Breaking! Rod Rosenstien's Wife Is Attorney For Obama And Clinton

Breaking! Rod Rosenstien's Wife Is Attorney For Obama And Clinton
Jesus! What is it with people?

Part of what professionals, particularly attorneys, are required to do is separate their personal and professional beliefs, decisions, and/or lives.

Senator: "Do you believe Brown v. Board of Education [of Topeka, KS] was correctly decided?"
Vitter: "My personal, political or religious views I would set aside."
-- Wendy Vitter, Trump nominee to federal district court
I have no problem with Vitter's statement because I know that's what a jurist must do.

I do have a problem with Vitter not directly answering the question she was asked. From where I sit, all she had to do was make the statement shown above and follow it with her answer about the landmark SCOTUS decision about which she was asked. When people don't directly answer simple, non-loaded/-leading questions -- non-loaded/-leading questions so simple they are answerable completely and accurately with a "yes" or a "no" -- I think they're hiding something, particularly when one is asked about one's own beliefs.
Talk about serious conflict of interest, this is it. Trump needs to fire him.

Rod Rosenstein’s Wife, A Top Lawyer For Obama, Clinton!Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
Whassamatter? Gatewaypundit not following this story? :lol:

If you do a Google search for his wife Lisa Barsoomian, the first page and a half are InfoWars, YouTube, Dick Morris TV, and a whole bunch of right wing hack sites.

All of them are carrying this story.

I'll take your word for it.:laugh: Don't want to go there!
Anyone who would post (or cheer) such a headline without checking for a good source is a partisan Schmuck/70 IQ/Red State Numbnuts who shouldn't have the right to vote

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian, an Armenian American lawyer who works for the National Institutes of Health. They have two daughters.[47] He is a registered Republican, although no records exist of his voting records or financial contributions to Republican politicians.[48]

As an adjunct professor, Rosenstein has taught classes on federal criminal prosecution at the University of Maryland School of Law and trial advocacy at the University of Baltimore School of Law.[5]

Rosenstein was a member of Washington D.C.'s Temple Sinai, a Reform Jewish congregation, from 2008 to 2014.[49] According to a questionnaire that Rosenstein completed ahead of a hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was a member of a Jewish Community Center's sports league from 1993 to 2012.[49]Rosenstein served on the board of directors of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from 2001 to 2011.[49]
Anyone who would post (or cheer) such a headline without checking for a good source is a partisan Schmuck/70 IQ/Red State Numbnuts who shouldn't have the right to vote

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian, an Armenian American lawyer who works for the National Institutes of Health. They have two daughters.[47] He is a registered Republican, although no records exist of his voting records or financial contributions to Republican politicians.[48]

As an adjunct professor, Rosenstein has taught classes on federal criminal prosecution at the University of Maryland School of Law and trial advocacy at the University of Baltimore School of Law.[5]

Rosenstein was a member of Washington D.C.'s Temple Sinai, a Reform Jewish congregation, from 2008 to 2014.[49] According to a questionnaire that Rosenstein completed ahead of a hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was a member of a Jewish Community Center's sports league from 1993 to 2012.[49]Rosenstein served on the board of directors of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from 2001 to 2011.[49]
Talk about serious conflict of interest, this is it. Trump needs to fire him.

Rod Rosenstein’s Wife, A Top Lawyer For Obama, Clinton!Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
Whassamatter? Gatewaypundit not following this story? :lol:

If you do a Google search for his wife Lisa Barsoomian, the first page and a half are InfoWars, YouTube, Dick Morris TV, and a whole bunch of right wing hack sites.

All of them are carrying this story.
According to the trump bootlickers, these are legitimate news organizations. What a delusional bunch of gullible idiots.

TRUMP BOOTLICKER: a derogatory name aimed at anyone or anything the Leftist-Controlled Media has failed to persuade over onto their side!
Talk about serious conflict of interest, this is it. Trump needs to fire him.

Rod Rosenstein’s Wife, A Top Lawyer For Obama, Clinton!Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
Whassamatter? Gatewaypundit not following this story? :lol:

If you do a Google search for his wife Lisa Barsoomian, the first page and a half are InfoWars, YouTube, Dick Morris TV, and a whole bunch of right wing hack sites.

All of them are carrying this story.
That’s why they’re called, rightwing nuts.
Talk about serious conflict of interest, this is it. Trump needs to fire him.

Rod Rosenstein’s Wife, A Top Lawyer For Obama, Clinton!Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
Whassamatter? Gatewaypundit not following this story? :lol:

If you do a Google search for his wife Lisa Barsoomian, the first page and a half are InfoWars, YouTube, Dick Morris TV, and a whole bunch of right wing hack sites.

All of them are carrying this story.
According to the trump bootlickers, these are legitimate news organizations. What a delusional bunch of gullible idiots.
This is why they’re sooo dumbed down.
Anyone who would post (or cheer) such a headline without checking for a good source is a partisan Schmuck/70 IQ/Red State Numbnuts who shouldn't have the right to vote

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian, an Armenian American lawyer who works for the National Institutes of Health. They have two daughters.[47] He is a registered Republican, although no records exist of his voting records or financial contributions to Republican politicians.[48]

As an adjunct professor, Rosenstein has taught classes on federal criminal prosecution at the University of Maryland School of Law and trial advocacy at the University of Baltimore School of Law.[5]

Rosenstein was a member of Washington D.C.'s Temple Sinai, a Reform Jewish congregation, from 2008 to 2014.[49] According to a questionnaire that Rosenstein completed ahead of a hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was a member of a Jewish Community Center's sports league from 1993 to 2012.[49]Rosenstein served on the board of directors of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from 2001 to 2011.[49]

Why have you provided a photo of yourself in uniform?

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