BREAKING: Shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch

And good guys with guns saved lives...because they had their guns with them...the church was not a gun free zone, and the shooter was stopped.

We need to wait for much more confirmation but it's possible they shot the kid also.
People are saying this is some kind of karma, however I believe it's simply signs of the times.
Did they grow little hands and feet, load themselves, and go on a pew-pew rampage?
That ^^^ is like asking if Fentanyl grew little hands and feet, and forced itself out of the pill bottle and into your lil mouth for you to ingest.

According to you, neither Guns nor Fentanyl kill.
It's that simple.
Know what’s faster than a Formula 1 race car?

A bus coming to take illegals away from Martha’s Vineyard.
Look kids! That's a textbook example of a deflection!

That's a sure sign he knows he is on the wrong side of this and I'm correct.
Gee, maybe we'll finally do something about guns in this country.

Or left wing Christophobia. Thank God for the armed off duty police that were a part of the congregation, and that they were carrying. Actually most larger churches now have people in the congregation that carry due to left wing violence against Christianity.
Europe did what you wanted...banned and confiscated guns....

The Europeans then went on to murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years......not war dead....civilians rounded up by left wing socialists and murdered.

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history? Around 2,470,000

At the same time, Americans use our legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings......and like this event, mass public shootings, 1.1 million times a year, according to the Centers for Disease control....

I'll take our guns and let the Europeans murder their citizens.....
We need the guns. That's how the off duty officers at the church were able to kill one crazy person, and save the lives of thousands of others.
Europe did what you wanted...banned and confiscated guns....

The Europeans then went on to murder 20 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years......not war dead....civilians rounded up by left wing socialists and murdered.

Oh, is it up to 20 million now? Of course, a lot of those were volunteer militias that had their own guns that were happy to join in the carnage, but that's what happens in a war.

At the same time, Americans use our legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings......and like this event, mass public shootings, 1.1 million times a year, according to the Centers for Disease control....

You mean, according to one of the MANY reports the collated, none of which are reliable, because they are estimates.

But it's nice to see when there's a mass shooting, you show up like someone just lit the Bat-Signal.

This looks like a job for, NRA-Apologist man!

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