and its gov lead chants of Death to America and Israel and you complain about a few individuals calling for the nuking of iran as if that's compareable . Like I said , you made a silly post 'Happy' !!

At least one Presidential candidate said he wanted to turn Iran into glass or make it glow or whatever you rubes love to hear.

Here is a Republican United States Representative who wanted to bomb Iran over the sailors

Your GOP 2008 nominee for President sang about bombing Iran.

So, please. the GOP is just as guilty of wishing for death to others as Iran is. And, yes that includes moderate Republicans who refuse to kick their war mongers out of their party.

------------------------------------------ just his personal opinion , certainly not the thoughts of the USA government Happy !! Nothing on the scale of Iranian gov and muslim religion lead Death to America and Israel chants Happy !!
Hey , i don't organize crowds in any gov building or Church to chant 'death to iran' like you iranians organize crowds to chant ' Death to America' Dani !!

Sure and no confused imbecellic wingnuts have been posting here about nuking and/or bombing Iran.
------------------------- your post is silly , iran society and its gov lead chants of Death to America and Israel and you complain about a few individuals calling for the nuking of iran as if that's compareable . Like I said , you made a silly post 'Happy' !!

At least one Presidential candidate said he wanted to turn Iran into glass or make it glow or whatever you rubes love to hear.

Here is a Republican United States Representative who wanted to bomb Iran over the sailors

Your GOP 2008 nominee for President sang about bombing Iran.

So, please. the GOP is just as guilty of wishing for death to others as Iran is. And, yes that includes moderate Republicans who refuse to kick their war mongers out of their party.

Wait, he mentioned the US not taking action when our embassy was bombed in '83, cause we didn;t have a President who knew how to handle radicals. Does he realize that was his Godly Ronald Reagan.

The GOP is in disarray over these US victories. They are very upset another chance to attack a nation is being lost.
How do Obama and Kerry get any credit for this release ?

so true dillduck-------its like praising a six year old kid for managing to tie his shoelaces

Halliburton stock values will plunge now that the opportunity to attack another country has been reduced....unless....another Republican is elected President. Then another excuse for war will be formulated.
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How do Obama and Kerry get any credit for this release ?

so true dillduck-------its like praising a six year old kid for managing to tie his shoelaces

Halliburton stock values will plunge now that the opportunity to attack another country has been reduced....unless....another Republican is elected President. Then another excuse for was will be formulated.

Which president pretty much created Halliburton, old man? I'll give you two hints, Brown-Root and the Vietnam War
its more of the same , obama killed 'bin laden' and now obama and ketchup kerry free hostages , its all BS !! And iran , a sponsor of terror walks away with 150 billion dollars and sanctions that are being lifted .

TRAGICALLY TRUE-------Obama desperate for love .,....merely lays a nod on
the project developed under Bush to waste Osama--and now Kerry the Klown
(and even Hillareedegaard) takes a bow because the Iranians realized that they
really had no right to touch our ship or our boys
Wow, kinda sad. Good we got back our guys, but how much of a "swap" is it when 4 innocent Americans are swapped for 12 terrorists?

Iran is playing the USA like a fiddle. It's a simple system. Kidnap innocent Americans, accuse them of crimes they didn't commit, try them in absolute silence and hold them for future bargaining chips to get what you want.

It's brilliant, the problem is Obama isn't. The day our president pardons the criminal convictions of terrorists is the saddest day in our country's history.
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Hey , i don't organize crowds in any gov building or Church to chant 'death to iran' like you iranians organize crowds to chant ' Death to America' Dani !!

Sure and no confused imbecellic wingnuts have been posting here about nuking and/or bombing Iran.
------------------------- your post is silly , iran society and its gov lead chants of Death to America and Israel and you complain about a few individuals calling for the nuking of iran as if that's compareable . Like I said , you made a silly post 'Happy' !!

At least one Presidential candidate said he wanted to turn Iran into glass or make it glow or whatever you rubes love to hear.

Here is a Republican United States Representative who wanted to bomb Iran over the sailors

Your GOP 2008 nominee for President sang about bombing Iran.

So, please. the GOP is just as guilty of wishing for death to others as Iran is. And, yes that includes moderate Republicans who refuse to kick their war mongers out of their party.

------------------------------------------ just his personal opinion , certainly not the thoughts of the USA government Happy !! Nothing on the scale of Iranian gov and muslim religion lead Death to America and Israel chants Happy !!

His opinion? I'm talking about the 2nd largest political party in the US. You elected those numbnuts then what's the difference? Who gives a fuck about "death to America" chants when you guys are going on and on about bombing Iran. It's the same fucking thing.
Hey , i don't organize crowds in any gov building or Church to chant 'death to iran' like you iranians organize crowds to chant ' Death to America' Dani !!

Sure and no confused imbecellic wingnuts have been posting here about nuking and/or bombing Iran.
------------------------- your post is silly , iran society and its gov lead chants of Death to America and Israel and you complain about a few individuals calling for the nuking of iran as if that's compareable . Like I said , you made a silly post 'Happy' !!

At least one Presidential candidate said he wanted to turn Iran into glass or make it glow or whatever you rubes love to hear.

Here is a Republican United States Representative who wanted to bomb Iran over the sailors

Your GOP 2008 nominee for President sang about bombing Iran.

So, please. the GOP is just as guilty of wishing for death to others as Iran is. And, yes that includes moderate Republicans who refuse to kick their war mongers out of their party.

Wait, he mentioned the US not taking action when our embassy was bombed in '83, cause we didn;t have a President who knew how to handle radicals. Does he realize that was his Godly Ronald Reagan.

The GOP is in disarray over these US victories. They are very upset another chance to attack a nation is being lost.

I think the dipshit from Texas thinks Reagan is a communist at this point.

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