BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

WASHINGTON — A secret, highly contentious Republican memo reveals that Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein approved an application to extend surveillance of a former Trump campaign associate shortly after taking office last spring, according to three people familiar with it. The renewal shows that the Justice Department under President Trump saw reason to believe that the associate, Carter Page, was acting as a Russian agent

Secret Memo Hints at a New Republican Target: Rod Rosenstein

Wow! The NY Slime! Purveyors of all fine things and fake news!

So, why hasn't Rosenstein been perp walked out of the FBI headquarters, or is that coming today?
Who said the claims levied in Nunes' memo are true??

I am sure they have the source documents to back them up.

Just like you were sure that our intelligence community was claiming there was a link between Iraq and 9.11 even though I showed you a CIA memo proving they didn't believe that? And then you idiotically claiming you had sources (though you failed to produce any) that you believed to be more accurately describing our intelligence community's position than a CIA memo?


You rightards are a riot.

I am not going to rehash that thread again, because it is readily apparent that you simply cannot read, nor understand timelines of events.

There's nothing to rehash as you never even attempted to defend your losing position. All you did was claim you had more reliable sources about the CIA than the CIA itself; but you never actually offered any. Not one single one. So making claims you can't backup only expose what a moron you are.
Of course there's basis for my claim. Not that someone as sharp as you could tell, since you're too busy schooling Michael Flynn's lawyer.

Really? What basis is that? A fake news article with no sources named. Truly a worthy endeavor on your part!
Oh? You want me to show you the same report from Fox? Will that help ya?

Nope. Unnamed sources from any news media doesn't do it for me. They shouldn't for anyone with a brain, which is why we know liberals love them!
Now THAT'S funny given it's the right who's actually pushing Nunes' memo without actually knowing how it was compiled or what is in it -- but wholeheartedly b'lieving it anyway.

The other committee members and members of Congress who read it seem to think it is correct. I can put names to that!
What?? Other Republicans think their fellow Republicans are right in a memo designed to destroy the left (along with the investigation into trump's associates relationships with Russia)?

Who could have imagined that?

Oh yeah, idiots who think Flynn's attorneys didn't think of the 4th Amendment, that's who.

How would they know he lied without the wiretap?
He plead guilty.


Admitting your ran a red light when they show you a video of you doing just that, and then pleading guilty, is not the same when you find out the video was actually made from a computer game!

Ever look at the ads on these pages? "2017 Best Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away" is on my page now. After clicking on it and going through 100 pages of ads, you discover that the picture used to get your attention wasn't even one of them!
I've been looking around, but I haven't found anything to support that position. No statutes, no court rulings, nothing. I don't know for sure, though - and if the Court were to take it up in the future, I wouldn't be surprised if they agreed with what you're saying.

But unless I've missed something - and I've done a number of Westlaw and Lexis searches - there's no court precedent or statutes that I've been able to find that say that incidental recording is inadmissible absent a warrant.
Here is what I have reviewed:

50 U.S. Code § 1801 - Definitions

50 U.S. Code § 1802 - Electronic surveillance authorization without court order; certification by Attorney General; reports to Congressional committees; transmittal under seal;...of communication common carrier; applications; jurisdiction of court

50 U.S. Code § 1881a - Procedures for targeting certain persons outside the United States other than United States persons

50 U.S. Code § 1881a - Procedures for targeting certain persons outside the United States other than United States persons

(b) Limitations
(5) shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the fourth amendment to the Constitution of the United States.​

But this whole thing is a mess and hard to read.

Wow! The NY Slime! Purveyors of all fine things and fake news!

So, why hasn't Rosenstein been perp walked out of the FBI headquarters, or is that coming today?
Who said the claims levied in Nunes' memo are true??

I am sure they have the source documents to back them up.

Just like you were sure that our intelligence community was claiming there was a link between Iraq and 9.11 even though I showed you a CIA memo proving they didn't believe that? And then you idiotically claiming you had sources (though you failed to produce any) that you believed to be more accurately describing our intelligence community's position than a CIA memo?


You rightards are a riot.

I am not going to rehash that thread again, because it is readily apparent that you simply cannot read, nor understand timelines of events.

There's nothing to rehash as you never even attempted to defend your losing position. All you did was claim you had more reliable sources about the CIA than the CIA itself; but you never actually offered any. Not one single one. So making claims you can't backup only expose what a moron you are.

I will not discuss that topic again with you as I said. You have third grade reading skills at best, and you can't keep a thought together from one post to the next, so be careful of who you are calling names.
Who said the claims levied in Nunes' memo are true??

I am sure they have the source documents to back them up.

Just like you were sure that our intelligence community was claiming there was a link between Iraq and 9.11 even though I showed you a CIA memo proving they didn't believe that? And then you idiotically claiming you had sources (though you failed to produce any) that you believed to be more accurately describing our intelligence community's position than a CIA memo?


You rightards are a riot.

I am not going to rehash that thread again, because it is readily apparent that you simply cannot read, nor understand timelines of events.

There's nothing to rehash as you never even attempted to defend your losing position. All you did was claim you had more reliable sources about the CIA than the CIA itself; but you never actually offered any. Not one single one. So making claims you can't backup only expose what a moron you are.

I will not discuss that topic again with you as I said. You have third grade reading skills at best, and you can't keep a thought together from one post to the next, so be careful of who you are calling names.
I understand, you lost and you ran.

You're still running.

You still haven't posted a single source despite your bluff, claiming you had sources and you still prove incapable of understanding that I posted a CIA memo which proved you wrong.

So you keep running. :scared1:
Like I said, I would like to know what he is guilty for. If it's trivial, or even illegal tactics used, Let him go. We have to have laws and the authorities have to abide by them. We are no better than a third world country if we allow illegal means used to get political enemies.

Flynn told the FBI that he had not talked to Ambassador Kislak about sanctions. The surveillence of Kislak, which picked up that phone call proved that he was lying.

Lying to the FBI is a crime, and the one that Flynn plead guilty to. There were no "illegal tactics" used, and no one forced Flynn to lie. It doesn't even really appear that he had reason to lie - but he did so anyway.

So how is Flynn being prosecuted from a wiretap on the Russian ambassador if he was not the target of the surveillance?

That would be like prosecuting someone for jaywalking when you can see him walking across the street on a traffic camera after he witnessed an armed robbery at a bank, and letting the bank robber go free!

Because he called the target of the surveillance, and their conversation was recorded.

I don't understand your delusional hypothetical - but I'll supply my own.

If the FBI sets up a long-term surveillance operation on a suspected drug kingpin's house (complete with legal warrants and everything) and happens to record a man kidnapping a woman, and throwing her into the trunk of his car in front of the drug kingpin's house.

Do you think that the evidence against the kidnapper, in the form of the video of him committing the crime, was "illegally acquired"? He wasn't the target of the surveillance.

Read the 4th Amendment! You'll find the answer there.

No warrant means no evidence.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

If you get a warrant to search a drug kingpin's house, but you search a car parked in the backyard and find a few cases of moonshine, you are shit out of luck! If you didn't specify searching the car, nothing is admissible.


No, that's not how it works. If, in the course of legal surveillance of someone else, you inadvertently pick up someone else incriminating themselves, that's completely legal evidence.

They didn't exceed their scope by listening in when Flynn called the Russian ambassador, because Flynn's call was incidental to their legal investigation.

See! This another perfect example of why you fail!

If Flynn's call was incidental to their legal investigation, then Flynn would have had to have been the subject of a warrant.

It is an incredibly simple task to read the 4th Amendment for most people. Why do you have such difficulty with it?

As to your ridiculous assertion about inadvertently picking up someone else incriminating themselves, you are dead wrong. I suggest you avail yourself of your law library and learn something. Maybe when you can take a break while emptying the trash cans would be a good time.

You are confusing good faith exceptions with terms of the warrant.

If the warrant says you can search the house, you can search the house. You cannot search the car. If you are searching the house and find child pornography in plain view, you can use that as evidence of a crime, but you can't seize their computers unless the warrant states you can.
A high school graduate with a good civics course under their belt knows better than to post some of the drivel you have been spouting. I should know. I taught it off and on for the past 20 years.
You did no such thing. You were the janitor.


I did that a lot too, especially when they were out sick and my classroom had not been cleaned or swept in a week! :D
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant that was used to spy on him. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

Flynn has already pled GUILTY to the Grand Jury. Once you plead guilty to something your f...cked. Flynn has already made a plea deal with Mueller, he is cooperating with Mueller, so he doesn't get hammered with charges.

And I think what Flynn recommended for Hillary Clinton should be good for him also. But it's not going to happen since Mueller agreed to a plea deal.

You're grasping for straws again, this is NOT being reported on any other media network.

This memo that Devin Nunes has concocted with White House oversight has more to do with CARTER PAGE than anyone else. Go to this USMB link and you can read all about it.
Repub's voted to release Nune's memo--FISA warrants--Carter Page--what it is really about.
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Illegal FISA warrant.

Judges can change their mind if there is new evidence.
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?

Several people have been claiming that there was no warrant for Flynn. Without a warrant, nothing is admissible. So there must have been a FISA warrant for Flynn, right?
No, not right.

No warrant = no evidence he lied. Have a nice day! :D
Suuure, uh-huh.

Too bad Flynn's lawyer didn't think of that, huh? Maybe you should inform him? Whaddya think?

Maybe he hired a liberal lawyer by mistake?
Really? What basis is that? A fake news article with no sources named. Truly a worthy endeavor on your part!
Oh? You want me to show you the same report from Fox? Will that help ya?

Nope. Unnamed sources from any news media doesn't do it for me. They shouldn't for anyone with a brain, which is why we know liberals love them!
Now THAT'S funny given it's the right who's actually pushing Nunes' memo without actually knowing how it was compiled or what is in it -- but wholeheartedly b'lieving it anyway.

The other committee members and members of Congress who read it seem to think it is correct. I can put names to that!
What?? Other Republicans think their fellow Republicans are right in a memo designed to destroy the left (along with the investigation into trump's associates relationships with Russia)?

Who could have imagined that?

Oh yeah, idiots who think Flynn's attorneys didn't think of the 4th Amendment, that's who.


You seem to forget that the Republican establishment does not care for Trump!

You also forget that there has been ZERO evidence of anything illegal having been committed regarding Russia. Why is that so hard for libtards to remember?
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?

Several people have been claiming that there was no warrant for Flynn. Without a warrant, nothing is admissible. So there must have been a FISA warrant for Flynn, right?
No, not right.

No warrant = no evidence he lied. Have a nice day! :D
Suuure, uh-huh.

Too bad Flynn's lawyer didn't think of that, huh? Maybe you should inform him? Whaddya think?

Maybe he hired a liberal lawyer by mistake?
Maybe. More likely, you're just an idiot.
Oh? You want me to show you the same report from Fox? Will that help ya?

Nope. Unnamed sources from any news media doesn't do it for me. They shouldn't for anyone with a brain, which is why we know liberals love them!
Now THAT'S funny given it's the right who's actually pushing Nunes' memo without actually knowing how it was compiled or what is in it -- but wholeheartedly b'lieving it anyway.

The other committee members and members of Congress who read it seem to think it is correct. I can put names to that!
What?? Other Republicans think their fellow Republicans are right in a memo designed to destroy the left (along with the investigation into trump's associates relationships with Russia)?

Who could have imagined that?

Oh yeah, idiots who think Flynn's attorneys didn't think of the 4th Amendment, that's who.


You seem to forget that the Republican establishment does not care for Trump!
The memo was constructed by Nunes' office.... That's Devin Nunes -- a member of Trump's transition team. Thee member of the House Intelligence committee who was embarrassed off of an investigation into Trump after being caught coordinating efforts WITH the White House. So his office appears to care for Trump. As far as some other Republicans who may not care for Trump -- they care even less for Democrats. So yes, they are circling the wagon.

You also forget that there has been ZERO evidence of anything illegal having been committed regarding Russia. Why is that so hard for libtards to remember?
To be clear, there's zero evidence you have seen. Meanwhile, the investigation drags on. And it appears rightwingnuts are afraid of where the investigation will lead since it appears they are hoping to bring it to an end with Nunes' memo. That's the same Nunes in Trump's back pocket.
My prediction is Rosenstein and McCabe will be going to prison...
flynn was not under arrest, nor a suspect that could be arrested during the fbi investigator's questioning of him...

I somewhat doubt he was read his Miranda rights, nor was it necessary...

but from what I have been reading on it, the FBI was the first law enforcement agency to fully comply with the miranda laws and hoover totally believed in them....

if it was FBI protocol to read Flynn his rights before their interview with them, then the FBI would have read them to him....

otherwise as Scalia wrote in one of the court decisions on the topic....

As Justice Scalia explained at the time, “Certainly the investigation of wrongdoing is a proper governmental function; and since it is the very purpose of an investigation to uncover the truth, any falsehood relating to the subject of the investigation perverts that function.”


I’d argue that in Flynn’s case, 18 USC Section 1001 was used correctly and to good effect. What Justice Scalia said in his 1998 opinion helps us identify the harm Flynn did. His lies indeed “perverted the function” of the FBI and impeded it from doing what it must do in a nation governed by the rule of law – prevent government officials and those seeking power from subverting our system of government.

Should lying to the FBI be a crime?
I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

What happens if the guilty plea is not accepted by the judge because of some misconduct by the FBI brought out in the FISA memo?

It was already accepted.

What "misconduct" do you believe occurred?

Illegal FISA warrant.

Judges can change their mind if there is new evidence.
What illegal FISA warrant in regards to Flynn?

Several people have been claiming that there was no warrant for Flynn. Without a warrant, nothing is admissible. So there must have been a FISA warrant for Flynn, right?

Nope. If you are investigating a crime by someone, and while doing that investigation uncover evidence of a different crime, that evidence is still admissible.
It's not quite that simple, actually.

If the charges against Flynn was based on illegally obtained evidence, he could appeal his guilty plea, but only if his lawyers had previously filed motions to suppress said evidence which were denied. I'm not aware of Flynn's lawyers challenging the evidence against him, but it's possible that it happened.

As for your fantasies of "perjury" to get the warrant - what are you basing that on, other than desire?

Apparently your "Law & Order" marathon law education is lacking.

Go back to school and learn it the right way.


I am at this moment, in Law School, fuckwit.

Being the night janitor and sweeping up the place does not count as being in law school.:D

If you are in law school, better get that refund now because it is not taking! That just might save you some time and money!


Ah yes, falling back on personal attacks.

That's very original. I don't think anyone's ever done that before!

For a law school student, you have about a junior high level of understanding of the law. That is why you get schooled regularly by amateurs.
The primary reason for that is he's usually lying about what is known.
He's trying to be clever by ignoring material facts of the case.

I didn't catch this before - did you just claim to be a lawyer?
Never claim to be a lawyer on USMB!


You are an evening custodial technician.
Not only that, but he's claimed to be a White House lawyer.
He's one of those non-governmental experts that Cass Sunstein talked about that are on message boards trying to shape public opinion and discredit folks that spread rumors that weren't generated by the establishment.

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