BREAKING: RIOTING in Baltimore...

I just made a steak for this occasion.

Haha me too!!! Ordered food. I was planning a Netflix night. But hell...aint nothing on Netflix that tops this live hooliganism.

How long before cable starts charging pay per view after these riots begin?
The operative part of the OP:

Holy shit!!!! Breaking on Fox...

And after Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, "hip hop barbecues" and the freaking "knockout game", many of its viewers still aren't going to see the pattern...

Case in point, immediately in post 3:

This is just the beginning of an all out race war. Once the bomb goes off the negro race will be 'open season'.

Oh please Pogo ... You could turn the volume off and see what is going on.
No need to attempt to turn it into something it isn't ... And that goes both ways.

"No need" but for profit.
Nobody had to alert Rupert Murdoch to the fact that "there's gold in them thar ills".

Yeah ... God forbid they are actually live covering a news event.
What the hell else would a new channel be doing?

A news channel would be doing news. I think we're referring here to Fox Noise. :lol:

Nothing sells like conflict. They'll milk this one like Henry Louis Gates getting the DNA on Van Jones appearing at a hip hop barbecue at an ACORN office during the Knockout Game playoffs.

It could be legitimate news, yes. But there's the little boy who cried wolf one too many times... :rolleyes:

Yeah Whatever ... You can take it or leave it.
Let me know when they call you up for advice on what is news.

NBC probably has some scientists on their network now ... Explaining how vehicles are prone to spontaneous combustion in Baltimore this time of the year.

They're not about to call me for advice, I guarantee. Because my advice wouldn't make them profit$ by milking the gullible.

See the post right above (154) for a definition of "gullible".

See also those bits of my posts you keep cutting out.

Here's a couple more, just from page 1 alone:

Time for the S. Korean snipers to be bused in.

Time to get out rubber bullets and water cannon.

Mob mentality. It's what sells. You yourself alluded to all this in post 16.
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My guess is that they're looting that pharmacy for bottled water only.

When throwing bricks at the police, one must remember to hydrate.

And I would highly recommend some trail mix, and perhaps some Snickers bars.
Sure, carbo loading can't hurt.


Dont forget the Gatorade...those electrolytes are very important after a hard stretch of looting.
Yeah, fair point there.

See also those bits of my posts you keep cutting out.

That is because you always attempt to tailor the dialog between you and me to your compulsive disorder.
I cut it down to keep it simple and give you less room to run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to figure out how to weasel out of any point made ...

... And only because I like you and thought you were smart enough to figure that out.

Where are these teens parents?

OH SNAP!!! They just got the doors off the Checks Cashed business!!! It looked like a horde of zombies when a virgin bikini model strolling into the middle of it by accident haha!
CNN is whining that the cops aren't stopping the looters.

Who can blame the cops for avoiding this, knowing the risk they'd be taking with their careers?

Yep. Cops are saying fuck it.

Check Cash store just got looted. That one was impressive. They hit it with military precision. Obviously an experienced group.
Fox says that the Baltimore police will be reinforced by the State police which should help.....
Oh yeah the number of state police that are on the way....
Forty two....
That's right....
Forty fucking two.....
Somebody tell the mayor those are teabaggers run amok see if that lights a fire under the police.
Where are these teens parents?

OH SNAP!!! They just got the doors off the Checks Cashed business!!! It looked like a horde of zombies when a virgin bikini model strolling into the middle of it by accident haha!

They are the teen parents.
Things are bound to improve come nightfall.

They need the guard.

10, 000 troops with tanks. They set the perimeter. Use 15-20 SWAT teams with MRAPS to go within the perimeter set by National Guard armor and infantry divisions to restore order.

Its the only way.

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