BREAKING! Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn’s Sentencing

It's Mueller replacement time!

Why would we replace him? The Witch Hunt was based on lies all along. The "collusion" bullshit is based on a story planted by the Obama DOJ on Yahoo News. There never was any evidence, the deep state fuckers have been lying from the start, to cover up the fact that they were spying on the opposition candidate and tampering with the presidential election.
It's Mueller replacement time!

Why would we replace him? The Witch Hunt was based on lies all along. The "collusion" bullshit is based on a story planted by the Obama DOJ on Yahoo News. There never was any evidence, the deep state fuckers have been lying from the start, to cover up the fact that they were spying on the opposition candidate and tampering with the presidential election.
Because Mueller hasn't closed the Trump Russia hoax yet?
Great, then you can answer the question no one else can ... what in Nunes' memo helps Flynn...?
A trumped up dossier used to begin surveillance on the Trump campaign will shine a light on the whole mess...the people will demand the end to this witch hunt and the end to the Flynn saga...
When will you learn? Flynn will walk...
Flynn is not been reported to have anything to do with that memo. Your dementia is worsening.

The memo proves that the witch hunt is based on bullshit and pursued to thwart the election. When the Obama administration failed in it's attempt to fix the election, then they turned to the current coup attempt.

This is treason, pure and simple.

The is the worst crime ever committed by a government in this nation.

This makes Watergate look like a game of tiddlywinks. No lie you or the lap dog leftist press will save you.

You just got caught in actual treason.
Of course he wants it postponed. It’s nothing but political theater. He wants it to happen closer to the elections.

Flynn is offering testimony in return for a lighter sentence

Looks like that testimony is not completed

Looks like the confession beaten out of him is suddenly irrelevant.

Go ahead, pretend that you Stalinist still have ground to stand on, I'll be happy to laugh at your ignorant ass. :thup:
It's Mueller replacement time!

Why would we replace him? The Witch Hunt was based on lies all along. The "collusion" bullshit is based on a story planted by the Obama DOJ on Yahoo News. There never was any evidence, the deep state fuckers have been lying from the start, to cover up the fact that they were spying on the opposition candidate and tampering with the presidential election.
Because Mueller hasn't closed the Trump Russia hoax yet?

Doesn't matter. The Witch Hunt just exploded and took the entire democrat party with it.

It isn't just that the Mueller investigation is over, the democrat party is over.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

Name five or more you are familiar with, please. I don't doubt the Innocence Project has been successful, but I suspect those who plea to capital crimes are few and did so to escape the needle.
General Flynn should sue those thugs who made he and his family's life a misery!

((( GOD is with General Flynn ))) :clap2:
General Flynn should sue those thugs who made he and his family's life a misery!

((( GOD is with General Flynn ))) :clap2:

and god will be with him when he's in prison too, love.

no worries
Rosenstein in a meeting last week with the select committee looking into him and others got pissed and threatened the members saying he was going to look into them and dig into their phone records...who are these people? Even the dems on the committee were shocked...
Rosenstein in a meeting last week with the select committee looking into him and others got pissed and threatened the members saying he was going to look into them and dig into their phone records...who are these people? Even the dems on the committee were shocked...

The President should fire Rosenstein NOW.

OUT !!!!!! he should be out now.
Mike Cernovich ????
Scoop - Flynn plea deal delayed as there's evidence FBI agents fabricated the 302s (notes summarizing witness interviews) in Flynn investigation. IG Report will reveal fabrication of other 302s, at the direction of Comey and others within DOJ.
Rosenstein in a meeting last week with the select committee looking into him and others got pissed and threatened the members saying he was going to look into them and dig into their phone records...who are these people? Even the dems on the committee were shocked...
Threatening Congress who's job it is to over see him... So he is above reproach and shall not be questioned... I wonder if he realizes he committed a crime by threatening them?

One of Hannity's Congressional guests made that very accusation on the show tonight.
Ah haaaa! What do we have here? I think reality has set in and Mueller is now realizing what a shit storm he's gotten himself into. Mark my words, Flynn is going to get his indictment tossed due to the corrupt FISA Warrant. Mueller realizes that now.

JUST IN=> Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of Gen. Michael Flynn's Sentencing

I think you're a little behind the times. Flynn is well past the "indictment" phase - he's already plead guilty.

That's why they're talking about sentencing.

Guilty pleas, obtained via illegally gotten evidence, are Vacated not infrequently.

Name five or more you are familiar with, please. I don't doubt the Innocence Project has been successful, but I suspect those who plea to capital crimes are few and did so to escape the needle.

"The defendant appeals from a conviction of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree. The Court suppresses the physical evidence – case is sent back down to the County Court pursuant to CPL 470.45. The Court notes “that defendant correctly concedes that the vehicle was lawfully stopped for having excessively tinted windows in violation of the Vehicle and Traffic Law [and] concedes that, following the stop of the vehicle, the officer was entitled to make level one inquiries concerning defendant’s identity and destination…and to direct him to exit the vehicle when the driver admitted that he had no driver’s license and defendant was unable to produce identification.” (citations omitted). At issue here is the second level of inquiry – the officer should have stopped instead of pursuing the defendant.

Defendant responded to the officer’s level two inquiry by saying, “you’re harassing me,” and then walking away. The encounter escalated further to a level three seizure when the officer commanded him to stop, defendant continued to walk away, and the officer pursued defendant [*2]with a taser (see People v Moore, 93 AD3d 519, 520-521, lv denied 19 NY3d 865). We reject the People’s contention that defendant’s conduct provided the officer with the requisite reasonable suspicion of criminality (see generally De Bour, 40 NY2d at 223). “Flight alone is insufficient to justify pursuit because an individual has a right to be let alone and refuse to respond to police inquiry” (People v Riddick, 70 AD3d 1421, 1422 [internal quotation marks omitted], lv denied 14 NY3d 844; see People v Howard, 50 NY2d 583, 590-591, cert denied 449 US 1023). Finally, we conclude that defendant’s disposal of the bags containing cocaine during the officer’s pursuit was precipitated by the illegality of that pursuit (see People v Clermont, 133 AD3d 612, 614). Thus, the court erred in refusing to suppress the bags of cocaine.

Although not fully explained in this decision, the Court of Appeals determined that there are four levels of police inquiry pursuant to People v. DeBour. This case deals with that second level…”the officer’s further escalation of the encounter exceeded permissible bounds.” A suppression hearing was held and the defendant, although appearing fidgety, etc., did not present sufficient indicia of criminality or wrongdoing to merit the prolonged stop. Indeed, the officer “proceed[ed] to the next level of confrontation, the common-law inquiry,’ which involves invasive questioning’ focusing on the possible criminality’ of the subject.” (citing People v Tejeda, 217 AD2d 932, 933, quoting People v Hollman, 79 NY2d 181, 191-192). The requisite ‘founded suspicion’ of criminality was not present in this case.

New York Criminal Defendants, cases like this highlight the importance of hiring an experienced attorney – should you, a loved one or a client be facing criminal charges in New York, call an experienced criminal defense attorney – call the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris for criminal defense counsel or counsel for a criminal appeal in New York or Florida.

Conclusion: The court suppresses the physical evidence and sends the matter back down to the County Court.

People v. Hightower, 2016 NY Slip Op 01083 (4th Dep’t. Feb. 11, 2016)."

FindLaw's United States Fourth Circuit case and opinions.

There are more than five cases listed in this study.

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