Breaking: Sean Hannity Now Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Jewess Debbie Schlussel

It is funny how these filthy ass Moon Bats get on their high horse whenever a Conservative is accused of something but totally disregarded Slick Willy's world class sexual predator harassment and his slimebsll wife who defended him and also the rapist of a 12year old girl.
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You're obviously too stupid to understand what a gag order is.

A gag order is a temporary restraint issued by a judge, usually for the period until the conclusion of the trial. Since the cases were settled, there will be no trial, and any gag orders imposed would be lifted once a settlement was made. So O'Reilly would be under no gag order. That would only be a condition of the settlement, which is imposed on the plaintiff, not the defendant.

I used the wrong term. It's a non-disclosure clause.

Settlements impose conditions on both parties, moron.
The GUILTY "settle", the innocent say "whoa, I'm innocent, and I care about the truth, so I'm not going to pay you a frickin' dime".

Wrong. Corporations settle all the time even though they are innocent.

And many times they settle when they are not. Look at Trump U, for example.

That's not an example that supports your claim. Look at Clinton's settlement with Paula Jones. That's a good example.

So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
The Bible teaches you to hate "faggots", but Scientific Humanism teaches you to "love gay, equally". Something to think about.

Yeah, I'm not into faggotry so fuck that.

Men are men and women are women, except for 1 out of every 2200.

I suggest you go watch two big black men have anal sex and get back to me when you approve.

Be sure and take in the aroma. :poop:

Nasty, it is.

So you've watched two black men have anal sex? And you even know how it smells?
That sort of thing doesn't circulate in my consciousness.

It wasn't exactly of my own volition.

I walked around the corner and there it was, in all it's faggotry.
So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

Fuckin aye right, faggot!
Well at least I appreciate you continued honesty.

I'm not gay myself, but I do not believe in punishing people who are not harming you.
It is funny how these filthy ass Moon Bats get on their high horse whenever a Conservative is accused of something but totally disregarded Slick Willy's world class sexual predator harassment and his slimebsll wife who defended him and also the rapists of a 12year old girl.

You do know that Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, And doing so in the company of a known and convicted pedophile.
It is funny how these filthy ass Moon Bats get on their high horse whenever a Conservative is accused of something but totally disregarded Slick Willy's world class sexual predator harassment and his slimebsll wife who defended him and also the rapists of a 12year old girl.

You do know that Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, And doing so in the company of a known and convicted pedophile.
What happened to that lawsuit?
You just can't make this up. This is a treacherous organized scheme to rid Fox New of all it's top rated Conservative hosts. First Bill O'Reilly, now Sean.


They are all seeing dollar signs now............
The cost for a company to litigate a case can range fromn $200K to as much as $3 million.

To settle for $13 to $25 million, means they knew they would lose. Settlements are usually for the cost of litigation, not ten times the amount.
You're assuming that legal costs are the only cost.

So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
I'm afraid that Scientific Humanists believe that since science has proven that the earth is not 6000 years old like the geneologies of the Bible would indicate, that the Adam/Eve/snake story is simply false, my friend. So "Original Sin"/Jesus (Jesus believed in Adam Eve he says in the Bible) are not actually real.

I do realize it's comforting to believe that you can survive your own death, but w/out a court-room level of evidence for claims of a talking snake and invisible people with wings on ("angels", and also the "devil") we can't bring forward those myths into our belief system. We also can't bring forward that magic and at the same time demand that our children do well in science class.

Have a great afternoon.
I used to work in an office with lots of women in a liberal setting (government). I was a handsome dude, and anyone in the same circumstance can attest to this.

If a man says/does something it's called sexual harassment. If a woman does it's called fair game. I was once promoted "because you have a nice ass". My most recent supervisor was constantly trying to get into my shorts. The last instance being on the way back to the office from a meeting she said "there's Adam and Eve, you want to stop?". Did I file claims? Of course not, but you can bet your ass a woman would most likely do just that, because they play the victim role.

Did anyone ever threaten your job if you didn't sleep with them? While the comments you received were very sexist, that's not why women complain or sue.

Women sue when their jobs are threatened, when they lose raises and promotions because they say no.

Corporate culture comes from the top down. When the CEO is allowed to demand sexual favours from the talent, and the owner of the corporations pay off his lawsuits, others in the organization are empowered to do the same.

For at least 15 years, Rupert Murdoch not only tolerated this behaviour, he enabled it by settling the lawsuits and obtaining non-disclosure clauses from the claimants.

In such a poisonous environment, all the "stars" would feel they could do it too. That this was acceptable behaviour.

When office relationships are ongoing, people know, regardless of how discreet or careful the participants may think they're being.

Now that the truth about Ailes and O'Reilly are public, more and more women will continue to come forward.

These men are predators in the same way as child molestors and serial rapists are predators. Trump keeps defending them because, as he admitted to Billy Bush, he's a predator too.
What do the women who Fox hires think is going to happen the way they flash skin and fling their bottle blonde hair around? .......
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! Time to leave the 1950's, my friend, and come into the 21st century.

Fox Noise is still in the '50s, and the dress code for women there:
1. Tight, short, sleeveless dresses hopefully with plunging necklines
2. Stiletto heels
3. Long hair extensions
4. 1.5" false eyelashes and red lipstick
was something the desperate women who want to work at Fox allowed to happen.
But dressing like a Las Vegas cocktail waitress doesn't mean a woman is inviting sexual assault or overtures.

That is dress code for women when they are on camera. The network is partially selling their sex appeal, and their appearance is a big part of why they were hired for their positions. If they don't like it, then they should go elsewhere.

Yes, idiot, that is the dress code for on air. They don't sell advertising time when everyone, including the men, is off air.
Fox News' is supposed to be a news outlet. If they are serious journalists they shouldn't be selling sex appeal. Goddamn, you're stupid.
If you don't like it, then don't watch it. Apparently FOX's viewers like it.

Ha! Apparently Fox sponsors don't, dumbass. That's why O'Reilly lost his job.

So gays should, because they inconvenienced you one time in your life, be denied gay marriage, be denied a place in "heaven", be sent to Jesus' Auschwitz ("hell"), correct?

Please move beyond the teachings of Bible/Jesus and into a more loving state of mind, like Scientific Humanists. The world will be better when you do, mi amigo.

When God gave us free will (the fruit from the Tree of Life) he introduced sin into the world. That is why we don't live in Eden. Go look it up. It is in the Bible.

Lucky for us that God takes responsibility for our sins and forgives us, isn't it?
No, he doesn't "forgive", say, Gandhi, because according to many verses in the Bible even Gandhi is hell-bound, deserving nothing for his bravery on earth but savage torture. We can be more compassionate that that - I know it.
I can't be bought.
ROFL! Sure you can.
No, I can't. As an example, not even the threat of eternal torture and the promise of eternal paradise will get me to dump science and believe that Jesus' magic is real or that the Bible is ethical.
Yeah, right. We believe that.

We're not talking about what you believe. We are talking about what you say and do. You would swear on a stack of bibles that Jesus is your savior if someone paid you $1 million to.
No, I would not. I left Jesus because I didn't "take the offer" of eternal paradise, so a mere $1 million would of course not work on me. Paradise is for 99.999999999999%+ longer than anything on this earth (such as $1 million), so of course I can't be bought. Not even Jesus' unscientific and barbaric threats of torture for thinking for myself will deter me.

Yeah, we believe that!

Ah, the bigger the meme the deeper the hole you dig for yourself.
Told ya. I told you this was already in the works. Bingo. I pegged it the same day O'Reilly was attacked.
from the pussy grabbing presidunce to fox news ,,all womanizing slimebags
What about CNN's Don Lemon on New Year's Eve saying to his female co-host on air that she's got a 'Nice Rack'?
She might have one ,,,,but as long as he didn't grab them no harm no foul

Same thing I was saying about Trump, as long as he didn't grab them, no harm no foul. That's fair right?

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It is funny how these filthy ass Moon Bats get on their high horse whenever a Conservative is accused of something but totally disregarded Slick Willy's world class sexual predator harassment and his slimebsll wife who defended him and also the rapists of a 12year old girl.

You do know that Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, And doing so in the company of a known and convicted pedophile.
What happened to that lawsuit?
Good question My guess is big$$$ were paid
Told ya. I told you this was already in the works. Bingo. I pegged it the same day O'Reilly was attacked.
from the pussy grabbing presidunce to fox news ,,all womanizing slimebags
What about CNN's Don Lemon on New Year's Eve saying to his female co-host on air that she's got a 'Nice Rack'?
She might have one ,,,,but as long as he didn't grab them no harm no foul

Same thing I was saying about Trump, as long as he didn't grab them, no harm no foul. That's fair right?

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But Mr Shangles he did grab them and by the pussy and he said it himself

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